In the siege camp outside Port Ella.

The largest tent was brightly lit.

Raouf said proudly: I had already dispatched my fleet in Aqaba, preparing to launch a surprise attack on the enemy's port.

We use the flame as a signal. As long as the fire is lit, it will prove that they have succeeded.

He pointed to the looming fire in the distance in Ella Port: Now, more than a thousand of my warriors have entered the enemy's city.

Now, I'm afraid they are in a panic.

The dark wizard named Minometu said in a cold tone: It seems that you don't trust me, Lord. You didn't even mention such an important plan to me?

Oh, Master Minomote, how can such a trivial matter be worth your concern? Please take a look for me, what is the situation in this port?

A falcon is not an owl.

They don't need to prey on rodents that come out at night.

So at night, their sharp eyes during the day are no different from those of a blind man.

This was also the key to Lothar being able to lead the Crusader cavalry to successfully raid Saladin's camp.

The dark wizard closed his eyes and seemed to be feeling something.

After a long time, he finally said: There is a very strong smell of death in the port. There must be a battle.

Rauf immediately smiled and said: It seems that Lamor did a good job and killed many enemies.

It's just that the enemy has a wizard after all, and Larmore needs our support.

Give the order, light the torches, send out the chief thousand-man team, use all the siege engines, and launch an attack immediately!

The order came out.

The entire siege camp was boiling.

Rauf couldn't help but said contemptuously: This Lothar is just a young boy. He can't compare with my old rival Leonard. He has no more than two thousand people including levies.

Now, I'm afraid most of them are attracted to the port. The city wall defense is at its weakest.

No matter what Rauf thinks, his side has a huge advantage.

But he was still a little worried in his heart, and warned: Master Minomedao, if the enemy's witches take action, you must capture them for me.


Minomedo snorted coldly: Put away your lust. The battle between spellcasters is extremely dangerous. Even if I am stronger, I don't dare to hold back.

Rauf made a bid: When I destroy the city, I will slaughter all the people here. At that time, all the souls will belong to you and the great Scorpion God.

You have to understand that if you do this, Port Ella will almost be reduced to ruins after this battle. This will be a great loss to me.

Minomedo was silent for a moment and said, Okay, I will try to capture a witch for you, but I can't guarantee it.

Rauf was still a little dissatisfied, but seeing Minomed's cold expression, he didn't dare to say anything.

Although this dark wizard is also terrifying in strength, his temper is even worse than that of Master Shemel who trained a manticore knight for him.

However, as long as he can catch a witch for him to enjoy, it doesn't matter if he has a bad temper.

It is said that witches are far beyond the scope of ordinary people, both in figure and appearance.

Thinking of this, Rauf swallowed subconsciously.

In the siege camp.

War drums sounded.

The chief thousand-man team who had been prepared in advance, wearing uniform black scale armor, holding straight swords and bucklers, began to push the siege tower forward with the sound of drums.

One after another, some of the Saracen soldiers were hiding under the siege engines, while others were pushing behind them.

This kind of siege vehicle has a battering ram hanging on it, and the top is covered with an arrow shield with an iron sandwich, which can provide a temporary bunker for the soldiers below.

The conscripted peasant soldiers were pushed and kicked by their superiors, and woke up from their sleep. They were responsible for filling in the trench outside the city wall of Port Ella.

There is no moat in Ella Port, but the outer trenches are also an insurmountable obstacle for those huge siege engines.

Accompanied by the roars of wild beasts.

The manticores carried the knights behind them into the sky. From today on, these manticores have not been fed anymore, just to maintain their ferocious nature.

Under the mound not far away.

Jeanne quickly retracted her head.

Fortunately, these manticores and the knights behind them didn't look at her at all.

In the trench farther away, there were nearly two hundred hussars and their servants.

Only she ran to the front alone to observe the layout of the enemy's siege camp.

A black-armored Mamluk cavalry was waiting in the rear and did not participate in the attack on the city - probably to guard against the arrangement made by the winged cavalry led by her.

With Falcon here, the news that she led the team to break out of the encirclement would be impossible to hide from Rauf.

Lothar called Rauf a fool who thought he was smart, but although Rauf was self-righteous, his intelligence was still within the scope of a normal person.

Therefore, he had already deployed his personal guards, the most elite cavalry force, behind the camp in advance.

If Jeanne wanted to launch a surprise attack, the Mamluk cavalry would be able to intercept it immediately.

No chance.

Then don't rush.

Jeanne was very calm.

She didn't believe that the pagan army in front of her could break through Ella Port.

Instead of leading the hussars to charge forward and fight a tough battle at this time, risking more than half of the losses and disrupting the enemy's formation, it is better to watch the show here and wait for the opportunity.

The best thing is to wait until the enemy is defeated, then take the opportunity to use a wave of beheading tactics to directly kill the enemy's leader, the villain named Rauf.

at this time.

Lothar had led the Varangian Guards to the city walls.

In the port, Lothar left the small task of cleaning up some enemy remnants and defeated generals to Model.

Sir, do you want to open fire?

Hans asked.

With the accuracy of Siegfried Tower, hitting the enemy's siege towers and siege vehicles at this distance is not a problem at all.

Although this kind of siege machine is not afraid of ordinary bows and arrows and slings, it does not mean that it is not afraid of ballistas and trebuchets.

Once the siege engine is destroyed, the enemy's siege plan or even the recent siege plan will be declared bankrupt, and they must rebuild the siege engine.

Carrying a simple ladder and braving the enemy's arrows and cannonballs, ants attack the city, which will only appear when the power gap between the enemy and the enemy is too great, or in TV series.

Lothar shook his head and said: Wait a little longer, bring them closer before firing.

The siege engines in Siegfried's Tower were extremely accurate, and the unique design of the shooting holes gave them a large range of fire. This was the reason Lothar dared to let them move the siege engines closer and then attack. one.

Moreover, he also has the Dragon's Breath as a trump card. Even if the enemy is completely out of the Siegfried Tower's shooting range, he can burn an entire siege tower's soldiers into torches.

If he doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to consume more of the enemy's power, how can he carry out the next Sinai strategy?

By then, it would be his turn to attack the city.

The enemy's distance is getting closer and closer.

The leader of the Armenian mercenary group fired a test arrow and accurately hit a Saracen soldier who was hiding behind the shield of the battering ram, but a new man immediately filled his vacancy.

Moreover, this man learned his lesson and plugged the shield into the hole in the arrow shield.

Strictly speaking, his light infantry was unable to cause effective damage to the enemy.

Oh, this battle is going to be difficult.

The mercenary leader sighed softly.

If this wasn't a siege, he would have escaped with his men if he could.

Above the head, there was a roar of a lion.

Ten manticore knights flew through the sky. The knights behind them were more like animal trainers than knights. Because they moved at high speed in the air, both bows and arrows and javelins lost their accuracy.

They actually cannot play any combat role and only serve as the brains of the manticore, directing these beasts to fight.

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