The enemy's light cavalry withdrew.

Instead, everyone was equipped with a dome-shaped eyebrow helmet, and the whole body, including the mount, was wrapped in heavy armor, with only a slit for the eyes exposed.

These iron pagodas are all Jin Wushu's personal troops, and their number is no more than a thousand.

I saw them lined up in a horizontal row, driving their mounts forward slowly like outings in the countryside.

“Is this the so-called Iron Buddha?”

Among the carriages, someone murmured: I heard from people that the iron pagoda means iron tower in the language of these Orientals, which is quite appropriate.

A peasant soldier whispered: Your Excellency should equip us with some big axes like those used by the count's personal guards, hammers, bolas, iron staffs, and heavy javelins like those used by the Eagle Banner Brigade.

Renault looked at the enemies coming in the distance like a tide, but he didn't have any worries in his heart.

He didn't know where he got such courage.

Those black cavalry, stepping on the ground, were like Titans from myths and legends, launching a charge, especially those iron cavalry with human and horse gear, each of which probably weighed thousands of pounds.

Without these car formations, he felt that people like himself would be swallowed up by the tide in an instant, leaving no bones or dregs left.


The bowstring was loosened, and the sound of arrows shooting out sounded in his ears.

In the iron pagoda where the men and horses were dressed, someone immediately fell off his horse.

The woodland shooter whistled, with a proud look on his face. Even if he was heavily armored, it was impossible for the defense to be equally strong in every place. He could still kill the enemy if he hit those weak spots.

It seems like there's nothing wrong with being a woodland shooter.

Seeing the woodland archer who could accurately kill a cavalry of enemy soldiers every time he drew his bow, Renault couldn't help but feel envious.

Infantrymen like them, on the front line of the battlefield, have to fight with their own lives every time they kill an enemy. In comparison, the woodland archers can kill one person every time they draw their bows. In his opinion, it is easy. , and safe.

He has done enough, and can choose to join any company among the Woodland Archers, Varangian Guards, Armored Archers and Hussars, but he hasn't had time to return from Limassol to Hebron to change jobs.

He originally wanted to be a hussar, but the hussars were full, and if he wanted to be promoted, he had to wait for a vacancy.

Thanks to the illustrious reputation of the Hussars, almost everyone will think about being promoted to the Hussars when they get the opportunity to be promoted, even if the equipment of the Imperial Cavalry is better and their stealth status is higher.


The woodland archer raised his bow again, but he never thought that an arrow shot straight from the enemy's horse, passed through the narrow shooting hole, and hit his head directly.

The arrow, filled with a mixture of red and white liquid, nailed the woodland shooter's head to the wooden board behind the cart barrier.

Renault opened his mouth and thought to himself, a man should stand on horseback and carry a gun. Being an archer who shoots cold arrows really damages the honor of a devout Christian.

City head.

Song Jun, who stood higher and saw more clearly, all looked pale.

From time to time, infantry archers were shot down on the top of the city by arrows from the Iron Buddha heavy cavalry below. In their hands, only the ten sets of divine arm crossbows and the two giant divine arm crossbows installed at the top of the city could pose a threat to these iron lumps.

The county captain's body was trembling, and he seemed to be able to understand the mood of the Song troops who collapsed and fled in all directions before they even met the Jin people.

Any army would be frightened when faced with the charge of such a terrifying cavalry.

Many Xiang soldiers had their heads buried, hiding behind the battlements and not daring to show their heads.

Call them cowardly?

indeed so.

However, they had not undergone serious training, and they had never really been on the battlefield. They were treated as craftsmen, coolies, building bridges and paving roads, transporting grain, and doing a lot of work in reclaiming wasteland.

A good man should not be a soldier, and a good woman should not be a performer.

Xiang soldiers and actors are both low-level things. It would be a big joke if they really went to the battlefield and were so brave that they were not afraid of death and killed the Jin Kingdom's cavalry.

Someone was squatting on the ground, shaking like chaff.

Even the elite of the Western Army have been defeated, and these barbarians will certainly not be able to gain favor. We might as well surrender to Kaicheng, lest we offend those Jin people and massacre the city when they come in.

That is, we have no wealth, no aunts and children, and the city is ruined. It is also those old men who are unlucky.

When the county captain heard this, he was furious and kicked the man: Whatever shit you put on your mother, stand up for me. Right now, the barbarian envoys are fighting head-on, and you are just shooting arrows to support them. You don't even dare to do this. , I’m going to kill someone directly!”

