Lothar's chef was a Saracen, and the dishes he prepared were very suitable to Lothar's taste.

At the very least, it is much more palatable than those Western European chefs who are good at making swan pie and bird pie that look interesting but are actually dark cuisine.

In the former, after the chef makes the swan meat into a pie, he will put the swan's head, wings and feathers back on the pie to create a lifelike feeling.

The latter is to seal the live bird in the pie and cut it open with a knife when eating.

The bird will flap its wings and fly out, leaving a pile of residue in the pie.

Of course, this kind of pie will most likely be distributed to the poor after the banquet to show the kindness of the nobles - the same goes for the bread plates used by the nobles, which will be distributed to the poor after they are soaked with soup and cannot be used.

The Franks of this era often used bread as tableware because it was too hard and would choke if eaten dry. As a dinner plate, it could be soaked in soup. When the food was no longer good enough, the bread would become soft.

After the main meal, the chef carried a tray and served three kinds of desserts: egg tarts, apple pie, and soft bread mixed with butter and milk.

It's quite luxurious.

The reason why the nobles in the Holy Land are more extravagant in personal enjoyment than their counterparts on the continent is that they can enjoy cheaper spices.

For example, saffron, a flower loved by the Gauls, is more expensive than gold, but its origin is in Sasanian Persia.

distance factor.

Crocuses leading to the Holy Land were far cheaper than having to be transported across the entire Mediterranean to Europe.

The spices consumed by Lothar for a barbecue meal would have been consumed by a Duke-level noble in Europe during a banquet.

Moreover, even great nobles rarely eat so extravagantly if it is just a family banquet, except for the factors of showing off and showing strength.

For example, when Lothar was in Allgäu, although she had two sets of silver tableware at home, they were often kept in the storage room unless she was inviting distinguished guests or holding a banquet.

Probably because she was not familiar with others and still couldn't let go, Cellinina acted very reservedly while eating.

But the eating speed is still very fast.

It can be seen that she has a big appetite and can compete with Jeanne and Hans.

It’s just that the food looks much better.

After all, it is the origin of a noble family. The Di of the Apennines, the Feng of the Germanic nobles and the De of the Gauls are all exclusive characteristics of the nobility, representing from.

Cellinina's full name is: Cellinina di Basilicata, which proves that she is a member of the Basilicata family, which is the name of the place in the Two Sicilies.

After meal.

Everyone dispersed.

In the courtyard, deep in the deep corridor.

Cellinina didn't know where to go for a moment, and looked blankly at the crescent moon in the sky, which seemed to be the same as the world in her hometown.

You can't tell that you are in another world at all.

Her ears suddenly twitched.

Behind him, there were subtle footsteps.

Lothar said: Miss Chelinina, are you still used to being here?

Chelinina turned around, curtsied slightly and said, Good night, sir. Everyone is very enthusiastic, there is nothing out of the ordinary.

You don't need to be so polite with me. I suddenly came to a new world, surrounded by strangers. It's normal for me to feel uncomfortable. I didn't adapt to it at first.

Chelinina solemnly said: What I said is true. Almost all my relatives and friends died in the recent turmoil. There is nothing to miss in that world. On the contrary, after being Before you summoned me, I was being chased by killers sent by the 'Wolf Lord'.

I should thank you for rescuing me from danger.

Lothar felt that she should comfort her, but from her plain expression, Lothar did not see any emotions such as sadness.

The atmosphere was a bit stiff.

Cellinina took out the iron box and opened the lid with a flick of her index finger: I would also like to thank you for finding the biscuit box for me. Do you want one?

Lothar declined: It's still not necessary...


A strawberry-flavored chocolate bar popped into his mouth.

The movements are swift.

Even if he hasn't been upgraded, his basic agility is close to fifty points, which is still not what Lothar can match. After the blood waterfall, he may be able to barely keep up.

Chelinina said calmly: My lord, I can tell whether you are really refusing or you are just being polite.

Lothar chewed the biscuit quickly, swallowed it, and said: Your judgment is very keen and the taste is good. Now, I will take you to your room - you can also choose a new one in this mansion. There are many rooms, but the furniture may not be complete, so I will ask the servants to replace it for you.

