You see, that's why I said you were arrogant.

Regarding Lothar's response, Anna had a feeling that it was expected.

I have learned about your actions in your territory. You generously exempted the citizens and serfs under your rule from taxes, and rented them tools free of charge for them to reclaim wasteland and build houses.

“You live up to your reputation as a generous and merciful person.”

But I don't understand why you do this. After all, you are not that rich now. You can even say you are a little embarrassed.

You can obviously get more money out of their hands, and they will never oppose you because of this. What's more, I don't think they have the ability to resist you.

Lothar frowned and said, I'm actually not that kind to them.

Under my rule, civilians still have to serve for free and still have to pay 20% of taxes. The cattle and farm tools that were loaned to them before will also need to be redeemed by them in the future.

Isn't that enough?

Anna's beautiful big eyes were full of doubts.

In Europe, there is no saying that the people value the king, let alone Chen Sheng and Wu Guang. During the Dazexiang uprising, the words that there were no princes or generals were rather deafening and enlightening.

The image of serfs is often that of a philistine, treacherous, unshaven, vulgar, ugly, without honor, untrustworthy, and only worthy of eating thorns, straw, and pods.

There is a proverb that says: torture a serf and he will bless you; bless a serf and he will torture you.

Although there were often serfs in Europe who could not bear the tyranny of their lords and rebelled, turning into thugs who devoured everything, burned, killed and looted, they were limited by the scattered territories of their lords and found it difficult to communicate with each other. One hundred thousand, a behemoth like the Yellow Turban Army.

The peasant uprisings in Europe have no clear goals and programs. They have no idea where the future lies. The beginning of the uprising means that failure is imminent.

They shouted slogans that they were not against the king, but against the nobles who imposed excessive taxes, and even hoped that the king would stand up and seek justice for them.

They didn't even think about being kings in their own right, because noble people are born noble, and they are born humble.

Who knows, the king is the largest noble, how could he forgive these mobs.

This is not because the common people are stupid.

It's because they have no chance of education. They work on the land all day long. They have to worry about exorbitant taxes and miscellaneous taxes every day. They never have a day of leisure and ease.

Like a hamster thrown on a wheel, always running.

Also be careful of the day when the robbers and mercenaries ravaging the countryside because of the war between the lord and the lord next door will rob you of all your belongings.

He was tied around the neck with a noose, dragged and trampled by war horses.

His wife and daughter were toyed with, and his house was burned down.

This is the portrayal of the life of most serfs in this era.

This is why when people heard that there was a promised land flowing with milk and honey in the East, they immediately became fanatical and spawned one after another poor people's crusades in the East.

Thinking of this, Lothar's voice became much heavier: Some people say that a serf is born to suffer. When he is born, pain is born with him.

Many of the people under my rule are actually runaway slaves from European lords. Some of them tried to run to the city and settle as free people, but were expelled by the xenophobic guilds; many poor pilgrims were expelled from the city on the way. Most of them died of hunger and disease; many others could only walk overland because they could not buy a boat ticket to the Holy Land. Before they were even halfway there, they were captured by bandits and sold to Alexandria as slaves.

Those who are lucky enough to become free people under my rule have suffered enough. As a lord, I only hope that my subjects can suffer less.

And I believe they will repay me with their loyalty.

When the enemy arrives, they will not hesitate to take up the weapons in their hands to resist the invasion without my recruitment - because they are not only protecting me, but also protecting themselves.

Lothar's voice came clearly, and seemed to carry some strong ambition.

He has no intention of challenging the established rules of this world, but at least he will try his best to be a benevolent lord.

Anna looked slightly stunned. She thought for a moment and said, I understand.

Just like the peasant-soldier system of the empire.

Those peasants and soldiers who owned land were the strongest walls in the entire empire.

Unfortunately, the walls of the Eastern Empire have collapsed.

The nobles are indeed far more worthy of being won over than ordinary civilians, but how can they be easily won over because of their greed?

In the dim sewer, there was a faint sound of dripping water.

Liena, who was wearing a black robe, was covering her nose with one hand and holding a cluster of orange flames with the other hand as she tiptoed through the filth.

Feeling the sickly slippery feel of the soles, she thought: It would be great if there were shoes with long heels, like the stilts worn by gypsies in circus performances.

That can isolate yourself from these filth to the greatest extent.

Ahead, there was a rustling sound.

Liena looked through the light reflected by the flame in her hand, and saw a group of ugly rats with sores probably caused by not seeing the sun for a long time and being in the company of filth.

These mice are really big. Can they grow to such a big size by eating garbage and excrement?

