On the mist-shrouded sea.

Like a terrifying ghost ship from hell, the dark shipboard covered with algae and shells, with a strong smell of decay, quickly approached and rubbed against the side of the pirate ship.

The ship's planks collided, making a heart-wrenching noise.

The wooden planks and hook locks on the Ocean Disaster were quickly placed on the opposite side when the pirates were shaken violently and were shaken to their feet.

When Captain Hogg landed, he stepped on the wildly shaking deck and rushed into the chaotic group of pirates as if walking on flat ground, slashing and killing them.

Blood was flowing on the deck.

His swordsmanship is extremely good, and the weapon in his hand is as precise and quick as a poisonous snake, nailing every pirate's throat with ease.

Followed closely.

They are the zombie sailors who use planks and hook locks to engage in boarding battles.

The faces of these swollen undead soaked in water were filled with ferocious smiles full of malice towards the living.

At the front is a zombie sailor who is as big and round as a little giant. He is Captain Hogg's most loyal first mate, both in life and in death.

Skin them off, disembowel them, and please our Ocean's Scourge with blood!

The first mate roared in a hoarse voice.

The zombie sailors followed closely, making strange whining sounds.

In the frightened eyes of the pirates, they boarded the deck one after another. One brave pirate chopped off the head of a zombie sailor with a sword.

But it seemed to have no feeling at all. It slashed the opponent's throat with a knife in its backhand, and the blood spewed out, covering its headless body.

This scene completely destroyed the pirates' will to resist.

Despair quickly enveloped every pirate's heart.

The pirate captain's face was pale. He was a spellcaster with extraordinary power. He had been fortunate enough to learn ancient witchcraft from the witch priest in the tribe.

But it is impossible for him to fight against so many undead!

Whether it's the Holy Fire, the Crocodile God, the Hapi God, or Poseidon. Please, punish this horrible evil quickly.

Shut up, you blasphemous idiot!

The holy fire is above, the highest and the most powerful, burn these ghosts and monsters who deserve to go to hell.

The pirates were in a mess, and many panicked and jumped directly into the sea. It was very close to the land, and they would not necessarily die if they jumped.

One pirate shouted in despair: We can't kill these devils!

Actually, it is possible.

Captain Hogg grinned, revealing a big gold tooth. Is there anything in this world that cannot be killed?

No matter how terrifying and strange it is, there will always be a way to solve it.

The crew of the ghost ship, as creatures of the curse, are actually attached to the Scourge of the Seas.

Once the cursed object Ocean Disaster is destroyed, all the undead will be freed; in addition, if the ghost ship itself exhausts its magic power, the crew will also lose the ability to infinitely resurrect and fall into a deep sleep.

To replenish the lost magic power of this ghost ship is actually very simple - by sacrificing blood and fear, the ghost ship can not only restore the magic power, but also lose its decay and become more and more powerful.

Seeing that the pirates had been defeated, Captain Hogg strode to the bow of the pirate ship, which was said to be a horn made of the horn of a narwhal.

The narwhal in this world is not the same as Lothar's previous life.

Rather, it is a ferocious ocean beast.

Many corpses of sea animals floating on the sea, gradually decaying under the scorching sun, are often their masterpieces.

Oh, poor little guy, you're free.

Captain Hogg lovingly caressed the pitted and scarred bumper, as if comforting a poor soul who had gone through many vicissitudes of life and could not find relief.

From now on, you will follow the great Captain Hogg across the entire ocean.

Of course, Paul will not like you appearing on my ship, but I promise that I will disassemble you in advance before I can call out Paul.

Paul is Captain Hogg's affectionate name for his beloved pet, a Norwegian Kraken, a giant octopus.

At least half of Hogg's ability to survive the disasters of the ocean is due to this giant sea beast that also turned into an undead.

Lothar's first breakfast in Port Ella was very satisfying.

The main meal is a kind of hand-picked meal that was passed down from Tianzhu in the east during the rule of the Abbasid Dynasty.

It is filled with various spices, fruits, vegetables, and the essential lamb. It is simply fried with butter and then steamed in a steamer.

The long-grain rice grown in Egypt was soaked in the soup of the mutton stew. Lothar, who had become accustomed to eating pasta since traveling through time, once again experienced the happiness of eating rice.

Hans sat opposite Lothar, holding a piece of toast with parsley in his hand, dipping it into the mutton soup on the plate and sipping it.

The two were communicating about the current situation in Ella Port.

The person who came to see me last night, who can speak fluent Gallic, is the owner of the largest shipyard in Port of Ella. He monopolizes almost all the shipbuilding industry in Port of Ella.

By the way, he also ran the slave trade in North Africa, selling fabrics, wine and wheat by sea in exchange for gems, gold and castrated, docile and loyal black slaves.

Lothar swallowed a mouthful of rice and nodded: Well, I can keep this guy for the time being, as long as he pays taxes - where is the bearded man who came with him?

Hans said: I was about to tell you that that guy is the largest gang leader in Port Ella. He monopolizes almost all the lending industries in the city and outside the city. His family has countless properties and estates.


Lothar asked succinctly.


Hans frowned and said, There are countless people who can't afford it. Their land was occupied and their families were sold into slavery. His reputation in Ella Port is very bad. Many civilians and serfs hate him.

Lothar nodded slightly: Not bad.

Just use him to kill the chicken to scare the monkeys.

Hans hesitated and said: These people have considerable influence in Port Ella, and they have indeed suffered a lot from Zahn Aladdin. There is a high probability that they sincerely join him.

The one who runs the shipyard in front has mastered a sea route, which is of some use. But the one behind him

Lothar said casually: I hate moneylenders. Besides, didn't you also say that they don't even have the guts to resist Zahn Aladdin? How dare they resist me?

Hans nodded and said: In this case, I will get started.

Well, just follow the same routine as we did in Hebron: ransack homes, collect evidence, conduct public trials, win over people's hearts, divide the land, and free the serfs.

In just a few words, the fate of a local wealthy family was decided.

Since there were no outsiders around, Lothar spoke very openly, such as searching the house before collecting evidence.

At this time, a hussar strode into the house and reported: Sir, there is a broken galley floating towards the shore.

Lothar picked up the handkerchief and wiped the stains on her hands: What are the characteristics of that ship?

There is a double-headed eagle flag flying from the top of the mast - the same as your coat of arms, but there seems to be no one on board.

This is the signal agreed between Lothar and Hogg!

Lothar said with some excitement: I didn't expect the results to come out so soon. This is our ship. Send someone to bring the ship to the shore, but don't board it.

Lothar soon spotted Hogg on a galley in the harbor.

Hogg rubbed his hands with a flattering smile on his face:

Sir, this ship can be used as a training ship for your coastal defense fleet. The harpoon on the 'Ocean Disaster' caused a lot of damage to it, which means that once it receives too severe a collision, even There is a risk of disintegration.”

The structure of this kind of galley for offshore operations is not to mention comparable to the giant ocean-going ships of the Age of Discovery that could withstand all kinds of bombardment; even the upcoming Calais galley is many times stronger than it.

The cost of making such a ship is not very high.

But sir, the prize I want to dedicate to you is not this ship, but the treasure on this ship - they probably just robbed a caravan and haven't had time to hide the treasure.

A smile appeared on Lothar's face: Don't worry, I remember the promise I made to you. I will set aside a part of this treasure to upgrade you.

Hogg smiled shyly and said, Sir, I didn't mean that.

Lothar smiled and punched him in the shoulder: Come on, you didn't mean to make this trip?

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