
In a mansion adjacent to the Augustan House, there were only a few candles burning in the narrow corridor.

The corridor leads to a prayer room, which contains a simple altar with a crucifix on the cross in the center.

On the wall hangs a mural of three oriental saints dressing Jesus.

Conrad knelt devoutly before the icon and prayed.

Conrad Alamic, the second son of the border count of Monferrato, married the imperial consort of the Purple Princess of the Comnenus family.

He was deeply trusted and respected by his predecessor, Emperor Alexios, and was awarded the title of Imperial Caesar (vice-emperor, often an honorary title).

However, after the emperor died suddenly and mysteriously in Brachna Palace, Queen Lagaia of the Ducas family took over as regent. As a relative of the Komnenos royal family, he was gradually excluded from the center of power.


The young attendant stood behind him and respectfully presented a letter.

This is a letter from General Branas, who is preparing to raise the banner of rebellion in Adrianople in response to Emperor Isaac.

Conrad only glanced at it before throwing the letter onto a candle and burning it.

The content inside is nothing more than that the late emperor was poisoned by the queen and so on. As a traditional ally of the Comnenus family, he should stand up at this time and help him win Constantinople by cooperating internally and externally.

Letho, life in Constantinople is really draining on me.

These Greek aristocrats seemed to spend every day in conspiracies and calculations among themselves. Every time I walked on the street, I seemed to be able to see through the high walls, there were poisonous snakes in the secret rooms behind. Spitting out snake letters, spitting out conspiracies soaked in venom.

The attendant named Lei Suo smiled bitterly and said, Master, what are you going to do?

Conrad's expression was full of exhaustion: I plan to leave Constantinople. Have you heard of Lothar of the Habsburg family?

Leisuo's expression changed slightly, and he forced a smile and said: Of course, this is a new star who has become famous in the Holy Land, the Count of Transjordan. At a young age, he is a Crusader prince who has occupied the same high position as his old master.

The Habsburg family's Allgäu county is not far from Monferrato. Some time ago, when my father participated in the Lombard League, he fought against his father, and we both won and lost.

What do you want to say?

My background is similar to that of Marquis Lothar. He is much younger than me. He has repeatedly defeated the pagans in the Holy Land and won countless merits and honors. However, I am still wasting my years in Constantinople.

He said sternly: I plan to follow the example of my father who followed King Louis (father of King Philip of Gaul) and go to the Holy Land to participate in the great Crusade cause, and also achieve meritorious deeds worthy of praise for me.

The attendant hesitated.

After looking at the luxurious silk robe on Conrad's body, he said with some reluctance: What should I do, madam?

Conrad hummed softly: Lesso, don't indulge in the wealth of Constantinople. If you stay here any longer, sooner or later we will die in an unknown manner like the late emperor. As for Madam - just do it for me. Leave her a letter saying that our relationship has broken down and we should divorce.

Leisuo's eyes widened: Master, divorce is a sin.

That woman is a heretic. Moreover, she has neither loyalty nor affection for me. Even in front of the priest, I am willing to tell her frankly.

The Catholic Church does not allow divorce, but if there is conclusive evidence that the wife is unchaste, she is eligible for divorce.

However, whether the divorce process can be completed depends on whether the church agrees, that is, the church needs to recognize the accusation of infidelity against his wife.

When Anna arrived in Limassol City, Lothar had just awarded honors to a group of peasant soldiers and knights who had outstanding performance in the war, canonizing them as knights or giving them land, money and other rewards.

This kind of public commendation meeting not only gave the soldiers glory, but also gave them real wealth.

Many peasants and soldiers who got the money immediately planned to have a good time in the city.

As a military judge, Ned could only tell them to have less contact with those unclean women to avoid contracting the incurable disease.

Lothar and Anna, who was dressed in a luxurious purple robe, walked side by side on the city wall of Limassol, which had been taken over by Lothar's Black Eagle Flag Team.

When do you plan to send out troops to officially regain the island of Cyprus?

Isaac is dead. Anna's voice paused slightly, and she said with some confusion, Cyprus is now a mess, haven't you ever thought of taking this opportunity to occupy more land?

We had an agreement.

Lothar frowned: I am not a treacherous person.

