Old Hassan and his party, after parting ways with Lothar, diverted to Ella Port.

It might be more convenient to go by sea.

But the pirates on the Red Sea are not vegetarians. These young men in the tribe are good at land battles, but they are all landlubbers who have never been on a ship.

Although I heard that there were fewer and fewer pirates on the high seas recently, only Shenghuo knew whether this news was released by those greedy pirates who saw that they could no longer catch any fat sheep.

Old Hassan and his tribe, surrounded by foreign Hanzhi, were instinctively wary of everything around them.

Coupled with the fact that they are located inland and have little information, the information they receive has been delayed for a long time.

This is also the norm in this era. Many people have traveled to the farthest places, which are nearby towns.

Father, do we really want to go to Butcher Lothar's territory to do business? Otherwise, we should sell the goods in Aqaba and return.

The young Kurdish warrior wore leather armor with a look of deep worry and uneasiness on his face.

Old Hassan sighed softly.

In Aqaba, the goods we bring cannot be sold at high prices. If we sell them there, it is better to sell them directly in Yanbu and save the commercial taxes collected along the way.

I hope that Lothar butcher is not crazy enough to attack the caravan.

The Kurdish warrior clenched the weapon in his hand, feeling a little nervous.

Because they are already very close to the territory of those Crusader Demons.

In the distance, dust is flying.

It was like a strong wind, carrying tons of yellow sand towards this side.

Father, is it a sandstorm?

The young Kurdish warrior asked doubtfully.

Old Hassan just glanced at it and his expression suddenly changed: It's a robber! Run!

Bedouin bandits come and go like the wind, but they don't care whether you are one of our own.

Father, we are also a tribe protected by Rauf. They won't do anything to us, right?

The young Kurdish warrior asked doubtfully.

A trace of anger flashed across Old Hassan's face: Shut up, obey my orders, everyone run!

Maybe it won't do anything to them.

But at the very least, a layer of skin has to be peeled off, and the business taxes along the way are taken into account, so why bother? It is better to dispose of all the goods directly in Yanbu and save the trip in vain.

The robbers were getting closer.

In terms of speed, a Bactrian camel laden with cargo is obviously not a match for the Bedouin bandits who travel lightly and ride dromedary camels.

But as they crossed a half-dried river, the Bedouin bandits stopped.

In the distance, you can still hear their unwilling curses.

Didn't they catch up?

Old Hassan and a group of young men in the tribe couldn't help but feel lucky to survive the disaster.

They were just a hair away from being caught up.

A Bactrian camel even had a metal arrowhead used by the Bedouin stuck in its butt. Fortunately, it was not strong enough, so you could just pull it out and apply some herbs on it.

But that's it.

The robbers who were lingering unwillingly behind turned around and left without any hesitation.

Looking at their actions, they were actually quite panicked.

Old Hassan was horrified and looked back subconsciously. In his sight, a flying double-headed eagle flag appeared on the hillside in the distance.

The majestic armored knights with wings on their backs slowly appeared on the hillside.

They are quiet and solemn, like statues, but they seem to be like a collapsed mountain torrent at any time, pouring down the hillside, giving people an extremely terrifying sense of oppression.

Oh no, it's the devil wearing a cross.

They won't do anything to us, right?

Who knows?

Old Hassan was pessimistic about this.

In his impression, those demons wearing crosses were more cruel and violent existences than the Bedouin bandits.

Especially those Normans.

Even on the European continent, many knights without a livelihood often played the role of bandits, and there were even cases of robbing nuns, which brought disgrace to all knights and churches.

But luckily.

These knights with wings on their backs just looked at them from a distance without making any movement.

After a long time, a man rode up to old Hassan.

Old Hassan quickly stretched out his hand to stop the young tribesmen in the team who couldn't hold back and put their hands on their weapons.

He knew very well that in front of this terrifying armored cavalry, they would only be slaughtered like lambs.

You are merchants, right?

The visitor's attitude was not domineering, but he asked in a very skilled Arabic language.

We are the patrol team under Count Lothar, and I am the Sergeant Major of the Knights of Ulm.

Old Hassan was startled and soon discovered that this knight was also a Bedouin.


This is definitely a breach of trust!

He was disdainful in his heart, but said with a smile on his face: Yes, that's right, we plan to go to Ella Port to do business.

The knight nodded slightly: You have good taste. What goods did you bring?

As soon as these words came out, the Kurdish fighters became nervous again.

Old Hassan quickly comforted him, scolded him a few words, and replied honestly: Salt, bacon, cheese, and some ores.

The knight did not take the opportunity to extort money, nor did he intend to inspect it. Instead, he said kindly: The commercial taxes you have to pay on the goods you bring are very low. Tax evasion will only make you lose more than you gain - in the territory of the Earl, as long as you don't evade taxes, It is protected by the laws of the territory. If you have any needs, you can ask us at any time.”

Old Hassan was stunned. He didn't expect such a good thing to happen.

Let's go.

The knight waved his hand and returned to the team.

Old Hassan and everyone looked at each other in shock. Some young people were ready for a fight to the death. They did not expect that they could pass the test so easily.

After walking far away, someone exclaimed:

They really didn't catch up!

Old Hassan was speechless for a while, and couldn't help but recall what the Frank young man he met on the road said.

Perhaps the imam is really lying to us.

His expression suddenly changed.

As you go deeper, the original desolation is gradually replaced by greenery.

There are very dense oases distributed here, and there are a large number of farms based on the oases.

The majestic elevated aqueduct irrigates the fields with water sourced from unknown sources.

There are more and more caravans like them on the road.

Camel bells are ringing and people are noisy.

Is this Earl Lothar's territory?

The tribesmen who came from the countryside couldn't help but murmur in their hearts.

Although they have not seen much of the world, they are not stupid pigs. If the ruler here is as cruel as the imam said, how could there be such a vibrant scene?

How could those caravans who were obviously much better dressed and larger than them come here?

In the afternoon.

They finally saw the walls of Port Ella from a distance.

They were amazed by the towering and majestic Siegfried Tower.

The knowledgeable businessman who was traveling with him said with a smile: I heard that this tower was built by Count Lothar overnight with the help of the power of the gods. The Franks privately called him the Holy Son, but this Count Lothar But people are never allowed to call him that.

Built overnight?

Old Hassan looked at the majestic, miraculous giant tower with a hint of disinterest on his face.

How can this be!

After queuing up to enter the city, we finally had to deal with the inspection.

The team moved forward slowly and slowly.

But there still was no such thing as Old Hassan expected. The soldiers in bright armor just checked diligently to see if they were carrying any contraband.

Father, look!

The young Kurdish soldier pointed to the public notice board next to him.

An interesting mural is painted on the public notice board: a Saracen nobleman is arrogant, holding a sharp knife against the neck of a poor man, but behind him is a handsome man wearing a double-headed eagle cape, appearing like a savior.

There is also a line of text written on it: He saves us from the mouth of wolves.

Old Hassan chewed on these words, and an idea came to his mind that what was said above actually made sense.

In Rauf's territory, elite Mamluks would not be sent out to serve as patrols specifically to deal with bandits.

In fact, they themselves are the biggest robbers!

When he thought of the heavy taxes that Rauf had imposed on their tribe, he felt like his teeth were itching with hatred.

Old Hassan, don't be swayed. Take another look, take a deeper look, and then you will know whether Count Lothar is a jackal or a just and wise king.

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