On the bell tower of the church late at night, a cold wind rushed in through the windows.

Lothar was leaning against the window, her black cloak blown high by the wind, revealing the dragon head emblem embroidered with gold thread on it.

He lowered his head and looked at the man walking slowly through the night, turning back three times with each step to look around.

Sneaky, it does look like he has ulterior motives.

Sir, you are right, his target is indeed the Cathedral of the Holy Sepulchre.

Anahad looked solemn and continued: This time, we must not let him escape again, we will take action immediately!

Well, okay, but you have to go first.

Anahad was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully: It's just me?

Lothar nodded: Didn't you say that he is not your opponent? Let me see what you demon hunters are capable of.

With his always cautious temperament, he is rarely willing to rush forward without knowing the enemy's strength.

If this demon hunter has actually accommodated the Abyss Demon, he is likely to suffer a serious blow without Jeanne around.

At the very least, a buffer must be left.

Anyway, he had no friendship with Anahad.

Anahad was startled for a moment, nodded and said: If he wants to escape, sir, you must stop him and kill him as quickly as possible, because if he is in a desperate situation, he may release the devil.

Lothar nodded and said, Don't worry, he won't have this chance.

The four people left the top of the tower and rushed downwards.


Lothar saw that the monks on duty at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher heard the noise and hurriedly picked up their cloaks to cover up something.

Looking at the corner that was not covered by the cloak, there was clearly a Gwent card based on him scattered.

Lothar frowned. Archbishop William really didn't take his advice to heart.

Instead of being vigilant, the group of monks who were keeping vigil in the tower were playing cards and deserting.

He didn't know whether he should be angry or emotional.

In the Holy Land, Gwent's influence was growing rapidly, and spread back to Europe, the Eastern Empire, and the Ayyubids with sailors who preferred to throw away their paychecks in taverns.

Even the highly exclusive Armenian and Caucasus mountain people have begun to be exposed to this interesting form of entertainment.

If you can't afford a deck, it's a good entertainment activity to watch the excitement with a glass of beer in a busy pub.

Go and ring the bell. The thief has arrived at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Let the clergy and knights of the church be on guard.

Lothar gave instructions to these nervous monks, and then continued to rush downwards with Anahad.

In front of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

The hooded man quietly came to the wall with his head lowered. Sharp claws popped out of his hands and pierced the wall as easily as cutting cheese.

Just as he was about to climb up, the man suddenly froze.

Hannah, stop it.

The hooded man turned around, revealing a somewhat youthful appearance.


His face darkened: It's now, do you still want to stop me?

You should know what I am after? The power of a mere werewolf is not enough to make me take revenge - that is the blood debt of our whole family!

Stop it, Hanna, give up this crazy idea, and come back to the school with me - it's impossible for a demon hunter to deal with all the monsters, so give up revenge.

Anahad said solemnly: I just feel a little unable to accommodate an intermediate vampire. You actually want to take an abyss lord into your body. You are simply crazy!

Hanna retorted: So Anahad, how did this abyss lord end up being sealed in a box by our seniors?

Anahad was slightly startled.

Hanna sneered and said: The ancestors of the demon hunters can obtain such power, and so can I. You, and the old antiques in the school, have simply underestimated the upper limit of the demon hunters. In order to survive for a few more years, you are stubborn and stubborn. Being conservative, where is the enterprising spirit of our forefathers?”

Two white fangs protruded from the corners of Anahad's mouth, and rich blood filled the air: Hanna, you have lost yourself in order to gain power.


On Hanna's face, thick black hair grew wildly, and his bones and muscles creaked.

Anahad, I am grateful for the care you have taken for me, but no one can block my way. Only the power of an abyss lord can deal with another abyss lord!

Hanna's muzzle stretched forward, and his eyes turned into the brown vertical pupils of a beast, emitting a breathtaking green light in the darkness.

Go to hell, Anahad. I will commit suicide to apologize to you after I complete my revenge.

Hanna let out a suppressed growl, kicked his legs hard on the wall, and bounced his body toward Anahad like a cannonball.

The blood on Anahad's body wavered, and the last trace of blood on his face disappeared. A pair of flesh wings exuding a rotten smell broke through the linen shirt on his body and stretched out.

The sharp claws extended out, and his body became more muscular. In terms of size, he was not inferior to the werewolf Hanna opposite him.


The two collided and started fighting like two ferocious beasts.

At the same time, the big bell of the Church of the Holy Sepulcher rang suddenly, and the whole of Jerusalem was awakened by it.

Fringilla joked: Tsk, the vampires in this world are really savage.

Lothar, who was watching the battle, asked with a serious expression: What do you think of this demon hunter?

Whether it was agility or reaction speed, these two demon hunters were superior to him.

Although his mental power could capture the opponent's movements, his body could not keep up.

If all his cards were used, he would probably be able to deal with only one of them without using the holy spear.

From this point of view, Fringilla and Prajna should be able to crush these two demon hunters.

Lothar was slightly relieved.

As long as the demon hunter named Hanna doesn't release the abyss lord from the sealed object with the intention of perishing together, he can completely handle this situation.

Fringilla rarely showed a look of great interest: Interesting! After liberating the power of demons, they are almost indistinguishable from real monsters, but they usually look like normal people.

This is definitely worth opening a new topic for me - Sir, can we take this Anahad back and dissect it?

Lothar said angrily: Don't talk nonsense. This Anahad has not offended me and is not a villain. How can he be dissected for no reason?

Prajna shook his head and said: Although they usually look like normal people, in fact they are just looks. Their cores have been seriously eroded. The more frequently they use the power of monsters, the corrosion will spread. The more powerful they become, sooner or later their bodies will become like monsters.

Lothar frowned: It is commendable to be able to preserve your sanity for a long time while using the power of demons.


Prajna agreed: Sir, you can ask Anahad for this secret technique to strengthen your mental power after the war.

Lothar nodded: I will remember it.

With his abilities as a demon hunter, if he could isolate the influence of the Dragonborn bloodline on him, he wouldn't have to add attribute points to his mental power every time he upgraded.

The fighting was fierce, with the ground cracking and rocks flying.

The movement quickly attracted a group of armored city guards.


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