Sister, you are so beautiful.

The wolf child, holding a bouquet of roses, walked towards Prajna shyly, pushed by a group of friends.

Prajna frowned and didn't reply.

She stood in the crowd, like a negative magnet, exuding a strong repulsive force. Even among the wolves, who were classified as dark creatures camp, no one dared to approach easily.

After all, they were the ghosts of hell, the legendary messengers of hell who seduced souls and demanded lives.

Even if there is no malice, it is really unlucky.

Seeing that Prajna didn't reply for a long time, the young man's face turned red: Isn't it ugly?

Prajna hesitated for a moment, then finally stretched out his hand and took the bouquet.

The delicate red roses formed a sharp contrast with her frosty skin.

Jeanne watched this scene with a smile. The child, who represented hope, stood opposite the ghost general, who represented death. She had a strong urge to take a camera to record this scene.

That must be a masterpiece handed down from generation to generation.


Fire splashed.

The light blue smoke curling behind the camera gradually dissipated, revealing behind it a wolf youth with a sunny smile.

He waved his hand to this side and said loudly: I happened to take the photo. I plan to publish this photo in the Wolf Clan United Newspaper. Will Ms. Prajna mind?

Holding a bouquet of roses carefully tied with straw rope, Prajna looked at the children running away quickly and shook his head silently.

Instead, Jeanna answered: Wouldn't it be unlucky?

The young man smiled and said, The new wolves don't believe this.

Jeanne gave a thumbs up: Your thinking is quite advanced.

The young man joked: I remember that Ms. Jeanne is French, and her thoughts should be more advanced than ours, right?

Jeanne shrugged: Indeed, no matter how 'deviant' you New World wolves are, you have never pushed a king to the guillotine.

The two looked at each other and smiled.

After getting along with each other for a period of time, the Texas wolves unexpectedly discovered that the legendary Shining Knight was so approachable. During the bonfire party at night, she would even carry a bottle of wine to the center of the venue and dance with everyone.

The seducer just doesn't like to talk very much, but she is definitely not a bad-hearted girl.

The legend is just a legend after all.

People sigh like this.

But when it was Fringilla's turn, people would generally frown and lower their voices: That little girl from the Blood Royal Court, her character is really as bad as the legend. Sure enough, there is no smoke without fire, and the legends are not all true. Liar.

Time flew by while the Wolf Clan Federation was preparing intensively for war.

On the sea, it was calm.

The waves are like a lonely knight who is moving forward, hitting a solid reef, shattering into pieces, turning into white foam, and falling back to the water with a splash.

It's another sunny day.

Battista stood a little bored on the coastal watchtower, flipping through the yellowed thread-bound book on the table. The cover said Don Quixote - Cervantes, about a knight who reads novels. The story of the poor old guy who was obsessed.

He watched with great concentration. From time to time, birds would fly past the sentry tower and the sound of flapping wings would make him tremble. He would quickly stick his head out to see if there was any unusual movement on the sea.

Another customary glance.


Batista subconsciously withdrew his gaze and instantly cast it outside the sentry tower. Immediately afterwards, Batista's afternoon fatigue instantly dissipated. He hurriedly stood up and frantically shook the copper bell next to him.

The ringing of the bell spread throughout the entire beach like a plague. Immediately, a beacon was lit, and thick smoke flew straight into the sky. In an instant, it burned across the entire coastline like a plague.

At the end of the sea level, a huge iron-clad warship was seen heading towards the shore with a stream of black smoke that seemed to be rolling from sky to sky. As it got closer, people could even see the ship above. Huge triple turret!

The dark hole was slowly aimed at the shore.

Batista was fleeing when he suddenly heard a sharp female voice: Alita, Alita, come here quickly!

He looked back and saw a little girl lying on the ground crying.

Batista hesitated for a moment, cursed secretly, I'm so crazy, and immediately rushed towards the little girl - just like Don Quixote charging towards the windmill in the novel.

Atacapa, Texas.

This remote fishing village finally welcomed a new guest after a month's absence.

Captain Hogg stood on the bow of the ghost ship, and a group of undead sailors took off their hats to Lothar.

Immediately, you can see the ghost ship sinking below the sea surface again, only a series of bubbles emerge, break and dissipate on the sea surface.

Captain Hogg's combat effectiveness on land is limited, and the sea is his real stage. Those immortal sailors are not really able to live forever.

As long as the soul energy reserves of the ghost ships are exhausted, they will be unable to be resurrected.

Therefore, the ghost ship is Lothar's trump card. It is a surprise force and a back-up force, but it is definitely not something that can be put on the table to face off against the thousands of powerful wolf expeditionary forces.

Watch Captain Hogg leave.

Only then did Lothar realize that Cellinina had gone a long way.

She left a long footprint on the beach, which extended directly to a uniquely shaped rock on the seashore, which looked like an abstract version of an Easter stone statue. During high tide, this place should be submerged below the sea surface.

So it is covered with conches, oysters, barnacles and other excrescences.

Cellinina drew her sword, pried open a shell on it, and then fell into silence.

Although it was far away, Lothar could vaguely see the graffiti of an adult holding a child's hand carved on the rock.

But after being washed by the sea water, it has become very blurry.

Cellinina's voice sounded: When I was very young, my father brought most of the people to Texas.

In the first few years, I would come here to live here from time to time. Atacapa was the place I arrived by boat every time. At that time, my father would always come here with his tribe to pick me up.

Then your father didn't let you come?

Well, since I was sent to Saluzzo's house.

Chelinina covered it up: Actually, I don't really want to come. The clan members are getting busier and busier, and there are more and more new faces. It's quite boring to come here. I often can only walk on the beach by myself, or... Run into the wilderness and play with wild wolves.”

Lothar didn't say anything. He could feel that the little girl was still feeling aggrieved.

He is not a fool. This kind of thing that is obviously being used as a proton, even if it is placed in the Saluzzo family who has a good relationship with Basilicata, it will not be a pleasant experience.

Lothar was not good at comforting people. After thinking about it for a long time, he just said: I'm going to see him soon. Have you decided what to say to him?

Cellinina shook her head and said, There's nothing to say.

The wolf girl clenched her fists and then unclenched them. Hans, who was silently observing her movements, couldn't help but worry about whether he would witness the famous scene of beating his father three times.

Let's go. No matter what unwillingness or anger you have in your heart, you should find the rightful owner and tell him personally.

Lothar's tone was very relaxed, and he patted Cellinina on the shoulder.

No matter what his reasons are, it is always his fault for throwing you to Saluzzo. For such a derelict father, if you want to beat him up, I will definitely stand by your side and join you.

Cellinina glanced at Lothar in confusion.

Don't look at me like that. Don't we have three chances? So what if we waste one?

Even if it's not to complete the trial, it's okay just to vent your anger.

Lothar's tone was solemn. In his opinion, Chelinina was his little brother. If his little brother was wronged, how could he, the eldest brother, not stand up?

Cellinina pursed her lips, trying to suppress her rising emotions, and said in a low voice: There is no need for that, but I really want to ask him why he did that, if the answer is not very satisfactory to me.

Just beat him up!

Lothar said proudly.

The patriarch of Basilicata is very powerful, and I am not a free man.


The corners of Chelinina's mouth raised, and her formerly heavy footsteps became much more brisk.

She never thought about actually fighting with her father, or at such a critical moment.

But it feels pretty good to have someone say that they are willing to stand by you unconditionally.

Hans grinned and thought to himself, we adults are quite good at flirting with girls.

On the other hand, Kors frowned, thinking, if the Lord brings Fringilla back to the royal court in the future and starts a fight with Lord Dracula, who should I help?

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