Lothar frowned: Pipin, I asked you to take him down and deal with him, instead of turning this place into a slaughterhouse in front of me.

Winged Cavalry Pepin sheathed his weapon with some embarrassment: I'm sorry, sir, I may have misunderstood.

He explained: I really can't stand someone like him saying such blasphemous words in front of you.

Drag the body down.

Lothar waved her hand and said nothing.

The shouts of killing that lingered in the ears were gradually fading away, which meant that the battle front was rapidly advancing.

The battle was overwhelming from the beginning.

The dismounted hussars and Varangian guards with the title of knight, wearing heavy armor, rushed to the front of the team.

They have the full attribute increase of the Equipment Lance in Hans' hands and Jeanne's Flower of Knights. It is simply not comparable to a group of city guards with worrisome combat effectiveness.

The pagan soldiers fell in a pool of blood, and their weapons could not even penetrate the defenses of the hussars and Varangian guards.

In the eyes of these defenders who had just woken up from their sleep, this seemed to be an invulnerable, demonic or nightmare-like army that was simply beyond the power of human power.

Soon, the Hebron army that broke into the city surrounded the main fort in Alandre.

On the ramparts of Alain-de-Lenne Castle.

Zahn Aladdin's brother-in-law was looking at the heavily armed enemies in an orderly formation on the street, gradually advancing towards the castle.

He held the weapon in his hand tightly and his face was ashen: How on earth did these heretics suddenly appear in the city?

What kind of witchcraft did they use?

Are all those who defend the city a bunch of rubbish?

A Saracen general reminded: Lord Tariq, we have to close the city gate immediately, otherwise they will rush in with the broken troops!

Tarik was silent for a moment, nodded and said: First try to let the soldiers suppress the enemy's footsteps with bows, arrows and javelins, and try to let in as many broken troops as possible. We need more people to defend this castle.


On the city wall, there are arrows like locusts.

But the remaining veterans below immediately raised their square shields, formed a tight turtle shell formation, and continued to advance.

This forced the defenders to loosen the heavy winch and let the hanging iron gate crash to the ground, cutting off the last way for the defeated army to return to the inner fort.

Without siege engines, Hebron's army seemed to be forced to stop here.

But at this moment.

A female knight wearing bright silver armor and holding a golden holy spear galloped towards the city wall under the admiring eyes of the remaining veterans.

Raging flames!

Jeanne raised the holy spear in her hand.

The golden rays of light gathered together and outlined the appearance of a knight.

Just listen to a high-pitched horse neighing.

There was a loud sound of horse hooves, and the golden knight turned into a ball of fire and slammed into the iron gate of the inner castle. The black iron bars and wooden boards were burned and a big hole was made.

The soldiers in Hebron immediately cheered.


Knight of Glory, Knight of Glory!

They gathered around the gap and waited for the flames to dissipate before swarming forward.

Tariq looked at this scene and opened his mouth, isn't this a joke?

Looking around, he looked at the subordinates who were all equally pale and whose military morale had been shaken to the extreme.

Tariq said dejectedly: We can't hold on any longer, these are simply a group of devils.

I have long advised Zain, this idiot, that provoking the Franks is the stupidest thing to do. He can't even deal with Leonard. Why do he think he can deal with an opponent who has defeated both Adil and Saladin?

There was a trace of bitterness on Tarik's face: Let the manticore go. I hope this beast can make these Franks pay some price.

General Saracen hesitated for a moment, then said: I haven't fed it for three days. If it defeats that group of Franks, how should we catch it back?

Tarik couldn't help but sneer: How can a beast defeat the Franks who use witchcraft?

It would be nice if we could delay it a little. Send the order and prepare to retreat!

The knight composed of golden holy flames knelt down on one knee and saluted Jeanne, then was blown away by a gust of wind and disappeared.

It is one of the twelve guardian knights of Jeanne, La Hire, known as the Knight of Furious Flames - a projection from the epic river that has been reproduced in the human world.

At this time.

A faint fishy smell filled the air.

Deep in the castle, the door of the iron dungeon like a well was opened.

At the bottom of the dungeon, there are layers and layers of bones of cattle, sheep and livestock - the Saracens have a long history of trying to tame the manticore for fighting.

But so far, no one of this unruly animal is known to be willing to obey human orders.

After opening the dungeon door, the Alandre garrison immediately began to withdraw towards the back door of the inner fort. This manticore was not a war beast that could distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.


A lion with bat wings and a poisonous scorpion-like tail was as big as a giant elephant. It flapped its wings and flew out from the depths of the dungeon.

It was extremely fast, and the moment it flew out of the dungeon, it captured two fleeing Saracen soldiers and brought them to the tower of the castle.

The mouth was as big as melon seeds, and it easily chewed and swallowed the heads of two heavily armed soldiers together with their helmets.

What a beast!

There was a hint of anger on Jeanne's face.

Manticores are not considered dark creatures, and they have nothing to do with monsters.

But to Jeanne, the former Grand Master of the Knights of the Holy Church, cannibals are monsters!

She was seen bending her knees and taking a lunge, holding the holy spear in her right hand.

The long golden hair was held up high by the sudden power.

The manticore's mouth was full of blood, and a trace of fear suddenly appeared in its turbid, unruly eyes.

It didn't hesitate at all, and ignored the two corpses that it hadn't finished feasting on. It flapped its wings and flew up, trying to escape in the air.

I just want to run away now, it's too late.

Jeanne narrowed her eyes slightly, and the expression on her face looked extremely pious at this moment.


Golden light penetrates Qiongxiao.

A shrill scream sounded.

Tarik glanced back subconsciously, and saw that the giant manticore, which he had high hopes for, was pierced by a golden light, and the extremely huge body crashed to the ground.


The defenders of Alandre were in disbelief.

In previous years, they lost countless lives trying to tame this manticore.

But this manticore, which they regarded as invincible, was shot down in a single encounter?

Tariq was about to get on his horse and evacuate, but stopped abruptly.

He jumped off his mount, straightened his collar, and had a wry smile on his face.

He said to the Saracen general beside him: It seems we don't have to run away. Prepare to surrender. The enemy is simply not something we can deal with.

General Saracen's face was also full of disbelief. He whispered: This... this is definitely the power of the devil. With the holy fire above, can we really fight against such a terrifying devil?

Tariq said worriedly: That is not something we should consider. What we should do now is to surrender to the leader of this enemy and hope that the other party is willing to let us spend the ransom to redeem our lives.

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