in the sun.

Captain Hogg, clad in a thick felt robe, hated traveling in such sunny weather.

When he was roaming the Mediterranean, he always had to wrap himself and his ship in thick fog, or simply go underwater under the sea.

The layout of the entire ship was as dark as hell.

Not only does Captain Hogg not like the sun, he also doesn't like land. The feeling of weakness on land always makes Captain Hogg feel palpitations.

Especially after being sent away by that damn demon that Miss Fringilla called neither male nor female like a minion, he was even more humiliated by Captain Hogg.

“I am the captain of ‘Ocean Disaster’!”

Captain Hogg muttered to himself, taking a grudge.

But Lothar didn't think it was anything. The lord template and the commander template's retinue, the combat power never focused on the individual - Jeanne was a special case.

Even in the game, Jeanne definitely belongs to that limited-level six-star retinue.

The card pool is still unguaranteed. If you don't throw in three or five thousand, you can't even hope to draw it out. As long as it is hung on the support panel, it will be more respectable.

Captain Hogg suddenly felt a malicious cold light coming from behind him.

Fringilla rode a pony, quickly came forward, and poked Captain Hogg's arm curiously: So you are really real, that is to say, you can dissect?

Captain Hogg shuddered.

There was a forced smile on his face.

Although they are all five-stars, Captain Hogg can still see the status of this high-level vampire named Fringilla in Lothar's mind.

Moreover, his current level has only been raised to level ten by Lothar, which is incomparable to this senior who is at least level thirty.

Not to mention, even if he was at the same level, there was no way he could be Fringilla's opponent on land.

Captain Hogg smiled dryly and explained: Miss Flynn, I am not a real evil spirit, but an undead person bound to the ghost ship, so I have a physical existence.

Just like the ghost clan?

Captain Hogg shook his head: The ghost race in the East is not the same thing as the undead. I am a cursed mortal. The former is a race naturally born in hell.

He said, subconsciously glancing at Prajna.

Although they all seem to be ghosts, Captain Hogg has no affinity with Prajna.

Regarding the other party, Hogg only felt as if a mouse had seen a cat. The prisoner bumped into the prison guard and wished he could hide away.

Because the ghost tribe to which the gatekeepers of hell belong has the responsibility of leading the ghost army to conquer the undead who wander around the world and do not want to go to hell obediently.

It's just that Prajna has never done this job.

No wonder you never talk to that stupid big guy. I thought you were half the same race.

Fringilla was thoughtful.

Captain Hogg laughed dryly and said: I didn't intentionally not talk to Miss Prajna, it's just that Miss Prajna is used to being taciturn.

She's not taciturn!

As long as she's interested, she's full of witty words!

Fringilla hummed softly and said: Let's do this, Hogg, you cut some pieces of meat for me to study, and when I come up with the undead potion, I will share it with you as soon as possible!

The smile on Hogg's face froze.

Fulin, don't bully Hogg!

Lothar took some time out of her busy schedule to curse. This little girl's bullying temperament is really hopeless. First she bullied Hans, and now she's bullying Hogg.

On the way, the team stopped again at New Habsburg.

Otto looked at the towering Tree of Life and the vast oasis stretching under the lush canopy.

And those who heard about this miracle and came from afar to make a pilgrimage here.

He couldn't help but swallowed: This is really a great miracle conceived in the desert. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, who would have imagined that such a desolate place could be so full of vitality?

Such a miracle, I must go and worship it.

Lothar opened her mouth, not thinking about how to explain, so she could only say: Go ahead.

Not only him, but the other knights in the team also showed piety and shock on their faces, and went forward to worship together.

The new Habsburg guard officer, Leonard, also led people to deliver water and food to the team in a timely manner.

Lothar was eating and waiting here.

After a long time, Otto returned to the team first with a confused expression.

When he looked at Lothar again, the envy in his eyes gradually faded away and seemed to have a different color.

What’s wrong with you?

Lothar felt a little uncomfortable with his eyes.

Should I call you Lothar, or... Santa Lothar?

Of course Lothar.

Lothar said angrily: No living person can be canonized. Only those who have been called can be canonized.

But there are so many miracles that have happened to you, Lothar, you have to know that saints are not canonized because of the permission of the Papal City, but they are saints themselves.

Lothar laughed dumbly.

What exactly did you hear from those pilgrims?

