Lothar has long wanted to recruit the Falcon into his team. This perfect scout is much more useful than the light cavalry that runs on four legs on the ground.

But falconers are somewhat related to extraordinary beings. They have concluded a contract with the falcon through a certain ceremony, and can communicate with each other and master the eagle language.

Moreover, the training of falcons is not a simple matter.

It is said to be common, and it is indeed common.

Many of the larger Saracen lords had falconers under their command.

But to say it is rare, it is really rare. There are so many princes and nobles in the Crusaders, but few have falconers. It seems that the falconers are bound to Zoroastrianism.

Lothar did not get close to the bloody wooden piles.

He just ordered: Ask the Saint LS Road Redemption Order branch stationed in Alandel to send a team of clergy to Port Ella. The war is coming. How can we do it without military doctors?

But water far away cannot save the fire nearby.

Unless Uldin was present personally, no one could cure such a penetrating injury.

The Sheriff of Ella Port, Pepin, whispered after Lothar and the others left, Give them a happy life and give them a good burial. Heavenly Father will bless them and ascend to heaven.


On the high ground opposite, a group of Mamluk guards wearing black scale armor and chain mail helmets surrounded an Eastern-style canopy.

It is a parasol covered with black silk cloth. Rauf the Impaler stood in the shade, holding up a silver wine glass and taking a sip of fermented grape juice.

“Ha, you’re so calm, no wonder you lost to him, Zain.”

Beside him, Zain’s expression was a little complicated.

From the bottom of his heart, of course he wanted to take revenge on Lothar and regain his territory.

But in that battle, his self-confidence was almost completely destroyed by Jeanne. From the bottom of his heart, he did not want to be an enemy of an opponent like Lothar again.

Indeed, he is different from those traditional Frankish princes.


I failed to provoke him, so I killed him here.

Rauf Aladdin sighed.

Contrary to what Lothar expected, Rauf wanted to anger Lothar, not because he wanted Lothar to take the blame for breaking the peace treaty, but because he really wanted to attack Lothar and kill him here.

He controlled a large area of ​​territory on both sides of the Red Sea. He was able to muster 3,000 armored sergeants and had a Mamluk bodyguard of 500. He was the most powerful person in the Hejaz region besides the guardians of the two holy cities. lord.

But Zain, don't worry. With Master Shemeier here, I will help you regain your lost territory soon.

Rauf is full of confidence.

He had long heard from Zain that there was a wizard working under the Frankish lord, so naturally he would not act rashly without a way to deal with it.

Master Shemeier was a wizard from East Africa who he invited to serve animal spirits.

Zain forced a smile on his face: Rauf, why don't you forget it? There's nothing dissatisfying about just letting me be a general under you.

“Hmph, Zain, look at what you look like now, you are so cowardly, like a defeated dog whose spine was kicked off.”

Rauf snorted coldly.

In half a month at the latest, when the first group of Manticore knights have been trained, we will launch an attack on Port Ella - then we will contact a group of pirates to cooperate with our fleet and advance in two directions - He supports Can’t live!”

Zain opened his mouth and wanted to remind him that the pirate you contacted last time disappeared without a trace and you didn’t even understand what happened.

But he shut his mouth again.

This brother of mine has expanded greatly in the Hijaz region in recent years. Both his strength and mentality have expanded greatly.

Originally, I had no right to speak in front of him, but now I have lost the territory he had won for me.

If he didn't have an army under his command and snatched away a large amount of the wealth accumulated in Ella Port, I might not be qualified to stand by Rauf's side now.

This border conflict caused some people to panic, especially those converts whose allocated land was close to the border of Lothar territory and Rauf.

In Ella Port, everyone was in a hurry, with uneasiness in their expressions.

Return to the mansion in Port Ella.

Lothar quickly calmed down the anger in his heart. The stronger his mental power, the harder it is for him to lose control of his emotions.

Grapes and watermelons that had been chilled in the well were placed in front of him by the maid.

Lothar sat down and said in a deep voice: Ask Mueller if he has any channels under him to find out for me what kind of confidence Rauf has to provoke this border conflict?