Seeing the archers from the county government looking at them with eager eyes, the Xiang army straightened up and shot arrows tremblingly under the butcher's knife.

The arrows that can be shot are also weak and weak, posing no threat at all to the heavily armed Jinguo Iron Pagoda.

The iron pagoda came like a tide, with a cruel smile on its iron face.

In their view, these Song people could still pose some threat to them by hiding in their bastard shells, but they would collapse immediately once they got into close combat.

This has been their normal behavior when facing the Song Army in the past few years.

Even the so-called elite Western Army of the Song Dynasty, the Forbidden Army, is still a bit of a threat if they defend the city. If they dare to go out of the city to fight, they will be crushed directly.

Jin Wushu looked indifferent and said to the Han soldiers beside him: Do you know why the Song people are so weak and vulnerable?

The Han soldiers who joined the army looked puzzled: I don't know, please ask the fourth prince to clarify my doubts.

Jin Wushu laughed and said: If I, the Golden Warrior, fight bravely, even a military slave can reach a high position. If he is released, he will be equivalent to a prince. Therefore, he will be happy in every battle.

And I heard that your Song army is like a slave, and the civil servants can step on the heads of generals without any scruples. Why should such an army fight with my Golden Warriors?

Joining the Army was startled, and his voice was a little bitter: What the Fourth Prince said is absolutely true. The Song Dynasty is in decay, and there are great mountains and rivers that deserve the money.

Jin Wushu was filled with pride when he heard this: Talan took over the land of Lu, and he was granted the title of Lord of the Kingdom of Lu. When I go back this time, when the weather turns cold, I will definitely go south again to win a country for myself.

Joining the army complimented him: The fourth prince will get what he wants!

Renault didn't know how the enemy commander viewed them.

An enemy's spear was poking at him through the gap between the chariots. This spear was so deep that he had no room to dodge, so he had to raise his shield to block it.

Just a clang was heard.

This iron shield was pierced by the spear.

But the spear thrust out, and it was difficult to pull it back for a moment. Seeing the golden man Tiefutu trying to kick his shield, he could use his strength to pull out the spear.

Renault had experienced several battles, so he would not give up such a good opportunity. He released his shield and shot it out with one shot.

This shot was the essence of his several months of training. It hit the golden man's armor directly on the chest. However, the opponent's armor was so strong that it could not penetrate. Instead, he staggered due to exhaustion.

At this time.

A huge force came from behind.

It was an Earl's Guard who was astonishingly big and round, wearing heavy armor and holding a big ax. This man saw the fallen golden man come back again, pushed Renault away, and accurately struck Iron Buddha's neck with a single axe, drawing blood. splash.

The earl guard kicked the golden man, pulled out the two-handed ax that was deeply embedded in the golden man's neck bone, wiped the blood on his face, and laughed.

Hey, to deal with this kind of person, you still need an axe!

These iron pagodas, faced with this heavy vehicle barrier, would naturally not be stupid enough to collide with their horses directly.

When they got closer, Mou Ke, who was at the front, commanded his men, Tie Futu, to dismount one after another and kill towards the chariot barrier.

The following Muke commanded the iron pagoda under their hands to shoot arrows from a distance to suppress them.

This chariot barrier stands with its back against the city wall, which really limits their charge. If they were in the wilderness, they could go around the chariot barrier to find its weak points. But right now, this chariot barrier only has one side facing the enemy. If they want to The difficulty of finding its weaknesses immediately increased by more than one level.

More and more Tiefutu infantrymen came towards the vehicle barrier.

Some iron pagodas raised their axes and tried to split the chains connecting the car barriers so that they could push down or pull apart the car barriers. However, as soon as they got close, their feet were pricked by the iron caltrops hidden in the soil.

The remaining veterans threw heavy javelins at the right time, nailing a large area of ​​the iron pagodas that approached without shields.

Just hear a bang.

The two iron pagodas used hammers to smash open one of the carriages facing the outside of the car barrier. The shooters hiding inside looked frightened. They had no time to evade and were immediately killed easily by them.

The battlefield turned into a meat grinder.

Flesh and blood flew everywhere, blood and water splashed.

Marshal Gill stood in the center of the car barrier, without any worry on his face. By abandoning his horse and fighting on foot, Tiefutu gave up his greatest advantage.

I want to see how many lives you have to sacrifice in exchange for our entire army being annihilated.

In this battle, the Chinese army he led acted as a bait from beginning to end.

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