Qingshui County.

Zhang Bowu drove a donkey cart carrying all his belongings and drove out of his yard. When he saw the neighbor's father and son on the side of the road, they were still carrying manure buckets to fertilize their vegetable garden.

Zhang Bowu was surprised and said: The golden dog is coming, why don't you leave quickly?

The young neighbor's expression darkened, and he said with force: Maybe this golden dog is just plundering in the countryside. The county town has high walls and thick walls, and it will be difficult for those golden dogs to capture it for a while.

The elderly neighbor forced a smile and said: Yes, those fleeing princes and nobles were carrying cartloads of jewels, gold and silver. I heard that although the golden dog was as ferocious and cruel as an animal, it was extremely cunning. They would definitely chase him across the south. For the gentlemen.”

Looking at the smiling faces of everyone, Zhang Bowu sighed: Why should you deceive yourself and others?

The smiles of the two gradually faded.

It's cheap when you leave your hometown.

The old man sighed faintly: Besides, with my legs and feet, I can run anywhere. I will just end up dying in a foreign country. Zhongqing is a filial son and doesn't want to leave me behind. But I...


Liu Bowu let out a long sigh, looked at the carriage carrying his wife behind him, and felt that the future was gloomy.

When people leave their hometowns, so many people are running south. How many of them can actually make it?

There were pursuers, bandits on the road, and on the way to escape, there was a lack of food and clothing.

Bowu, you are a scholar. The new official family has gone to Yangzhou to reestablish the court. You should rush there earlier. With the official family here, the Song Dynasty cannot just die, right?

Liu Bowu was speechless for a while, and then he bowed deeply and said, Cherish it.

After that, he raised his whip and drove the donkey cart away.

Looking at Liu Bowu's back, the father and son said nothing more and continued to fertilize the vegetable garden and eliminate insects.

Regardless of whether it is a golden dog or a Liao dog, no matter what kind of dog comes, people always have to eat when they are alive.

The gate of Qingshui County was already crowded with people who wanted to enter and leave the city.

There are many wealthy families or villagers in the countryside, who think that the county town may have high walls and thick walls, and the Jin people may not be offended. They swarm to the city with their belongings.

This blocked the people who wanted to abandon the county and follow the official family to move south.

The two parties refused to give in to each other. If it weren't for the county captain and a group of archers guarding them, they would have taken action long ago.

Liu Bowu could only sigh with emotion.

The walls of Qingshui County are only two feet high, and there is neither a moat nor a strong bow or crossbow. Even the capital with a hundred thousand armor and six armored divine soldiers was defeated by the golden dog. How could Qingshui County stop the golden dog? Where are the people?”

The golden dog is here!

Suddenly there was a commotion at the top of the city, and someone shouted at the top of their lungs.

This shout was like a thunder in the plains, and the entire Qingshui County was immediately thrown into chaos. Whether it was someone who wanted to run out or someone who wanted to burrow in, there was only one idea left.

That is to squeeze into the city!

Everyone, stop here.

Seeing this, the county captain led his soldiers forward and chopped down several people. After seeing the blood, these people calmed down a little. Under the guard of the soldiers' shining swords and guns, they all entered the city and closed the city gate.

There were only a hundred and ten people blocking the door. If there were not also a hundred and ten people who wanted to leave the city, they would have come in long ago.

If there were more people, I'm afraid it would be bad.

When the county captain saw that the city gate was closed, he breathed a sigh of relief and immediately came to the city wall.

I saw smoke and dust billowing in the distance.

An indistinguishable number of black-robed soldiers came towards the county seat in neat formations.

The golden man is actually here!

The county captain had never seen a Jin man before. He thought that the many archers he had trained were already elite. Even if they were no match for the Jin men, they could still defend the city wall.

But now I saw that the soldiers on my side, the archers I personally recruited and trained, could still barely stand firm. The soldiers in the Xiang army were already fighting in two groups, and they wished they could leave first.

The county magistrate, surrounded by the chief registrar, the county magistrate and other officials, hurried to the top of the city.

The county captain felt relieved. He was really afraid that his county magistrate would leave the county office and run south with his wives and concubines before the golden man arrived. This would have a serious impact on the morale of Qingshui County. blow.

As soon as the magistrate came to the city wall, he asked eagerly: County Lieutenant, you are familiar with military affairs. How good is the golden dog army? But what is the main force of the golden dog?

When the county captain heard this, he looked carefully at the golden dogs.

After careful inspection, the expression of the county captain, who was well versed in military affairs, changed drastically.

I saw that the enemies were all wearing strong swords and armor, and most of them were wearing black robes with a golden two-headed eagle embroidered on them.