He did not eat the fruit on the table, but went straight back to his usual bedroom.

He took out the double-headed eagle emblem, connected it with his mental power, and said, Miss Anna, is it convenient for us to chat?

There was an intermittent voice coming from the other side: Wait a moment.

In the Royal Palace of Constantinople.

The witch Anna sprinkled a bunch of red and green spices into a cauldron set on the fire, and there was a bang sound and sparks flying everywhere.

The liquid in the cauldron began to decrease rapidly.

In the blink of an eye, only a shallow layer of the bottom of the pot was left, which was as thick as syrup.

She clapped her hands: Ha, it's done - come here, send these 'strong potions' to the camp of the 'Black Hand Brigade', let them drink them, and then they can set off to the Bulgarian border to suppress the rebellion.


Immediately, a respectful attendant came over, skillfully divided the potions in the cauldron and took them away.

Anna walked aside and whispered:

Hey Hey hey?

I'm fine here, what can I do for you?

On the other side of the coat of arms, Lothar's voice came: I have to thank you for sending someone the meditation method, Ms. Anna.

Ha, you're too polite. It's not a profound knowledge. If it can help you, that would be great.

A meditation method is indeed not a piece of profound knowledge worthy of praise. In the great library of Constantinople, there must be ninety-nine if not a hundred.

Ms. Anna, maybe this doesn't mean anything to you, but I remember that the purpose of our Levant Witch Association is equal exchange, isn't it?

Anna emphasized: It's the 'Levantine Wizards Association', and the name has been changed! Our association is about being open to all rivers, how could it be because of a gender-limited name?

But you are right, we value exchange of equal value - there happens to be something that you may need your help with. A wanted wizard was wanted for stealing from the Imperial Library some time ago - he is very dangerous, and there is a high probability that he will escape. This is your Frankish territory, so just help me keep an eye on his whereabouts.

Are there any more specific characteristics? At the banquet a few days ago, my vassal did mention that suspicious people came to his territory.

Ana's face became more solemn.

She thought for a moment and said:

But it's useless to talk to you about specific characteristics. This is a powerful wizard who masters the art of transformation. This guy is trying to study the long-lost art of human body refining, and plans to take living people out of the alchemy cauldron. The appearance of such a person can change at any time. Can change.”

Let's do this. Don't alert the snake first. I will send Nisaya...the little girl who gave you the meditation method as soon as possible, and ask her to accompany you to screen it.

Okay, by the way, does this Miss Nisaya have any misunderstanding about me?


Anna's tone of voice rose slightly, then she quickly calmed down and looked calm: Of course not, but you have to know that many witches are very loyal when it comes to love.

Although you are a rare wizard, there are too many witches around you, which is not very popular.

Lothar's voice suddenly came from over there: So that's it.

The two chatted for a few more words before Anna cut off the communication, feeling a little guilty in her heart.

She would never admit that what she told Nysaya was that Lothar was an evil wizard who was good at bewitching beautiful witches and making them indulge in lust. Every word he spoke had the power to confuse people.

It's not that she has any thoughts about Lothar, it's just a casual comment in a mischievous manner.

Port Ella.

Lothar frowned, feeling that she was facing quite a few problems right now.

I hope I made a mistake. If there is really a wizard hiding in my territory - let it be dealt with by the Wizards Association.

He has not had any experience fighting against witches, but the impression he had on him from the witch he met in Austria, who once transformed into a giant snake and followed Count Leopold, was still fresh in his memory.

Even now, when he gathered all his followers, he was not sure he could defeat her.

A meditation method should be equivalent to another message, right?

Next, there is an endless stream of trivial things.

A hawker in the port cheated on the scales and was short of a pound; two farmers got into a fight over the dividing line between adjacent fields; a carriage ran over the legs of passers-by...

A large number of matters that required Lothar's decision-making were piled into his ears.

For a moment, Lothar really wanted to say casually: Let them have a judicial duel, and don't bother me with such trivial matters again.

But he immediately put an end to this thought. To him, it was a small matter, but when it came to an individual, it was a major event that could change a person's destiny.

