The scene that happened in Alandele quickly reached Lothar's ears.

As a lord, Lothar dealt with such trivial matters every day.

Lothar expressed his approval for the way the knights handled the order: Well done. Go to my clerk to get ten silver dinars and give them to the newlyweds. Consider it my congratulatory gift to them.

In addition, tell all the peasants and soldiers that if any of them are willing to start a family in Alandre, I will also send them a gift of the same amount and exempt them from the marriage tax.

Serfs in this era were required to pay a tax to their lord when they married.

This is probably the origin of the so-called right of first night legend. In fact, few lords are willing to enjoy those common women.

Heavy work will soon destroy a beautiful woman's youth.

Lothar then told the knight: It is not allowed to marry a pagan, so you can act as a temporary witness and preside over the wedding and conversion ceremony for them.

It's still the same bargaining chip. As long as you convert to the right faith, you can get the land.

The knight asked: What if both parties to the marriage were originally Christians?

Lothar said: Then follow our regulations in Hebron and give them more land.

The knight said worriedly: But sir, do we really have so much land to divide?

It will happen soon. I will confiscate part of the land of the pagan powerful people and rent iron farm tools to the converts to help them reclaim wasteland and build irrigation canals.

Lothar said in a deep voice.

There is no shortage of land in Transjordan. The land here is so vast that it is equivalent to one-third of the entire Kingdom of Jerusalem.

But there are only less than 100,000 citizens here, which is equivalent to one-tenth of the entire Kingdom of Jerusalem.

A considerable part of the reason is that the land reclamation here is too difficult and there is a lack of oases, water sources, and irrigation facilities.

Land desertification will be a serious problem in future generations, let alone in this era.

This requires continuous investment from him as a lord, which is a long-term expenditure.

This is also the reason why the New Habsburg, built around the Tree of Life, will definitely become the most valuable territory under Lothar's hands in the future.

Under Lothar's command, the people who enjoyed the most favorable treatment were naturally the Frankish immigrants from Europe who spoke the same language and race as Lothar.

Although their number is small, they are Lothar's most trustworthy targets.

Followed by the Catholic believers of other ethnic groups, including converts.

Further down, there are the Orthodox remnants of the empire, the Armenian Apostolic Church believers, heretical Christians such as Copticism, and finally the pagans.

It is necessary to distinguish the gradations in order to make conversion more meaningful.

But at the same time, this step-by-step nature is not serious enough to lead to layer upon layer of oppressive colonial rule by various ethnic groups.


A handsome man with regular features and a pair of brown eyes, supported by a personal knight, slowly stepped off the steps of the docked Kirk ship.

After setting foot on solid land for the first time in half a month, the man couldn't help but sigh: We finally arrived at the Holy Land. I have forgotten how long we have been wandering on the sea.

He wore a robe dyed with yellow dye and a red standing lion painted on the chest. He wore a knight's sword at his waist and a ridged helmet.

About half a month?

replied the knight.

Otto, who came from Allgäu, smiled and said: It feels like half a century has passed - the sun in the Holy Land is really poisonous, completely different from the Swiss mountains.

A group of people walked onto the pier.

Not far away in the field, a woman was picking up threshed rye to avoid being eaten by birds.

The sailors on the dock were shouting slogans as they loaded and unloaded cargo onto the square, broad-bellied Kirk ship.

Messy farms dotted the countryside.

Witnessing this scene with his own eyes, the knight couldn't help but feel fascinated: This is the Holy Land, the legendary land of heaven flowing with milk and honey.

Otto said: I heard that the nobles here use soft fabrics to pave the floor instead of rushes. Even the poorest people at the bottom can receive enough black bread for free in the monastery.

It was here that Lothar took up the title of Earl of Transjordan. If compared to the Empire, his status in the Kingdom of Jerusalem is no less than that of Henry the Lion of Saxony.

In the future, you will serve under his command.

The knights said with some expectation: It is really unimaginable that Master Lothar, who was still a little immature on the training ground in the past, has become a great prince.

And it's not a title obtained through marriage!

Otto's expression was a bit complicated: Indeed, he has accomplished a feat.

Hi, my dear lord, your coat of arms seems familiar.

The oncoming knight greeted everyone with a smile: I am a vassal of Princess Sibylla and the guard of Jaffa Port. It is an honor to meet you.

Otto spoke fluent Latin with a Swabian accent and quickly replied: I am also honored to meet such a heroic knight like you as soon as I arrived in the Holy Land.