Anna, there is no need for us to test each other like this, right? My army has suffered heavy losses and is unable to march again. Do you want me to rely on magic to subdue those rebels?

Anna was obviously very satisfied with this answer, with a bright smile on her face: Then have you decided when to go to Constantinople with me?

As soon as possible. After meeting with Baselisa as soon as possible, I can return to Jerusalem.

Are you that impatient?

Of course. Although I have been granted the title of General of the Military District, I have no intention of getting involved in the center of power of the empire - but you can rest assured that I will fulfill my responsibility as General of the Limassol Military District to guard the territory and pay taxes to Constantine every year. Fort.

Anna was a little dissatisfied and said: You will regret it when you get to Constantinople. It is the most magnificent city in the world. It is countless times more powerful than your Frankish Paris, Aachen, and London. It can collect tens of thousands of dollars every day. The tax of a gold suledes.”

every day?

Ten thousand gold coins?

Even though he had expected it, Lothar was still shocked by this figure. What is the concept of a year's tax for one Hebron per day?

Even if the emperor of the Eastern Empire only had one Constantinople left, it would be worth more than all the possessions of all the kings and emperors on the continent.

Anna, I know that compared to Constantinople, everywhere seems like a backwater.

Lothar paused slightly and then said: But to be honest, with the Greeks' dislike of the Franks, I don't think developing within the empire is a very promising thing for me.

The conflicts between the Franks and the Greeks have existed for a long time.

Many Franks viewed the Greeks as cunning, despicable, liars just like the Jews; Greeks also viewed the Franks as cruel, brutal, and brutal robbers.

During the Second Crusade, the Greeks mixed lime into flour and deliberately led them astray to deceive the Germanic crusaders led by Emperor Conrad III.

The Crusaders fell apart due to hunger.

What Greeks are from the Empire!

Anna emphasized and added: Do you know Conrad of Monferrato? He is a Frank who married the princess of the Comnenus family and sat in the high position of Caesar in the empire.

Of course Lothar knew this man. In the history of his previous life, the defender of Tire, a legendary figure during the Third Crusade, was assassinated by Assassin's assassins shortly after he was elected as the king of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

Then he must be in a very bad situation in Constantinople.

Seeing that Lothar was not getting enough, Anna took a deep breath and tried to maintain her good self-cultivation so as not to curse.

Baselisa has decided to split Cyprus into the Limassol Military District in the southwest, the Famagusta Military District in the east, and the Nicosia Military District in the north. You will take over as the general of the Limassol Military District.

You can ask the original count commander here to come to me, and I will strip him of his title and all his property according to law, grant it to you, and take him back to Constantinople to face trial.

So cruel?

Lothar was a little surprised and said: At this time, shouldn't you be thinking of pardoning Turiados so that those rebellious people can be punished?

Only blood can restore the emperor's majesty.

Anna looked solemn.

It seems that Isaac's rebellion has caused you a lot of trouble.

Anna's expression dimmed: I have to admit that this is true. On the borders of the empire, the Bulgarians, Serbs, Hungarians, and Turks are all major threats to the empire, but their threats combined are not enough to come from the empire. Half the threat from within.”

Lothar had no intention of worrying about the empire and said: I plan to keep Turiados as my spokesperson in the Limassol Military Region. This will be my money bag in the future. I have no plans to make drastic changes here. change.

Since you have pleaded for him, it is not difficult to save his life.

But, are you willing to trust him?

Lothar said Yeah: Since I dare to use him, I have the support that he dare not do anything to me.

Anna was a little disbelieving: The best potion master can't prepare a potion that can control people's hearts. I really don't understand where you get this confidence.

You don't have to worry about these.

Then we leave tomorrow morning?


Remember to bring your personal guard.


Baselisa wants to see the army under your command, which I highly praise, and has the might of the ancient empire. They will be inspected and rewarded by His Majesty.

Lothar suddenly realized: You are talking about the Eagle Flag Brigade, right?

It's a pity that the heavy cavalry company has not been formed yet, otherwise you guys from Komnenos and Ducasse must see what the imperial cavalry is.

Lothar thought to himself, and readily agreed to Anna's request. It was enough for the Black Eagles, Varangian Guards and Order Knights to stay in Limassol City to garrison.

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