The blame for the incompleteness lies with Zayn.

When he evacuated, he took almost everything he could with him.

Lothar was too lazy to spend money to buy a new one. He was not willing to invest too much in personal enjoyment except for food.

Cellinina shook her head and said: No need, sir, I don't pay attention to these things - I have gone through very rigorous training, and I can fall asleep quickly even in the stable.

Lothar nodded slightly: Okay.

The third room on the left is your room. You are in a courtyard with me. Go straight along the corridor and the first room you see is mine.

If you have any questions, feel free to come to me or Jeanne - although she doesn't sound very reliable, she is actually a very enthusiastic girl.

Chelinina was silent for a moment.

The famous Knight Shining, who is regarded as the nemesis of evil, is actually a warm-hearted girl. This statement will definitely be regarded as the biggest joke in the world by her tribesmen.

She originally thought that this would be a female knight with a serious face and a majestic face.

She bent her knees slightly again to express her gratitude: I will. Thank you for your hospitality. At the same time, please also convey my gratitude to everyone for me.

You're welcome.

Watching Cellinina leave, his eyes lingered on the girl's back, the fluffy gray tail - it would sway with the steps when she walked.

It makes people want to get their hands on it and touch it.

Hey, does it look good?

At some point, the voice that appeared next to Lothar startled him.

Look back.

Jeanne was sitting on the railing in the courtyard corridor.

She held a bottle of mulled wine in her hand and rested her elbows on her knees.

Seeing Lothar's eyes, she put down the wine bottle and made an exaggerated semi-circular gesture: It's very big, not worse than Miss Prajna, and she's also a beast-eared girl.

Lothar became angry: I was just looking at the tail!

There were two blushes on her cheeks, and she smiled and said, Then you really have no sense.

She tilted her head and looked at Lothar: No, it's not that I have no vision. When I first came here, I didn't enjoy such treatment. Sir, did you have a plan?

Lothar said expressionlessly: You are overthinking, Chelinina. She is only a little girl. In terms of age, she is less than a fraction of your age. Moreover, she has just suffered a great misfortune.

Indeed, having your entire family destroyed and being brutally hunted does make people want to love you.

Jeanne was convinced of this: Don't worry, I will give her more care and let her feel us. By the way, what should we call our small group?

Transjordan Mutual Aid Committee?

Hebron Paranormal Association?

Anomalous Creatures Support Group?

Yesterday's giant ship?

She said several names in succession.

Lothar frowned, thought for a moment, and said, If you have to give it a name, maybe it would be better to call it Garden of Eden.


As expected of the Sun King, his naming skills are far better than mine.

Jeanne gave a thumbs up, changed the subject, and said, Then the question is, sir, who is your Eve?

According to legend, the Garden of Eden is the paradise on earth created by God, where Adam and Eve lived together.

Lothar suddenly lost interest in continuing the conversation.

Or is it everyone?

Lothar's pace quickened a little.

How greedy!

Jeanne raised her tone, her voice full of laughter: But it's nothing. It just depends on when you can muster up the courage. I don't care.

But other ladies may mind this greedy behavior.

Watching Lothar's back seemed to be running away.

Jeanne picked up the wine bottle with some pride and took a sip: Oh, I am getting older, so I should drink more to supplement my health.

This bottle of wine is a hot drink mixed with spices.

In this era, the reason why spices are considered valuable is that they can improve the taste of food caused by poor cooking methods.

Also because spices are considered a tonic.

When returning to the room.

Prajna is wearing a white linen short-sleeved shirt, with his white arms stretched out from the loose opening, holding a pen to write.

Fringilla sat on the side a little bored, resting her chin on her hands. When she saw Lothar, she was still a little unhappy.

What's wrong?

I'm so bored, she said angrily.

Lothar was a little surprised: Aren't you busy studying potions recently?

Lothar specially prepared an empty alchemy laboratory for her, far away from the mansion. Even if there was an explosion, it would not cause much damage.

It's boring.

She folded her legs, and her long white hair hung down the side of her face: You have obviously been free recently and don't want to accompany me.

I have to practice martial arts during the day and meditate at night.

Although you are exercising your body now, if the attribute points that can be improved are very limited, you may not be able to improve them once every half a month.

