Lothar comforted: Don't worry.

A fight cannot be fought in a short time, and Emperor Henry is not a person who likes to be militaristic. He prefers to use political means to deal with problems instead of using force.

Otto recalled the behavior of his emperor and felt a little relieved.

If the city-states of North Apennine had not taken the initiative to resist the tax, they would not have prompted Emperor Henry to launch an army to attack them.

I hope His Majesty the Emperor can think of a good solution to the current situation.

The two brothers, led by their attendants, arrived at the banquet.

In the banquet hall, a group of nobles, ladies and knights were enjoying the beautiful oriental dance in a lively atmosphere.

Dressed coolly, with only a layer of tulle covering her face, the graceful woman exposed a large area of ​​smooth skin, swaying her slender waist and dancing to the music.

Slave girls from Persia will always crush Frankish women when it comes to serving people.

Saracen women were even worse. Many Ayyubid princes and nobles preferred to visit Frankish brothels.

As soon as Lothar showed up, she became the undisputed centerpiece of the banquet.

Knights and nobles swarmed up, holding wine glasses and trying to talk to Lothar.

Even if they put aside those legendary experiences such as Dragon Slayer and God's Favored One, in their eyes, Lothar is still a powerful earl who can turn stone into gold.

In Jerusalem, the most popular armor shop and the tavern, almost everyone has a deck of Gwent cards, all created by Lothar.

These two inventions can almost be said to have changed the lives of all Jerusalem knights and greatly enhanced Lothar's reputation.

Lothar took Otto to a meeting and officially introduced his brother into the aristocratic circle of the Kingdom of Jerusalem.

At this time.

Princess Sibylla came over with a wine glass in hand.

Nice to meet you, Your Highness.

I thought you wouldn't find it worthwhile to see me.

Princess Sibylla wore a long dark red coat and a long skirt with oriental characteristics.

Wearing a white gauze scarf decorated with orbs on her face, her exposed thin eyebrows and clear blue eyes looked even more charming.

very beautiful.

Lothar praised it silently in her heart, but it was not as beautiful as my Prajna.

Much worse than Jeanne.

Lothar smiled and replied: It is certainly a joyful thing to reunite with His Highness after a long absence.

Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you for saving my child.

It's just my duty.

Lothar smiled and said: Even now, I have not stepped down as the grand leader of the Royal Knights. It is still my responsibility to maintain law and order in the palace.

Let's go in and sit down.

Princess Sibylla and Lothar sat opposite each other at the top table.

This is not in line with etiquette, but Princess Sibylla is not a simple female noble. She is also a feudal lord with knights and vassals loyal to her.

Even in the conservative European continent, no one could control such a female noble.

Not to mention the Kingdom of Jerusalem, which is becoming increasingly oriental.

Would you like to play a game of Gwent?

Princess Sibylla took out the small box she carried with her and pushed open the sliding cover to reveal the neatly stacked hardcover cards - these cards even had gold powder added to the frame, making them a top-notch luxury item.

Lothar couldn't help laughing and said: Ha, Your Highness, are you sure you want to play cards with the inventor of Gwent? I have a whole set of special gold cards.

I have one too. Don't underestimate how much a senior fan of The Witcher is willing to pay for a deck of Gwent cards.

There was a hint of pride in Sibylla's eyebrows: I didn't know you were the author of The Witcher before.

Lothar felt a little guilty and said: Not many people know that the author of this book is mine - in fact, this book was ghostwritten by a lady under my command. I just gave it an idea.

That Prajna lady?

you know?

Of course, the famous Iron Knight, if she hadn't been by your side all day long, your tent would have been crowded with romantic knights pursuing her.

Lothar shrugged: I won't give them such a chance.

Sibylla's expression became a little complicated.

You rejected me because of Lady Prajna, right? I heard that she is a witch with magical powers. European monarchs are always keen on pursuing such mysterious and passionate women.

Lothar did not expect Sibylla to say such words that were close to a showdown.

Madam, I am also an ordinary person. The reason why I can achieve these great achievements is only with the help of witches.

There is no need to comfort me with such words.

Sibylla raised the corners of her lips slightly: If you are really an ordinary person, how can you get the help of witches one after another? And as far as I know, you have more than just Ms. Prajna and a witch under you.

Don't worry, Lothar. Don't worry that I will pester you endlessly. In fact, I was married to power many years ago.

Sibylla and Lothar looked at each other.

Align yourself with me.

Lothar saw the intensity in the other person's eyes.

It was an emotion as intense as flowing molten lava.

Your Highness, I am only loyal to Your Majesty.

Sibylla emphasized her tone and said: But Your Majesty, my brother is suffering from an incurable disease, and his wife has not given birth to an heir for him. I am destined to be the queen of this country.

Lothar continued to shirk: Then I will become your most trustworthy minister on the day of your coronation.

Sibylla's tone suddenly became higher: Losa, you are insulting me!

Lothar looked at the angry and powerful female monarch without changing her expression, and said with a smile: I didn't mean to insult you, because I don't have the same ambitions for the throne, higher power, and wealth as you do.

No, you can't fool me, you are an ambitious person.

I see ambition and ambition in your eyes and in the stories you write.

Lothar shook his head and said: Your Highness, I do have ambitions, but my pursuits are different from yours.

Lothar was silent for a moment and whispered: If I want to obtain a higher position of power, I will only have the title of Count of Sinai and King of Egypt, instead of being busy with internal fighting and ignoring the safety of the kingdom.

Sibylla asked back: You just want to open up the frontier and fight with the pagans? If you support me, I will give you more support!

No, Your Highness.

Lothar smiled and said: His Majesty has given me the greatest support he can. You will not and cannot give me more.

He stood up and bowed slightly: Sorry, Your Highness, my ambition is indeed great, but we are not the same people.

As Sibylla said, she was married to power.

This kind of person is a political animal who is willing to do whatever it takes to gain power and status.

An expert in palace fighting but an outsider in government affairs.

In Lothar's view, if the kingdom falls into the hands of Princess Isabella, or the kingdom is destroyed, she can choose between two endings, but she inherits the title of queen.

Sibylla would not hesitate to choose the second ending.

And, more importantly, Lothar was very sure that if nothing unexpected happened, Baldwin IV would live for a long time, and there was no need for him to take sides in advance.

Sibylla looked at Lothar's back, her face became a little ugly.

But she quickly adjusted: Stop, Count Lothar, our game hasn't started yet. Maybe as you said, I don't understand your pursuit. But at least we won't be enemies.

Lothar has already expressed his unwillingness to get involved in the struggle between the Queen Mother Party and the Jazz Party. This incident gave Sibylla reassurance.

But at the moment, the power of the Jue Party is to overwhelm the Queen Mother Party.

Because the backbone of the Queen Mother's party, the former Count Leonard of Transjordan, is now just the lord of Kaleborg and Montreal.

Count Lothar, who replaced him, had a good relationship with the regent Raymond. This was a signal that made Princess Sibylla and other members of the Queen Mother's Party feel very dangerous.

Lothar looked at Sibylla's firm eyes and nodded slightly: It's a great honor to be able to play cards with His Highness.

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