Otto's eyes were bright, which made Lothar very uncomfortable: This tree is said to have only grown after you announced the establishment of the New Habsburg.

Before, I thought it had been here for hundreds of years.

I don’t know if the rumors are true, but at the very least, there must have been no such big oak tree here before the Battle of Kaleborg.

Lothar said vaguely: This is nothing strange for witches. They are the agents of Heavenly Father's power on earth and are part of the miracle.

Otto was a little disbelieving: I have never heard that His Majesty the Emperor of Swabia and his witch advisors have such abilities.

There are a lot of things you haven't heard of, Otto. Don't be so strange and strange like a country bumpkin - although you are indeed, but can you not embarrass our Habsburg family?

Otto said angrily: Okay Lothar, you have only sat on the throne of count for a month, and you already feel that the brother you grew up with is a bumpkin from the countryside, right?

Lothar raised his eyebrows: Come after me if you don't agree. Let me see if your equestrian skills have improved.

After saying that, he clamped the horse's belly tightly and flew out like a sharp arrow from the string.

Not to be outdone, Otto followed.

Fringilla said with emotion: I didn't expect that the Lord would still care about his brother.

Prajna said hmm, looking at Fringilla's longing eyes, he couldn't help but sneered: Stop thinking about it, you Blood Royal Court can't have this kind of family affection. I remember that your brother was killed by Jeanne herself. Get rid of me and you won’t even dare to show any dissatisfaction.”

Fringilla broke through the power in a second, gritted her teeth and hummed softly: What the hell are those brothers of mine, do you deserve this princess to avenge them?

I'm not afraid of Jeanne, she doesn't dare to do anything to me.

Jeanne stood aside and agreed with a smile on her face: Indeed, Miss Fulin's brothers are all villains, and they are not worthy of a beauty like Miss Fulin.

After saying that, he joked: Miss Prajna, this is the first time I've heard you speak such a long paragraph. Your voice is really nice. Can you chat with me more in the future?

Prajna said expressionlessly: I can fight with you more.

Jeanne smiled hehe and patted Grape on the butt: Forget it then.

Akhal Tejin's horse immediately galloped out.

She laughed heartily: Sir, I am coming to chase you. I have given up so much to you, but don't lose to me as a woman.

Lothar's face darkened.

We here bully the weak and fear the strong, is this the same thing?

The farce is over.

A long time passed.

Captain Hogg's eyes suddenly lit up, and he galloped forward on his horse: Sir, I smell the breath of the sea.


The group saw the Red Sea.

Under the rugged cliffs, the broad sea surface was rippled by the wind. The sea breeze with a faint fishy smell dispelled the heat in the team.

Sir, I will not go back to Ella Port with you.

Captain Hogg stood on the edge of the cliff, with a hint of impatience in his tone.

Lothar could understand his mood.

So he just nodded slightly: Remember what I told you. If I predict correctly, there will definitely be an attack from the sea on Port Ella in the near future.

Now, his foothold in Ella Port is not stable. If he launches an attack, this is the best opportunity.

Captain Hogg took off his captain's hat and gave an elegant salute. His mood seemed to become cheerful as he arrived at the sea.

I will keep your will in mind.

The disaster of the ocean will definitely protect the portal on the sea for you.


He came to the edge of the cliff with a smile on his face.

Take a leap!

Lothar saw with her own eyes that the moment Captain Hogg entered the water, a large dark shadow flashed under the sea.

All the knights looked at each other.

Don't worry about him. Hogg is a person with special powers. He can't fall to death or drown.

Let's go, quicken our pace, and try to reach my loyal Port of Ella before dark.

After Lothar and his party walked away.

Just hear a bang.

A medium-sized trireme suddenly broke out of the water.

The old boat planks covered with moss are entangled with a large number of barnacles and other shellfish growths.

The huge black sail with a ghostly green color slowly rose up to the mast under the control of zombie sailors with decaying bodies.

Captain Hogg put one hand on his hip and held his sailor's knife high in the other.

I saw him stepping on the top of the mast, with a look of wantonness and arrogance on his face that was completely inconsistent with usual: Boys, raise the black flag. Captain Hogg announced today that this ocean will surrender to me.

A huge skull and crossbones flag with crossed swords was raised to the top of the mast.

A thin white mist quickly filled the sea, shrouding the decaying galley.

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