In the mansion that once belonged to Zahn and now has the surname Habsburg.

Lothar was holding a wine glass and sipping the ice-cold wine.

Unlike Jeanne, he didn't like the taste of alcohol, no matter in his past or present life.

This low-alcohol fermented grape juice suited his taste.

Hans raised the beaded curtain and sat down at a table lit with incense.


Well, I have already sent Hardy, the man you named to be arrested, to prison.

Lothar nodded slightly.

Hardy is just a nobody, a local gang leader, who would not dare to go against the lord or even kidnap the children of the nobles like in the game.

Did the attack on Rahman's mansion go smoothly?

Hans hesitated and said, With Miss Jeanne here, it should go smoothly.

Caution is one thing. Dealing with a small local leader is like a nuclear bomb hitting a mosquito. It is a dimensionality-reducing strike. There is no chance of any accidents.

Thank you for your hard work. Let's sit down and have a glass of wine and take a break. Although it's not extremely hot in Port Ella, the hot flashes are quite torturous. Compared to here, I still feel more comfortable living in Hebron.

Lothar asked the maid to bring the wine.

He has no plans to send these maids away. The mansions in Hebron and Alandre need manpower to maintain, so it is most appropriate to send some of them away in batches and average them out.

Hans took the glass and agreed: Indeed, patrolling the streets in this weather with full armor is really torture.

At this time, the guard's voice sounded outside the curtain: Sir, the Saracen leader named Muller wants to see you.

Heh, you're quite brave.

Lothar said a little surprised.

Let him in.

Soon, the Saracen leader named Muller lowered his head and returned to this place, the mansion he had just visited yesterday.

But my mood is completely different from yesterday.

Lothar shook the wine glass gently and smiled: Please sit down, Mr. Mueller.

I thought that attacking Rahman would scare you, but looking at it now, you probably didn't mistake me for a tyrant. I'm very pleased.

Muller forced a smile and said: Sir, I want to know why you attacked Rahman?

Lothar just released a little breath, and Mueller's face turned pale.

What? You want to plead for him?

Mueller quickly shook his head and said: Sir, Rahman deserves to die. He has done so many evil things. It will be a great pleasure for you to deal with him!

Oh, Mueller, it's really satisfying to get rid of him, but what about getting rid of you? Why do you think I will keep you?

Mueller's face became extremely pale. He hesitated and said, Sir, I am useful to you.

Lothar nodded slightly and said, That's right for now, but whether it's useful or not depends on what you say.

I am very dissatisfied with the decline of Ella Port. How can it still have the charm of a pearl on the Red Sea? I hope you can help me restore the prosperity here as soon as possible.

Don't worry. I'm different from that idiot Zain. I won't catch all the money. We will discuss and formulate new business taxes. It is best to create a business guild to maintain the fairness of business in Ella Port.

The collection of commercial taxes requires professional tax personnel.

Otherwise, we can only set up cards to collect tolls like New Habsburg and Hebron - this crude one-size-fits-all model is undoubtedly very unreasonable.

Because this will result in the same amount of tax being paid for selling a shipload of grain and selling a shipload of spices.

If applied rigidly to Ella Port, it will lead to the loss of a large amount of commercial tax. This is the advantage of the proportional tax system over the per capita tax system.

Mueller, you are a talent, and I never hesitate to reuse talents - I want to appoint you as the tax collector of Ella Port. The only thing that makes me hesitate is your loyalty.

Mueller's expression changed again and again.

He quickly said: Sir, I am absolutely loyal to you!

Lothar chuckled. Maybe interests were tied up, and Mueller would not betray him when the price was not enough, but this obviously had nothing to do with loyalty.

Mueller, are you forty years old this year?

Mueller didn't understand why Lothar would jump to this topic and hesitated: Sir, I am already thirty-nine this year.


At this age, for the poor people at the bottom who work all day long, it is undoubtedly the age when they are buried, but Muller is obviously not poor and is in the prime of life.

Then kneel down and swear allegiance to me. I will promote you as a Knight of the Order under my command. As for the conversion ceremony, it can be held in the church in the city in the afternoon.

Mueller didn't hesitate.

He did not dare to hesitate, let alone make an impassioned statement such as I am a devout Zoroastrian and did not want to convert.


He knelt down on one knee, kneeling cleanly.

Lothar drew out his dazzling armed sword and put it on his shoulder: Read the oath as I do.

As Mueller finished reciting the oath, all the combat skills of the Knights of the Order flooded into his mind, and he blurted out in shock: My lord, are you a wizard?

That's understandable. Now, Mueller, you are one of your own. Can you tell me in detail how to improve the predicament in Ella Port?

With lightning speed, Lothar defeated the army led by Zahn under the city of Alandre, and successively regained the news of the Bishopric of Alandre and the Port of Ella.

Soon word spread throughout Transjordan.

In the palace of Kaleburg, Leonard, who had just held his wedding to Eleanor and was preparing to mobilize troops to take over Lothar's mess, was so angry that he jumped up and down.

Lothar's move completely consolidated his prestige as the Count of Transjordan. Even the most rebellious vassal would not dare to violate his will easily from now on.

Some of the lords from various places were very excited, while others were full of sadness.

And in the barony of Petra.

Baron Argonne was one of those sad-looking people.

Sir, I don't understand why you are worried about this. You are Count Lothar's confidant who swore allegiance to him on the first day he took office.

Huh, just a few words and you became a confidant?

Baron Argonne could not help but laugh at the naivety of his men.

What I'm worried about is how can I really form a closer relationship with Count Lothar. This battle was almost fought by Count Lothar alone. What does this mean?

He doesn't trust us vassals at all.

The courtier under Argon thought for a moment and gave advice: My lord, Count Lothar is not married yet. Although your daughter is still young, you still have two unmarried sisters.

Argon rolled his eyes: Idiot, with the looks of my two sisters, if they really get married, are you sure you are not enmity with the earl?

The men wanted to say more, but Argon waved his hand and refused:

Stop talking about it. There are many people who want to marry the Earl. It is said that the lord even rejected the olive branch offered by Princess Sibylla.

Argon sat back in his chair and muttered to himself.

With Count Lothar's current prestige and military strength, I'm afraid it's time to attack the vassals under his command.

Leynard is too strong. Under him, I am the first to bear the brunt.

The Barony of Petra held by Argonne was almost the richest territory in Transjordan, except for Leonard's Kaleborg and Montreal.

In addition, Zugar, Shaokeba, Tafila, Sira, Hormuz (hormuz is not the one in the Strait of Hormuz), Sanoril and other places are not as good as him.

Predictably, a storm is brewing.

Argon hoped that he could benefit from this storm, such as gaining the right to rule the neighboring border city of Shaokeba, and then march eastward with Lothar to gain new territory.

Rather than the one who bears the brunt and is purged.

Get your gifts and mounts ready. We will set off tomorrow morning to Port Ella to pay a visit to the Earl.

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