Normally, room service hours are during the day and never at night.


Lin Ye remembered the"cleaning" words he left at the moment he passed by the female receptionist.

She was reminding him.

But is the reminder from the front desk lady good-natured or malicious?

"Lin, Lin Yejun,"

Hoshino Ai, who was sitting next to Lin Ye, shook his head gently and said cautiously,

"I really want to hear the sound of housekeeping service"

"Me, I heard it too."

Kuroda Hikaru also spoke immediately.

This shows that all three people heard it and this was not an individual auditory hallucination.


The sound of cleaning equipment vehicles sliding down the corridor

"dong dong dong……"

The knock on the door rang again

"Room Service,"

"Please ask if the guest needs health services."

The voice of a middle-aged aunt outside who was about thirty or forty years old rang again and again.

After getting no response from the door, she took another step and pushed the cleaning cart to the next room.

There were regular knocks and inquiries.

Closer, closer

���The cleaning staff walked from room to room.

Every sound hit the hearts of Hoshino Ai and Kuroda Hikaru.

The two of them suppressed their inner tension and waited for Lin Ye's decision.


Suddenly, the sound of the door lock opening sounded.

After the usual inquiry, the female cleaning lady did not leave but instead opened the electronic lock of the room door.

"It’s room 304."

In the next room, the female cleaning lady entered room 304 and cleaned it.

"No, probably not! Before we went back to the room, wasn't the corridor twisted and the rooms in the wrong order?"

Facing Hoshino Ai's doubts, Lin Ye gave an explanation,

"The corridor was twisted because Rule 6 was violated, attracting the female receptionist in the lobby on the first floor. Now the female receptionist has left and we have returned to the room, so the order of the rooms and corridors have been restored as expected,"

Lin Ye finished. He stood up and gestured towards the two of them,

"Just go out and take a look and you will know."


Kuroda Guang's heart tightened. There was the hotel staff cleaning lady outside. If we just happened to meet each other when we went out, maybe the female cleaning lady pretended to be next door, but was actually in front of their 306 door.

She told her guess

"I...I think what Kuroda-san said makes some sense, why not……"

Hoshino Ai expressed her opinion, but she immediately changed her mind,

"But I will always support Lin Yejun in all his decisions,"

Kuroda Hikaru opened her eyes in shock.

She thought that Hoshino Ai would be in the same camp as herself to persuade Lin Ye to give up the idea of going out!

Doesn't this make it seem like she is the only villain?!

Are all idols so cunning?

"Senior Lin Ye, make the decision!"

"Put on your shoes and follow my instructions."

Lin Ye had a guess about the infection rules of the love hotel. All that was left was verification and a little luck.

He looked at the clock in the room.

It was currently one-fifteen.

He withdrew his gaze, and there was a sound coming from next door. the sound of cleaning

"swish swish……"

"Huhuhu……" the sound of broom

"dong dong dong……"

Suddenly, there was the sound of a heavy knife falling, as if it was chopping meat and bones.

Sound after sound stimulated the weak hearts of the two girls.

The two women knew what was in room 304, but that guess was instinctively rejected by the two women. They think they are overthinking

"Let's go!"

Lin Ye came to the door and opened it.

The moment the door opened, the scene in the corridor came into view.

As Lin Ye said, the corridor had returned to normal.

The three of them walked out of the room one after another. Looking at the door next door, it was room 304. At this time, the door was open, and clearer cleaning sounds could be heard from time to time. Hoshino Ai's eyes fell on Lin Ye's cheek.

, she thought Lin Yejun would definitely use his superpower to go in and find out!

However, until the cleaning staff arrived at the door with a vehicle filled with cleaning tools, she didn't see Lin Ye using any of them to enter the room! Observe the tendency to collect clues.

Is she wrong?

Hoshino Ai couldn't help but think that the vehicle was slowly rolling out.


For a moment,

Hoshino Ai's eyes widened. He immediately retracted the hand holding Lin Ye's clothes and covered his mouth. He stared at the things in the trash can of the cart with wide eyes.


Swallowing sound.

It was a corpse. The broken limbs and decomposed limbs were piled scatteredly on the black trash can. The bloody limbs were bloody and bloody, with occasional tender skin, as if to tell what it was, and the ball-shaped ball with scattered black hair. The items are standing quietly at the top of the trash can.

As the car moved, the liquid-blood-stained hair moved, revealing eyes that had always been dead gray.

The maroon girl with twin ponytails almost screamed at the moment he witnessed it, but being rational and restrained, he could only close his eyes tightly, holding Lin Ye's clothes with both hands, and his body could not stop shaking.

Only in this way can she not be afraid.

At this moment, both women understood it!

The sound of chopping just now was the sound of cleaning staff decomposing the body of Mie Uemura!

The feeling of nausea and vomiting is getting stronger and stronger under the strong smell of blood.

The two women wanted to vomit.

At this time, the cleaning staff pushed the trolley and left room 304. At the moment when the door was closing, Lin Ye paused time.

He entered room 304, came out quickly, and returned to his original position.

Hoshino Ai felt relieved. She believed that Lin Ye must have found the clues to clear the customs. There would be no problem in dealing with such dangerous cleaning staff who dismembered human bodies.

When time resumed, the cleaning staff stained with black and red liquid closed the door of Room 304, and then looked up at Lin Ye and the others.

"Guest, do you want to leave the hotel? Which room needs to be cleaned?"

"Room 306 needs cleaning service, please excuse me."

Seeing Lin Ye communicating with the hotel staff as if nothing happened and not caring at all, Hoshino Ai and Kuroda Hikari's minds were raised to their throats.

Didn't they say they should ignore the hotel's non-existent work? Personnel?

"I understand."

The cleaning staff did not behave in any hostile manner at all.

It felt very safe.

"By the way, room 307 also needs cleaning."

Room 307 is the room of Taisuke Sawunaga and Hikari Kuroda, and Taisuke Sawunaga is still hiding in the room alone.

"Guest... you are not a guest in room 307," the cleaning staff's words suddenly became stiff.

Lin Ye patted the waist of Kuroda Hikaru who was hiding behind him, and reminded him with his eyes.

"3...Room 307 needs cleaning……"

She mustered up all her courage to say this

"I see."

The cleaning staff pushed the trolley and entered room 306 first and started cleaning.

Five minutes later, the cleaning staff pushed the trolley to the door of room 307, where the door was closed.

There was a knock on the door.


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