The city walls of Alandreau.

A brand new double-headed eagle flag flutters.

The peasants and soldiers in armor, led by the knights of the order, formed an orderly queue and patrolled the city walls and streets.

Lothar has no plans to send these farmers and soldiers back to the land of Hebron to continue farming in the short term.

They want to conduct a new round of military training in Alandre, and even move their families to settle down.

Inspector Ulm reported to Lothar: Sir, the local wealthy businessmen and landowners in Alandre are all clamoring to see you and swear allegiance to you.

Lothar couldn't help but laugh: Maybe you want me to protect their property.

You go and tell them that they don't have to swear an oath to me, but they must maintain the military supplies of the entire city during the next period of time. Once there is a shortage of food, water and other urgent supplies, I will send people to their homes. Pick.

Lothar has never had a good impression of these local powerful people.

They are equivalent to the gentry class in the East. They eat the most but pay the least taxes, because they are the only ones who have the ability to avoid taxes.

The so-called wealth is hidden among the people, it is all hidden in the hands of these people.

When I go back and send people to sort out the land and allocate all the land to the 'converts', Alandele will be completely occupied by me.

Lothar leaned against the silk-covered lord's throne, thinking secretly.

Jeanna walked into the castle and said, Sir, the messenger sent by Zain is already waiting outside.

This Zain seems to be determined to negotiate a peace - he is so perverse when he is provocative, but after a little beating, he is as honest as a chicken.

Lothar frowned.

This is the third wave of messengers sent by Zain, which shows that this guy is really sincere about suing for peace.

As soon as the messenger in white robe entered the door, he respectfully presented the gift box: Your Majesty, on behalf of my master, His Excellency Zahn Aladdin, I present to you a box of delicious lampreys and a bottle of Precious fermented grape juice as a welcome gift.”


Lothar picked up the food box and saw a dozen live eels that were entangled together and looked quite abstract.

Lampreys are a very valuable ingredient. Henry I of Albion is said to have died from overeating because of his love for this delicacy.

Jeanne took the food box and took it down: I'll cook it for you.

“Why doesn’t Zain come to see me in person? Don’t you even have the courage to do so?”

Lothar's expression was slightly cold. He had been in a high position for a long time, and coupled with his dragon bloodline, his majesty made the messenger feel a sense of eerie horror that made his whole body tremble.

My Lord Earl, your majesty is so high. I think anyone will show awe when they see you.

The messenger said sincerely.

My lord, please give me a price. As ministers, we should not break the peace treaty between King Baldwin and King Saladin because of a mere woman.

Lothar raised a finger: Tariq is a talent. He is worth three hundred sulades. Do you have any objection to this?

The messenger thought for a moment and agreed: No problem, sir.

Lothar continued: In addition, you have to return Lady Eleanor of Longuedoc to me. You know, Lady Eleanor is a pure girl, but I know very well that you must have defiled her. Chastity, therefore, another compensation needs to be paid, and this number is tentatively set at 500 sulades.

The messenger opened his mouth slightly, but for a moment he didn't know what to say.

No, this is blackmail!

My lord, how could you, without conscience, say that this dissolute lady is a chaste girl? As far as I know, she had been with your vassal Leonard many years ago. !”

Lothar raised his eyebrows slightly: Yes, you can understand this as a blackmail.

Go back and tell your master that once the flames of war are ignited, it is not so easy to extinguish. The city of Alandre is now my military station. I can send troops to harass and plunder your villages at any time, and I can also attack your villages at any time. While your master was sleeping, he once again led his troops into Ella Port.

If he refuses to accept it, I will wait here for him to gather his troops and fight me.

The messenger looked at Lothar's indifferent expression, and couldn't help but feel a deep sense of frustration: Okay, sir, we are willing to pay for this 'chastity fee'. In addition, my master is also willing to pay a thousand Suludes, in exchange for the right to rule the city of Alandre, as long as you withdraw your troops, Ms. Eleanor will give you any money you have.

Alandre City is my territory, and I will not consider handing it over to the infidels.

Lothar said in a deep voice.

In fact, the proposal put forward by Zahn Aladdin is indeed very generous. If you do not consider occupying the city of Alandre, but loot it, and then include the compensation of one thousand Suledes, it can be called I made a lot of money.

It seems that your sincerity for peace is very limited. Could it be that you are just teasing us these few times you have met with us?

The messenger's face suddenly became calm.

He had realized that Lothar had no intention of having a good conversation from the beginning.

Because I am a person of integrity. Once I say something, I will not go back on it easily.

Lothar stared at the messenger's face that was distorted by anger: At the very least, Zahn Aladdin is not worthy of me deceiving him with lies.

The messenger said solemnly: In this case, we only need to redeem Lord Tariq, right?

Replace with hostages. Tomorrow, you bring Ms. Eleanor, and I will send Tariq back.


The messenger bowed perfunctorily and withdrew.

Jeanne was on the side and asked: You said that, aren't you afraid that they will take precautions early?

You can only be a thief for a thousand days, but how can you guard against a thief for a thousand days?

Lothar asked rhetorically.

Alandele in Port Ella is like a sharp knife stabbed in the throat.

As long as this city is in Lothar's hands, Port Ella will never be safe.

Zahn Aladdin can either choose to recruit various armies, besiege, and conquer the city of Alandele.

Or you have to endure the risk of being chopped off by the sword of Damocles above your head at any time.

Lothar didn't think he could endure the latter. In the final analysis, this was not a conspiracy, but a conspiracy.

He had no choice.

These lampreys are really fat. Prajna said she can take care of these little guys, so she has already sent them to the kitchen.

Jeanne licked her lips and said with some anticipation: This is my first time to taste Miss Prajna's craftsmanship.

Lothar asked with some confusion: How can such an ugly thing that looks like an alien be so delicious?

Jeanne said with a serious face: Of course, this was the most popular delicacy in the medieval court! Lords who can't afford lamprey are all poor.

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