He ordered his men to bring these people to trial and use translators to hear the cases one after another and deal with them appropriately.

Sir, some border converts want to be assigned some weapons for self-defense.

Agree to their request and send the Knights of the Order to organize them to conduct peasant-soldier-style drills. Each family will have men. I hope that next time they are attacked, they can delay enough time until we arrive.

Besides, Hans, call Ned over and I'll authorize him to form a border patrol.

Lothar lay on the soft cushions, missing Hebron with Coors taking care of her.

He raised his head and looked around.

Fringilla had her legs crossed and was playing with her hair out of boredom; Jeanne looked like a drunkard, gulping heavily and her cheeks were flushed; Prajna was holding an Arabic book and reading it with gusto.

None are reliable.

As for knights such as Ryan, Model, Pepin, and Ned, they are often illiterate and cannot read a single word.

Only Hans is reliable, but Hans already has enough responsibilities on his shoulders.

He had no choice but to say: Inform Coors immediately. The situation in Hebron has almost stabilized. Ask him to hand over everything to Andreas and come to Ella Port.

Fringilla said in surprise: Sir, are you finally going to bring Kurs over?

Lothar rolled his eyes: If there is one reliable person among you, I won't be so busy all day long.

Jeanne raised her wine glass and signaled to Lothar: Sir, you are right. I was once a peasant woman. She was good at helping the family with cooking, grazing, and housekeeping - handling government affairs is not good, so don't think about those annoying things. They bother me with internal affairs issues.

I believe you, you are just plain lazy.

Jeanne suffered the disadvantage of being illiterate when she was tried by the British. After so many years after her rebirth, she was no longer illiterate.

Prajna closed the book, just when Lothar thought she was a little dissatisfied with her words.

I saw her putting the book back on the bookshelf, changing it to another one, and started reading.

The whole time, it was as if he didn't hear what Lothar said at all.

She now had time to sit down and continue reading - in line with Fringilla's words, she pretended not to hear the words that were unpleasant to her ears.

Fringilla was a little dissatisfied and said: Sir, I can help you solve your problems. I used to be a princess, the kind who had my own territory. Don't underestimate me!

Lothar became interested and asked, Tell me, what would you do if you were the one handling the cases I just handled?

Fringilla said confidently: Of course I will hang them all. If you dare to bother me with such a trivial matter, do you think I don't know how to kill?

The smile on Lothar's face froze. He stretched out his hand and knocked a loud bang on her forehead before she could react.

The sound is crisp and clear.

Lothar looked at Fringilla who looked aggrieved, smiled and said, It's so refreshing.

“It sounds good, it’s a good start, I’ll hit it more often in the future!”

Jeanne said from the side.

Fringilla felt aggrieved and glared at Jeanne, but she dared not speak out in anger.

In the evening, the witch shrouded in black robes came again.

She stood outside the door and asked in a sweet and clear voice like a bell: Where is Ragmani?

Want to come in and talk?

Lothar asked.

The witch immediately took a step back warily, her voice full of nervousness: No! No need, you tell me the whereabouts of Ragmani, and I will leave right now.

Lothar was speechless. Are you so afraid of me?

He had obviously deliberately restrained his aura.

Ragmani is the wizard Anna said, who stole the books from the Imperial Library and tried to refine the human body?

Yes, he is a dangerous person.

He is in the territory of my vassal, Baron Zugar. It is said that it is a village called 'Dehem'. He behaves in a solitary manner and lives in isolation. You should be able to tell at a glance.

After Lothar finished speaking, she asked again: Miss Nisaya, are you sure you don't need me to bring someone with you?

Nysaya hesitated for a moment.

After a long time, she still shook her head and said: Forget it, I am very knowledgeable in the art of concealment. If I just find out the identity of the other party, there will be no risk to me.

Although Anna's summons asked her to go with Lothar and his party to explore the target.

But how could the wizard be like a well-trained army, able to enforce orders and prohibitions?

Nysaya has the confidence of being a master of stealth.

Moreover, compared to Lothar, the perverted wizard, she felt that it was hard to say who was more dangerous than the wizard who was obsessed with human body refining.

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