Jeanne felt that she was simply unlucky.

As soon as she returned to the manor, she found that Prajna, Fulin and Chelinina had been summoned by Lothar and left for the outside of the city. They wanted to solve the root cause of this disaster.

She originally wanted to rush to join them.

But they didn't expect that the plague would break out so quickly.

The manor where the veterans were temporarily staying was immediately attacked by a pack of rats. Two servants who were pruning branches and leaves in the garden were gnawed until their bones were left.

Even if she had warned her, there was no way humans could defend against the rats. No matter how strong the city wall was, there would always be loopholes. If it didn't work, they could still break in.

Fortunately, she was in the manor and directly used the holy flames to purify these rats into white bones.

After being stopped like this, she had no intention of going outside the city.

Because she definitely couldn't catch up, and she didn't have the crest to contact Anna, so she had no idea where Lothar and the others were now, and where could they possibly meet up.

I had to wait for them to come back in the manor.

Jeanne could also hear the noise coming from not far away.

Some neighboring manor houses had apparently encountered rats, and there were screams and blood-curdling sounds of flesh being gnawed.

The faces of the remaining veterans guarding the manor were full of fear and anxiety. They stood on the walls and towers, always alert to the movements around them.

In some places, raging fires broke out.

I don’t know whether some people would rather be burned to death by the flames and be buried in the sea of ​​​​fire with the rats than to be eaten by the rats; or whether the rats knocked over the candlesticks and burned the entire manor.

The plague had begun to spread widely inside and outside the walls of Constantinople.

Many of the tenant farmers who entered the city earlier today had sallow complexions, like zombies, with dark spots and abscesses appearing all over their bodies that even thin linen shirts could not hide.

Many pedestrians on the street coughed violently, maybe even rupturing their trachea, and when they raised their hands to cover their hands, there were bright red blood stains.

Coughing sounds came and went.

In a carpentry workshop built next to the city wall in the outer city, there was only a bang.

The whole house collapsed immediately.

From the smoke and dust, countless densely packed plague rats emerged, their skin covered with abscesses.

They attack people whenever they see them, and after wreaking havoc, even the bones are gnawed clean.

Those elite soldiers wearing helmets and carrying armor had no way to deal with these rats for a while. Instead, because they were wearing armor, they could not escape, so they were soon overtaken by the rats and ate them up one by one.

This disaster came so suddenly. Fortunately, the count commander of the Varangian Guards at the top of the city made a prompt decision and smashed each cup on the ground, igniting a wall of fire, which made these crazy rats stop. Stopped.

But the fire gradually diminished.

The mice that stopped in their tracks also became more and more restless.

Immediately, they seemed to be going crazy, running directly over the flames, even if the fur on their bodies was soaked in fire oil and burning, they still wanted to pounce on the fresh flesh and blood.

Father, what kind of monsters are these?

Are they possessed by the devil?

The faces of the soldiers guarding the city were filled with despair.

They are all the elites of the Varangian Guards. Let them face off against the enemy, even the Sasanian Undead Army, the Crusader Knights, and the Saracen Mamluks. They will not be afraid at all.

But the enemy is a group of rats.

No matter how fast the sword or gun is, it can't stop the vast swarm of rats.

This is a natural disaster that cannot be counteracted by human beings.

But the next moment.

Just when these rats were about to engulf the Varangian Guards, time seemed to freeze for a moment, and the soldiers could even clearly see every beard of these rats in mid-air.


All the rats turned into a burst of black ash in an instant, passing through everyone's bodies like a storm and disappearing into thin air.

It's like it never happened.

But when the soldiers looked at the remains of their comrades who had been swallowed up by rats, leaving only the armor and metal parts of their weapons, they knew very well that this was not an illusion at all.

Heavenly Father bless you.

The earl commander was the first to kneel on the ground and pray devoutly.

It was a miracle in which the Father used divine power to prevent a horrific disaster that would have destroyed the entire city of Constantinople.

Inside the city.

People who were coughing violently suddenly felt as if a big stone had fallen on their chests. The heavy feeling as if something was blocked miraculously disappeared.

They looked at the black abscess on their arms and saw that it had begun to fade. When they touched it with their hands, a layer of dry skin suddenly fell off, and they couldn't help but cheered.

