During the pause,

Lin Ye immediately pulled Juyuna away and asked the female teacher to stay away from the weirdness, and then began to observe the weirdness first.

The weirdness this time is very different from the weirdness of Lianxin Love Hotel.

Different from the black and gray infection symptoms of the female receptionist, the strange face in front of her was covered with pieces of charcoal, with red flesh and blood evident in the cracks, and liquid flowing out.

It looked like a burnt corpse.

After the observation, Lin Ye picked up the rocks on the side of the street and launched a fierce attack on Jiao Tan Weird. The hard rocks hit Weird's head continuously in a short period of time.

But Lin Ye didn't know whether a simple physical attack would cause any harm. Just like the female receptionist at the hotel, the physical damage was almost zero.

"This way, teacher."

After Lin Ye helped Kikyo Haruna, he pulled the female teacher and ran away.

Until now, he had not heard the notification sound from the 'Weird Game' that the task was completed, which showed that Weiyi was not killed, it was still alive.

After running for more than 20 meters, Lin Ye saw the fallen figure staggeringly standing up. Under the illumination of the street lights on both sides of the street, its body seemed to be still alive. There was a faint blue color in the air.

Weirdness started to move again, and the speed seemed to be slightly faster.

"Lin, classmate Lin, what is that?……"

Tachibana Harina was panting, and her eyes unconsciously looked behind her, but she glanced away in fear, but that figure made her heart beat violently.

"Monster, let’s get out of here first."

He could figure out a way to solve the weirdness alone, but the female teacher still asked her to leave here as soon as possible.

""Yes, yes, yes,"

Tachibana Haruna nodded vigorously, holding on tightly with one hand, fearing that she would be abandoned if she let go.

Even though she has graduated from college and is a high school female teacher, she still acts instinctively when faced with strange terrors and dangers. She was so scared and panicked that she couldn't help but want to find a safe place to rely on.

Now, in her heart, Lin Ye was her safe haven.



"It should be fine here!"

After running for more than a minute, Tachibana Haruna was out of breath. She bent over and pressed her abdomen with one hand, gasping for breath.

It had been a long time since she had exercised so strenuously, and she felt like she was about to die. She vomited out what she had eaten at night.

She looked behind her and could no longer see the figure.

"No more, great, let’s call the police immediately……"

At this time, Tachibana Haruna trembled and took out her mobile phone, only to find that the phone could not make any calls at all.

"Why is this happening? There is no signal. This is wrong. This is Chiba City!"

This is not a mountainous area, so it is impossible for there to be no signal.

But the mobile phone signal display is zero, there is no signal at all.

"Is there something wrong with my phone?"

She patted her phone, and it made a 'pop' sound.

And Lin Ye's eyes fell on the vending machine not far away. Next to the vending machine was a trash can, and a drink bottle quietly poured on it. Next to the trash can.

If he remembered correctly, the vending machine was in the direction behind them!

Lin Ye turned around and looked immediately. In the distance, there was only an endless street with street lights on both sides. There was a faint light.

There should be an entrance to the tram station on the right side, but it was empty now.

He thought of something and his heart sank. He knew that regular tasks in reality would not be too simple.

Cai also noticed Lin Ye's reaction,

"Classmate Lin, what’s wrong? Aren't we safe?"

"Teacher, as expected, we are temporarily trapped in a cyclic space."


Tachibana Haruna blinked in confusion, and pointed at the vending machine.

"If I remember correctly, the vending machine was behind us, but now it's in front of us"

"Maybe a vending machine somewhere else!"

Tachibana Haruna explained subconsciously.

The styles of vending machines are all the same, and it is very normal to admit mistakes.

"Haven't you noticed that no one else has shown up until now? There was no sound of vehicles, not even the chirping of insects or birds."

This is really true.

When Tachibana Haruna observed it, she found that the silence around her was terrifying and chilling.

"It should...it should be a late-night relationship!"

Subconsciously, Juyangcai didn't want to accept Lin Ye's explanation.

"Anyway, let’s move forward! There might be someone in front of you."

Now, she has rested for a long time, regained her breath, and has enough energy to continue moving forward.

Lin Ye did not object, but walked forward with Tachibana Haruna.

This time he paid attention to the changes around him, and even chose A mark was made on a certain telephone pole.

Kiyoko looked at it and thought of Lin Ye's purpose.

"There's... someone in front of me."

A bright light in front of her suddenly made Tachibana Harana excited.

She took two steps quickly, but when she saw the true appearance of the figure clearly, her expression froze.

Why, that monster would be in front of them? in front!



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