There are also those golden cavalry, all of them are even more majestic. They are equipped with human and horse uniforms, and only a gap is exposed in the strange helmets, which looks quite scary.

He spoke in a low tone and lowered his voice: Returning to the county, Sir, this Golden Dog's army is neat and tidy, and the formation is very similar during the march. It must be a first-class strong army among the Golden Dogs. I am afraid it is not led by Jin Wushu himself. Chinese army?

The county magistrate and other officials all had pale faces: What can be done?

The county lieutenant wanted to say a few words of comfort to the county magistrate, but when he thought about the number of soldiers and horses that the golden dog would follow, those Xiang troops had no combat effectiveness. If the enemy attacked the city, the city would be destroyed and people would die overnight.

Then I thought about how my lovely baby, who had just been born, was about to suffer a tragedy. For a moment, I held the simple knife in my hand, feeling that my legs were unsteady and my heart felt like death.

I, the Song Dynasty, am afraid that I am going to die!

While everyone was in panic, a scholar suddenly shouted: What can we do? We can only rely on the city wall and fight to the end!

Fight to the death?

They looked not far from the city head and saw a well-known talent in the county, the eldest son of the Liu family. They were shocked for a moment: Liu Bowu, do you have any good strategies to defeat the enemy?

Liu Bowu shook his head and said, No, I don't know anything about military matters.

The county magistrate's expression darkened, and he thought to himself, We are really sick and have to go to the doctor. How can a mere scholar like this be transformed into an army?

Your Excellency, although I am not familiar with military affairs, I also know that those golden dogs are greedy and domineering. They are just a group of wolves who bully the weak and fear the strong. Only by beating them can the enemy retreat.

The county captain said: But this army usually only builds city walls and digs earth. They do hard work. They don't spend as much time holding weapons as they do with hoes. They have neither drills nor armor. How can they fight to the death?

Liu Bowu said in a deep voice: All the people in the city, men, women, old and weak, are all going to the city to fight to the death. Even if half of them die, one of the Golden Dog's fangs will be broken. The Golden Dog is cruel, and no chicken or dog will be left behind wherever it passes. Mr. County Commander, do you want your wife and daughter to be abused and tortured to death by a golden dog? Mr. County Captain, do you want your son to be pierced by a golden dog with a knife and spear, thrown into a canal, and drowned?

He listed them one by one, and his eyes were already bloodshot.

As a husband and a father, facing a powerful enemy, do you have to fight to the death?

Just when the people in this city were trying their best to raise their morale against gold.

Among the soldiers and horses under the city, a cavalry commander emerged from the city, carrying several round blood-stained cloth bags on his saddle, and came to the city and shouted: Tell those of you who can manage things to come out and see me.

The cavalryman wore a golden mask, and the cape he wore was the only one that was not a double-headed eagle. At a glance, it looked like the head of a pig-woman and a dragon, but it was much more heroic and ferocious.

Don't worry, we are not the Jin people, but the envoys sent by the Qin Dynasty from the country of Taixi. We wanted to meet with you, the emperor of the Song Dynasty, but we never expected to bump into a group of Jin soldiers.

Lothar rounded his arms and threw the bag in his hand onto the city wall.

The county lieutenant obviously had some martial arts skills, so he stretched out his hand to catch it: What is this?

Without him, it's just a golden dog's head.

The county lieutenant opened the bag and saw a bloody head wrapped in it. The beard and hair were spread out, the face was full of anger, and the eyes were wide-eyed. Looking at the hairstyle and dress, it really looked like the legendary golden man.

After that, hundreds of riders came to the city and threw round heads, which frightened the soldiers at the top of the city with extreme fear and made their livers and gallbladders burst.

If you don't believe it, just look at my appearance and you will know that I am definitely not a golden person.

Lothar took off his helmet, revealing that the person on the other side had a different face with blond hair and blue eyes.

The county lieutenant looked at Lothar and the others and said in surprise: You are all barbarians?

Jeanna ran out on horseback, took off her helmet, and revealed her blond hair: Hey, hey, don't talk nonsense, my master is not a barbarian, but the land of Taixi, the general of the Great Qin Kingdom - Halosa, you guys Just call him General Ha.”

God damn Harosa.

Lothar rolled her eyes. To be honest, she didn't expect to be given a Ha surname by Jeanne. She might as well use the name of her previous life.

Great Qin Kingdom?

The county captain had never heard of this name before, and looked around him. It was said that it was Liu Bowu, who was famous for his extensive knowledge and strong memory.

Liu Bowu thought for a while and said in surprise: Is this Great Qin the Kingdom of Fulin?

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