I am Otto from Habsburg - you think this coat of arms looks familiar, probably because my brother is the Count of Transjordan.

The knight suddenly showed a look of surprise: It turns out that you are Lord Lothar's brother. You are as handsome as Lord Lothar. Please follow me to the palace in Jaffa quickly. My master will entertain you warmly.

Otto was a little overwhelmed by the knight's suddenly more enthusiastic attitude: Honorable knight, are you familiar with my brother?


The knight couldn't help but smile and said: Of course he is familiar. All the knights, civilians, and nobles in Jerusalem are familiar with your brother. He brought victory to Jerusalem. He was known as the invincible dragon slayer and invented various novelties. s things.

We admire and envy him.

Anyway, come with me.

Don't worry about missing the business, because I will immediately send a messenger to inform your brother, and he will rush to the port of Jaffa to pick you up.

The knight's enthusiastic attitude made Otto feel relieved.

He followed the knight into the city of Jaffa. Looking at this prosperous port city, he couldn't help but sigh: The Holy Land is really rich.

That's natural.

There is something honorable about knights.

Compared with the barren and cold Frankish region, Jerusalem is indeed a unique place.

Of course, Transjordan cannot be compared with Ripoli and the kingdom's main territory.

The four words fertile soil thousands of miles away that Lothar boasted about were definitely not a problem, but the word fertile soil was really questionable.

Otto took out an apple from his saddle bag and fed it to his mount, which was sweating because it was not used to the hot climate here after arriving in the Holy Land.

No wonder during the last Eastern Expedition, my father said that he and his knights had to choose to fight on foot.

Otto patted Matthew Zhan's long neck: These Gallic horses and Germanic horses cannot adapt to the different climate of the Holy Land.

The guard officer of Jaffa Port smiled and said: That's right, Lord Otto, you should store your mounts in the stables at the port, where they can be properly taken care of, but expect them to fight in the Holy Land. , fighting is completely unreliable.

But you don't have to worry about it. My master will give you an excellent Arabian war horse as a replacement.

Otto stayed in Jaffa for three days.

In the past three days, he attended one banquet after another, and thanks to Lothar's excellent reputation, he received many gifts.

Otto had never expected that Lothar had accomplished such a great feat.

Werewolf killer.

Dragon Slayer.

Protector of the Holy Land.

Hand of the King.

The generous one.

Father of Quint.

The brave…

A series of nicknames that are dizzying.

You know, the entire Count of Allgäu, and only Count Werner has a well-known nickname, which is also a derogatory cross-eyed.

In the afternoon of the third day.

Otto was taking care of his mount in the stables when he suddenly heard a familiar voice not far away.

Otto, long time no see.

The young nobleman on horseback tightened the reins. The black cloak behind him was like a military flag, flapping in the cold evening wind.

The smooth steel plate armor was covered with a red and white robe, on which was a two-headed eagle fluttering about to fly.

Otto was stunned for a moment, looked at Lothar for a long time, and then said: You are much more handsome than when you just left.

That's natural.

Live the Qi and nourish the body.

The powerful earl of the kingdom was naturally different from a landless wandering knight who was the second son of a country earl.

Lothar's heart rarely showed the emotion of wanting to show off: Otto, do you still remember what we said when we parted?


Otto couldn't help but rolled his eyes: You have been thinking about this for a long time. You said it in the letter and when we met, just like a chattering woman.

Lothar snorted: To be honest.

I don't understand, Otto, what's wrong with the second daughter of the Duke of Lorraine?

Father's lawsuit has been brought to me.

According to what her father said, her dowry includes at least two baronies and twenty villages, all of which are fertile lands. She has two thousand people in the territory. The tax she pays you in kind every year can maintain an army of one hundred people. An elite standing army.

Otto added guiltily: Actually, there are two quarries and a small copper mine.

Lothar jumped off his mount and came to him.

So I'm very confused, Otto, with such a generous dowry, how terrible your fiancée is to make you think of running away from the marriage.

Otto couldn't help showing a depressed look on his face: That's a dissolute woman. She lost her virginity long ago and hangs out with monks and male servants all day long. Her first husband broke up her good deeds. That’s why I was so angry.”

Lothar was silent for a moment.

Turns out he was divorced.

He coughed lightly and advised: The rumors may not be true. Moreover, if it weren't for the bad reputation, how would it be your turn to marry this beautiful wife?

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