“Blessed by Heavenly Father!”

This is God's will!

The Father once again visited Constantinople.

At this time, Phil Orne was thousands of miles away from Constantinople.

In a mansion.

The pale-faced vampire butler was busy wiping the blood stains on his hands.

Although most of the powerful locals in Filhorn had fled when the Crusaders came to the city, there were still a few left behind.

Before, he had been content and safe, but when he heard that the lord Lothar had led his troops to sea and left the Holy Land, and that the Egyptian governor Adil had the intention of moving eastward, his thoughts became active.

In the past two days, there have been frequent correspondences with various parties, but who would have thought that what they did was all done under the nose of Coors, and they had the style of fishing and law enforcement.

When he came to the door alone with the intercepted letter, the powerful people in this place even brought their families, and the servants wanted to kill Coors and took advantage of the situation to rebel.

But they are no match for Coors.

So it became this scene.

Andreas carefully stepped over a corpse lying on the threshold. Looking at the scene of corpses strewn in front of him, he couldn't help but frown: Mr. Coors, is this a little too much?

Coors casually threw the white cloth to wipe the blood on the face of a corpse: Conspiracy to incite rebellion, where is it not a capital crime?

Andreas said solemnly: But these matters should always be reported to the adults for decision-making. Later, they have to go through the formal process of a public trial.

Kors frowned.

He looked at Andreas, his eyes seemed a little disappointed, and after a long time he said: My lord is a kind and kind lord. It's better not to dirty his ears with this kind of thing.

Conspiracy to incite rebellion, even if it is placed here in Lothar, is a capital offense. It is just that some family members may still survive, and all family properties will still be confiscated.

But in Coors' view - to cut the grass, you have to get rid of the roots.

This kind of dirty work that damages the reputation should be done by people like them. If word spreads, others will only say that he, the guard officer of Firorn, is cruel and has no mercy, without damaging Lothar's reputation.

Suddenly there was a soft sound behind him.

It seemed like a noise coming from the closet.

Andreas was stunned for a moment, became alert, and cautiously walked to the closet, opened the door, and found that there was a little boy holding a straight Arabian sword hidden inside.

The vampire butler looked at the frightened expression on his face and sighed: I originally wanted to let you go.

It's a pity that you didn't hide it well enough.

The look of horror on the little boy's face became more and more obvious. He saw with his own eyes how this terrifying Crusader demon slaughtered his family. He was not a human at all!

He trembled in his mouth and chanted: The holy fire will burn forever, supreme and great!

Immediately, a dark shadow flashed behind him.

A blood mark appeared on his neck, his head tilted, and he died.

Andreas was a little confused and said: Teacher Coors, do you really want to let him go?

of course not.

Kors looked at Andreas and snorted: I just want to find a suitable reason to kill him.

Only then did Andreas show his natural expression. This is the teacher Coors I am familiar with! If one day Mr. Cools really shows mercy to the weak, Andreas must suspect that he is being disguised as a faceless ghost.

Recently, the Egyptian governor under Saladin seems to have the intention to attack us. Do you want to write a letter asking you to return to the territory as soon as possible?

Coors shook his head and said: The letter must be written, but do you really think that Adil will attack His Excellency's territory in Sinai at this time?

Isn't it? It's clearly written in the letter.

Coors chuckled and said: It is impossible for these little fish and shrimps to get in touch with people of Adil's level. The people who correspond with them are actually Rauf's people.

He hopes that we will pay more attention to the threat of Adil and stop going south to annex Shermail.

Andreas said thoughtfully: Doesn't this mean that Rauf is really exhausted now?

Of course, he has already started a war with Hashem's so-called 'Holy Descendants' family. If we attack from behind, they will never be able to withstand it.

Then do we want it?

This kind of matter needs to be reported to your lord, and he will make the decision. But to be honest, with the presence of Ella Port, Shemel's importance to us has been greatly reduced. It is better to manage our current territory well.

The descendants of the Tree of Life have also thrived in the Diocese of Alandre, and the scope of the oasis is expanding every day. Together with the main branch of the New Habsburg Tree of Life, in a few years, the entire Transjordan The earldom may become a rare geomantic treasure on the east coast of the Mediterranean.

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