The blue-haired bad boy clearly remembered that when he tried to get out of the car through the upper door, an invisible wall blocked his face. No matter how hard he tried and struggled, he could not take that step and get off successfully.

And in these few minutes, he realized that this No. 18 bus has its own special rules.

He is a bad guy, but he also has a brain.

Since he can't get off by getting on the bus, he can always get off by getting off!

And just as he thought, the middle-aged man and young man in the double seat on the left also realized this. They didn't want to stay on this dangerous and terrifying bus for a moment longer.

Get out of here, get out of here now.

My mind is filled with this idea.

As the bus stopped and the rear door opened, the young man immediately stood up and ran towards the exit door. The middle-aged man followed quickly, followed closely by Huang Mao, but due to his position, a Weiyi, who was closer, got up first and blocked the road.

This made the young man tremble, and he only hoped that this weird thing could go faster.



Weiwei walked slowly and slowly, which only made the three young men curse in their hearts, but they did not dare to say anything or make any pushing movements for fear of offending Weiwei.

Nanase Ren was extremely anxious.

She saw the reactions of the blue-haired and yellow-haired three people. She also realized that this was a good opportunity to get off the bus and leave the bus. But if Lin Ye, who was sitting on the inside, didn't take the initiative to get up and give up her seat, she would have lost her seat. It was hard for her to get out.

Nanase Lian shook Lin Ye and pointed in the direction of the car door, her eyes flashing anxiously.

‘Snapped! '

Time stopped, started.

When the bus stopped, the light inside the bus became slightly brighter.

Lin Ye immediately focused his attention on the route map of Ce Na in the car.

During the drive it had been pitch black and nothing could be seen, but now the route map appeared.

The lights are on at this station. The second station and the third station were also completely unintelligible. The words"Chiba Station" at the fourth station appeared quietly, as if they were telling something.

The first three sites are all sites that do not belong to the human world. If you go there, you will definitely die.

Lin Ye, who returned to his position, released the time stop, put a hand on Nanase Lian's shoulder and exerted slight pressure, while shaking his head and saying,

"This is not our drop-off stop,"

Lin Ye pointed to the route map above with another hand.

"You will die if you get off the car."

The weird one at the front has already gotten off the bus. The young man following behind was stunned when he heard Lin Ye's reminder and hesitated for a moment.

The opportunity to leave the bus was so close, so let it go like this?

But, this The man seemed very smart, and it was the man's reminder when they first got into the car that prevented them from dying suddenly, so... he decided to trust Lin Ye for once.

And just when he was about to turn around and leave the exit, the middle-aged man behind him happened. The man squeezed over


The young man saw that the blue-haired delinquent behind the middle-aged man was being squeezed and lost his balance by Weiyi who was following behind.

Weiyi wanted to get out of the car, but was blocked by the three of them, and lost his patience. Forced impact


The young man staggered two steps and fell towards the bus door.

"not good!"

The young man was shocked and grabbed the door armrest, but half of his body had already slipped out.

Lin Ye was a little slow to react, but still used the stop to prepare to take the man back.

If the young man decided to get out of the car, he would He would never force her to stay, but since the young man was willing to listen to him, he didn't mind giving him a hand.……

"farewell. Lin

Ye said regretfully.

He tried to bring the man back, but he didn't move at all. No matter how much force he used, the young man's body seemed to be imprisoned by an invisible force, and he could not be brought back to the bus at all.

Outside the official car, it was dark, like an abyss swallowing everything.

Lin Ye returned to his position and was relieved again.


"help me……"

The young man was still struggling. He earnestly hoped that the middle-aged man and the blue-haired bad guy could save him, and finally he set his sights on Lin Ye.

"help me……"

Lin Ye shook his head slightly to express that he was helpless.


In a short moment, he fell completely off the bus, and his figure was swallowed up by darkness.

The other Weiyi who got off the car stepped on the bodies of the blue-haired and middle-aged man, and quickly got off the car.


In less than three seconds, a miserable howling sound came from outside the bus.

It was... the scream of a young man!

He was dead, this sound, was he being eaten alive?

The blue-haired man and the middle-aged man immediately crawled back to their seats as fast as they could in their lives.

Their foreheads and backs were covered in cold sweat, and their legs could not stop trembling.

If it weren't for Lin Ye's reminder, they would have. I'm getting off the bus now!

I'm grateful, and my heart is full of gratitude.

Especially Lan Mao is filled with indescribable gratitude to Lin Ye. You must know that he had made trouble with Lin Ye before, but now Lin Ye can repay kindness with kindness. He was so moved. After surviving the disaster, Nanase Lian felt lucky that she had once again avoided death.

After a while, Nanase Lian realized that she had hugged Lin Ye's left hand tightly. The solid arms gave her an unimaginable sense of security.

She slowly sat upright and retracted her hand, a blush appearing on her face, which was really cute.

"Thank you," a voice of thanks as light as a mosquito.

Lin Ye handed over the phone, and the display screen showed 'Insincerity'.

Nanase Lian blinked, looked into Lin Ye's eyes, and recalled Lin Ye's previous words. You're cute,' a thought came to her mind.

She lowered her head and no one got out of the car at this time.

"Passengers please take your seats as soon as possible."

"The bus is about to leave."

The exit door clicked shut.

In the direction of the upper door, a figure appeared. He walked onto the bus tremblingly step by step.

Everyone's eyes unconsciously focused on him.

A man with messy hair. , his face could not be seen clearly, but his blue casual clothes were in tatters, with dust and black and red liquid mixed together.



He moved with difficulty, walking back step by step, his dark eyes slowly looking at

"It hurts so much……"

"Split," the voice kept chanting.

The blue-haired man and the middle-aged man glanced carefully and noticed the bloody and tragic appearance of his abdomen. In an instant, their hearts beat faster and their whole bodies were shaking.

Don't come to me, Don't come to my place!

The two of them prayed hard, especially the middle-aged man who was extremely frightened at this time, because he was sitting in a double row, and after the young man died, there was only one person left.



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