Lothar frowned, thinking about which attribute to allocate attribute points to next.

In the distance, there was a sound of war horses neighing. On the saddle bag, there was a grape with a double-headed eagle emblem, and Lothar and others' mounts were galloping towards this side.

They rushed straight under the lush canopy of the Tree of Life, where there was a small lake, with clear and sweet water flowing from it.

Poor Grape, I don't know how much suffering I suffered along the way.

Jeanne jumped off the city wall.

Leonard, who saw this scene from the side, opened his mouth and wanted to ask, sir, how many holy apostles do you have?

Can you count me in?

He didn't dare to speak.

Okay, Leonard, send someone to prepare fine feed to reward these heroes. Prepare a dinner for us, it doesn't need to be too sumptuous. We will spend the night at your place tonight.

Leonard said quickly: Yes, sir.

Sir, would you like one?

Fringilla put a chocolate bar into Lothar's mouth, and he tasted it. It was matcha flavored.

He felt that based on the characteristics of this box of chocolate biscuits, it should be called Forrest Gump's Biscuit Box because you never know what flavor you will taste before you take out one.

He came to the edge of the city wall and sat down, side by side with Fringilla, and ate this rare box of desserts.

In the end, he decided to take 18 of the 25 attribute points and distribute them evenly among strength, agility, and physical strength.

As for endurance, although as a lord, he should preserve life first, he felt that his defense at this stage was completely sufficient.

The rest was not immediately added to mental power.

The higher the mental power, the worse the effect of the meditation method. He planned to keep it in his hand and use it when facing the enemy, or wait until the effect of the meditation method was reduced sharply before adding it.

Anyway, bathing in the dragon's blood this time did not have any impact on him, which proved that his current mental strength was sufficient.

Flynn, do you think it would be more practical for me to ask Anna for a transformation spell, or a space spell?

In fact, Potions is also very good, but he definitely doesn't have the energy to study it.

Is it possible that he, the dignified Count of Transjordan, needs to hide in a gloomy basement all day long, stirring the cauldron with a spoon and working as an alchemist?

As for counting on Fringilla?

Lothar looked to the side, where the little girl was chewing biscuits with squinted eyes, feeling that she was dreaming.

Space teleportation spells are more suitable, as they can better ensure your safety.

But it's a bit difficult. I'm not sure you can learn it.

Lothar nodded.

The threshold for space witchcraft is indeed relatively high, and the results are very slow.

A powerful witch like Anna can only use transformation to get on her way in an emergency. It can be seen that space spells are not that practical.

The legend of the Trojan Horse in this world is said to be related to space witchcraft.

Lothar touched the stubby beard growing on his chin. It was very common to grow a beard in this era.

But he felt it was very unhygienic. He could often see rough knights wiping their mouths with their beards that were already stained with vegetable soup after eating, and then got up and left.

Therefore, he still retained the habit of shaving. This was not a deviant thing like shaving his head, but the latter might be mistaken for an orthodox monk.

Catholics all have Mediterranean hairstyles.

Perhaps I should have asked Anna myself for advice - but she mistook me for a powerful wizard in a weak stage - well, that's actually my responsibility.

So, the advice I get from her will probably not be very suitable for me.

Fringilla gave advice: If that doesn't work, just ask for the young sea dragon that she has been boasting about all day long, who can restore the glory of the Eastern Empire Navy.

Lothar rubbed Fringilla's hair. A good hair not only sounds good, but also needs to be well arranged.

You don't need a sea dragon to deal with pirates on the Red Sea. Hogg and his ghost ship are enough.

Furthermore, unlike the Eastern Empire, which has a long and narrow coastline, at this stage, I still want to focus on land power.

The reason why it is said to be at this stage is that in Lothar's vision, once the Egyptian granary is captured and the navy is not developed, how can one get a share of the Mediterranean trade?

The Crusader fleet, the Venetian and Genoese fleets, and the Eastern Empire fleet are said to be Christian brothers, but they may not be very reliable.

It is perfectly normal for roommates to fight each other.

At this time.

The Tree of Life flickered with a misty green light, and a fresh, as if brewing breath of vitality filled the entire New Habsburg.

“The tree of life is entering youth.”

Lothar stood up.

People in the castle, the market, and the village were also attracted by this vision and came towards the Tree of Life.

Lothar had already sent people to explain the battle during the day, and they were not worried about being in danger.

As more and more pilgrims gathered under the Tree of Life.

Lothar seemed to vaguely see thin lines linking from the tops of the pilgrims' heads to the canopy of the Tree of Life.

What's this?

It's faith.

Jeanne didn't know when she came to him.

The little tree is going to become a god, just like the totem gods and animal gods worshiped by people in black Africa.

Sir, you have a special connection with Xiaoshu, otherwise you wouldn't be able to see this line.

Jeanne paused slightly and added: I am the grand leader of the Knights of the Holy Church. I have dealt with 'faith' a lot, so I can see it.

Lothar frowned: Then those holy objects in the church that are worshiped all day long, why haven't the icons become gods?

Jeanne shrugged: The Tree of Life is originally a totem god worshiped by the elves. The little tree probably just awakened its original ability.

Moreover, Sir, you must know that no one can guarantee that there are no real gods behind those holy objects - if they exist, people's faith will go to the hands of the gods behind these holy objects instead of staying there. In the utensils.”

Lothar suddenly realized: That's right.

Becoming a god does not mean that the tree of life will immediately undergo some kind of transformation. The totem gods of some tribes in black Africa are often used by wizards to cook medicine or make magical weapons and props, but they are not noble at all.

One more thing, my lord.

Jeanne stretched out her hand and took a green light spot that fell from the sky. Watching it dissipate in the palm of her hand, she couldn't help but smile and said: My lord, what sacred objects have you seen, and you can tell them without shame - those sacred objects and holy vessels are not Become the word of God?”

Lothar followed suit: Indeed, Jeanne, you have considered this matter more comprehensively than I have.

A prompt sounded in my ears.

You have bathed in the rain of life, and within a year you will be less likely to suffer from disease.

This is a gift.

Many pilgrims can feel that their wounds, backs, legs, and hands that have been in pain all day long due to fatigue have been significantly relieved.

In Lothar's sight, those threads of faith became more eye-catching.

If I were not the Count of Transjordan, I would have to worry now that the Tree of Life would be labeled as a pagan god, and I would have to prepare for the Crusades one day.

Not so now.

The Jerusalem Catholic Church is a renovated church with Eastern characteristics.

It is not too difficult to add a sacred object of Tree of Life or ignore it.

Of course, this all requires Lothar to have power. If European monarchs like Emperor Henry and King Richard the Lion-Heart come over, it may not be Lothar's turn to speak.

These European monarchs not only had powerful armies and vast territories, but also had the help of wizards.

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