But Lothar didn't slack off either.

Comparing with Hans every day was very helpful for Lothar to improve his swordsmanship and reflexes.

He didn't want to be useless without the power of the system.

Anyway, it's just boring. If it continues like this, I'll want to sleep until next year.

Lothar frowned, thought for a moment, and then said, Would you like to make friends with Chelinina?


Fringilla was a little confused: Why?

You can get delicious biscuits - you are also equal in status. You are both princesses of your respective ethnic groups. Putting aside racial prejudice, I think you might be able to get along.

Fringilla was not interested: Don't be ridiculous, it's already boring to have such a boring gourd like a big stupid man. That little wolf girl looks similar to her.

Prajna put down his pen.

Fringilla was startled: What are you going to do?

Prajna didn't have a chance for her, so he went to bring a basin to wash himself.

You see, she is such a boring person.

Go and try it, Flynn.

Lothar said solemnly: Actually, you and Jeanne get along very well, don't you? If you make more friends, life might become a lot more interesting.

Fringilla was silent for a moment.

He hummed softly: To put it bluntly, you still don't have time to accompany me. It's boring, boring. Why do I need friends?


Push the door open and go out.

A grumpy and sensitive little girl, feeling neglected, walked down the corridor.

The door was suddenly opened.

Very unfortunate.

She came to the door of Cellinina's room.

Is there a problem?

No, just hanging out.

The two looked at each other in silence.

The atmosphere was a little awkward.

After a long time, Cellinina took the lead to break the deadlock: That

Want to come sit here with me?

Fringilla raised her eyebrows and snorted softly. She remembered what Lothar said before and wanted to refuse.

But then, the sound of Cellinina's fingers flicking open the iron box was heard.

Please eat.

Fringilla looked at Chelinina's serious expression and snorted again. She felt a little lackluster, so she snorted again.

Since you have kindly invited me, if I don't go, it seems a bit disrespectful to you.

After all, I am the princess of the Tepesh family. Hmm!

The sweetness spreads on the tip of the tongue.

She chewed the chocolate bar.

Cellinina said expressionlessly: Come in, there's more.

In Lothar's room.

Prajna came back from washing and put the towel and basin aside.

If Fulin isn't here, do you want to come over and get close to me?

A rare unsolicited invitation.

Much to Lothar's surprise, this was the first time Prajna had taken such initiative since that night's trip to the bottom of the sea.

His heartbeat was a little fierce, so he forced himself to calm down: How do you get close to me?

How do you want to get close?

The corners of her mouth curled up: Flynn will be back who knows when. What do you think is appropriate?

She stretched out her delicate white jade palm: I'll hold it for you.

Early morning three days later.

Lothar prepared his chariots and horses and prepared to return to Hebron with a group of winged cavalry.

It was closer to Jerusalem, and Lothar planned to take time to meet with Baldwin IV, and by the way, Hans would go back and continue to control the Royal Knights on his behalf.

The Queen Mother's hand stretched too far, and he planned to go back to shock Xiaoxiao.

In addition, Hebron is also the core area of ​​his territory, and he plans to stay here instead of Port Ella.

Before leaving, Lothar called the few knights of the order who had been left behind by him.

Fabio, the situation in Port Ella is very stable. As a guard officer, you just need to develop step by step.

If you have any doubts, you can send more people to communicate with Coors.

Fabio was once the steward of Asuka Manor, and he was considered one of the few internal affairs talents under Lothar. He could be evaluated as: talented, but not much.

But Coors is in Filhorn, not far from Port Ella.

Fabio said respectfully: Sir, I understand, please don't worry.

Ulm, the patrol officer has a very important responsibility, and Ella Port is located on the border. You must not slack off.

Ulm also nodded respectfully and said, Sir, I will keep my responsibilities in mind.

Mueller, the business affairs of Ella Port all depend on you, and there is also the matter of expanding the number of falconers, so please worry about it.

Mueller quickly said: Sir, I will definitely do it.

Then I'll leave.


Whip raised, the convoy drove off.

You ask me why I just hold hands? You are not allowed to write too much!

Even if I post a photo of Cellinina’s legs, it will be reviewed and rejected.

Horrible, terrible.

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