Liena thought as she casually threw a fireball.


The screams of the mice suddenly stopped.

Go to hell, you ugly creatures.

After burning a group of rats to death, the corners of Liena's mouth raised slightly, and her mood improved a lot.

Even the strong rancid smell that filled the air seemed to have become lighter.

I heard that Marquis Lothar is also very good at fire spells.

And he's very handsome. Compared with those rude, brutal, and smelly demon hunters, he's so much better.

Liena swallowed her saliva. She really wanted to have an in-depth communication with Lothar, but looking at his appearance, he didn't seem to be interested in her - what a pity.

Constantinople has a complete drainage system. After thousands of years of use, repair and maintenance, it has become a huge underground palace under the city.

But it is also a breeding ground for monsters.

Ghouls, water ghosts, night ghosts, fear devils... No one knows how many monsters are hidden down here.

In fact, a small ecological circle has been formed here.

Ghouls and water ghosts feed on corpses, excrement and other garbage. They are at the lowest level and are scavengers. Night ghosts feed on ghouls and water ghosts, and fear devils are higher up.

This also controls the number of underground monsters so that they will not become overrun.

Constantinople often has a laissez-faire attitude towards monsters that do not threaten human existence.

Because they are like weeds, if you cut them off, new ones will always grow.

No one knows how ghouls and water ghosts were born. They are like cockroaches, forever living underground in Constantinople.

Liena has no idea of ​​meddling in other people's business. If she deals with one more monster, Anna will not give her an extra gold coin as subsidy. Her goal is just to clear out the ghoul's lair near the western suburbs. .

Her footsteps echoed in the deep sewers.

Ahead, a rapid splash of water suddenly sounded.

Based on experience, Liena can judge that there is a high probability that a water ghost has jumped into the sewage, waiting for an opportunity to attack her.

Low-level monsters like water ghosts have mediocre combat capabilities and are even weaker than ghouls.

If it weren't for their ability to attack from the water, they wouldn't even be a match for an adult male on land.

She stopped and stared at the water that seemed to be covered with a layer of black grease, with all kinds of filth floating in it. A black shadow could be vaguely seen below, approaching her quickly.

Thinking that her clothes might be touched by this dirty water ghost, Liena immediately frowned.

His eyes were full of disgust.

Her robes were flying, the radiance of magic power was flashing, and along with the low voice of chanting mantras, crimson flames swirled around her, instantly incinerating the water ghosts that came towards her.

Smelling the strong stench in the air, Liena scolded Ana a hundred times in her heart before continuing to walk deeper into the tunnel with a sullen face.

It should be close.

At the edge of the tunnel, she saw white bones that were covered with tooth marks and had been chewed clean, without even a bit of minced meat.

Not only for humans, but also for chickens, ducks, geese and other poultry, cattle, sheep, horses and other livestock.

Various bones were scattered on the ground.

If you step on it, it will make a creaking sound.

Liena frowned. As a witch who was keen on adventure, she was very tolerant of the harsh environment in front of her, but she still felt a strong discomfort.

This underground palace does not belong to living people at all!

She quickened her pace, not caring whether she would disturb the approaching ghoul lair.

Ghouls are much more courageous than water ghosts. It is impossible for such social monsters to abandon their nests where they may have dozens of cubs upon hearing the slightest noise.

On the contrary, Liena very much expected that the ghouls would rush forward to die because they sensed the aura of the intruder.


When Liena was almost at the end of the sewer, the ghouls did not show up.

Isn't it the wrong way?

Liena murmured quietly and came to the end of the sewer.

Here is a high platform similar to a cliff. In front of it, there may be a wall that has been drilled through. The edges are scattered with accumulated slippery soil, and it is pitch black.

She just wanted to hold up a fireball and try to illuminate it.

However, he discovered that densely packed red lights suddenly lit up in the darkness. At first glance, they looked like at least thousands of terrifying red lights.

It's... damn.

Liena subconsciously took a step back, only to find that beneath her feet was a strange, shriveled head covered with tooth marks.

This is…

A ghoul's head?

Liena's eyes widened.

It seemed that he was not looking in the wrong place, but that these ghouls had been eliminated by people first.

She turned her gaze back to the red eyes in front of her.

These were clearly a group of fat rats spread on the floor and walls like carpets.

Their skin was so ulcerated and their eyes were so red that they looked like they were about to bleed. They were staring closely at Liena with eyes full of cruelty and longing.

If it weren't for the fireball held in Liena's hand, the rats living in the sewers and already accustomed to darkness would feel strange.

They may have already rushed forward regardless of everything.

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