When he woke up in the morning, Bai Lingge was awakened by fright, and yesterday he had a terrible dream.

In the dream, he was tied to a stool and five strong men appeared in front of him, and then something strange happened. Imagine for yourself.

"Phew, how can you have such a dream. Feeling

the weak touch on his hand, Bai Lingge subconsciously wanted to grab it.


The moment her hand was forced, a woman's shy voice came, which made her feel bad for a moment, and when she turned her head to look, she saw Su Yucheng naked at this time.

And his own hand grasps the sphere of fat and unknown substance, and the cherry tomatoes are sandwiched between the fingers.

Su Yucheng felt a little uncomfortable in her chest, and her consciousness gradually cleared up, but when she woke up, she saw someone holding her white rabbit with a smile on the corner of her mouth.

"It turns out that Lingge likes this.

Bai Lingge hurriedly let go of his hand and explained: "Misunderstanding, misunderstanding." As

if he suddenly thought of something, he said with some annoyance: "No, why are you in my bed."

Su Yucheng waved his hand to signal him not to care, and said while wearing underwear: "I was too sleepy to go to the toilet yesterday, and I accidentally made a mistake." Hey.

"I heard that men like to untie their underwear by themselves, do you want to try it?"

Seeing this, Su Yucheng pulled Bai Lingge's hand and wanted to put it on his chest, because when he was wearing underwear just now, the little guy's gaze seemed to be attracted, and he didn't move half a minute.

"When... It's getting late, let's go to the studio.

Only then did he realize what Song Ziwei meant by staying away from him before. This is not a pervert, although I have not seen many men who will flirt with women when he flirts with men.

As everyone knows, this is all her idea. Although Su Yucheng felt sorry, he didn't plan to give up.

"Well, you touched me just now, come and let me check your body.

Bai Lingge dodged a certain BT's bear pounce, put on his shoes and said, "Don't, you asked for it, who asked you to climb into my bed." Because

of his short-sightedness, Bai Lingge didn't think about lilies at all.

Su Yucheng muttered in a low voice: "It's so stingy."

Seeing the other party leaving, she stopped, "Wait for me, I'll drive you." There

was nothing to say all the way, and when they arrived at the studio, Song Ziwei looked at the two with a smile.

Su Yucheng glared, and finally the boss called away, that is, Bai Mu'er's big boss.

Landing in the game, they came earlier than expected, except for the big guy who is not online, the rest of them are online.

Half an hour later, the Reincarnation Sword Venerable was also launched, so it was half an hour earlier.

The four-person team at the forefront was the "captain" Diandian Xinghe saw Bai Ling greeting the people around her, "Bai Ling, are these the big guys in your mouth?"

"Well, his strength is very strong"

Bai Lingge nodded, because the two of them hid their ranks, at this time he was afraid that there would be a scene in the novel, for fear that they would quarrel. But I didn't expect the other party to be very easy-going.

"This young lady, I'm a little galaxy, and behind me is my team. "

Reincarnation Sword Venerable took a look, they have all reached level 6, they belong to a good echelon, it would be better if they could be upgraded to level 7 on the way to find the boss. That way she'll have more time.

"Let's not talk nonsense, our goal this time is to kill the Wolf King, that is, the Shadow Wolf King. Your

Yueyue: "Shadow Wolf King, is it one of the three kings?"

Reincarnation Sword Venerable: "That's right, if it's fast, there's no problem in killing the Black Claw Bear King again." "

Starry Night: "Is it up to us?" "

At first, they planned to find some to be cannon fodder, although gaining experience will be divided by cannon fodder, but killing the boss is obviously better than experience.

"No problem, if only you could block 2 level 9 mini-bosses. Your

Yueyue: "How can we do this, I'm only level 6, maybe it's okay to say one boss, but two... It's simply impossible. Hawkeye

: "Don't worry, Jianzun, what do you think?" "

Hawkeye is not a middle-aged uncle, and he has to be much calmer in doing things, since the other party said that there is no problem, it must be guaranteed. Secondly, she didn't believe that the other party could do anything to trick herself.

As the captain, Dian Dian Xinghe also nodded, and said at the same time: "If there is no guarantee, I will not take our team to adventure."

Reincarnation Sword Venerable thought about it and told the plan.

"The terrain of the forest is very complicated, although you have a low level, you can rely on the terrain to constantly pull hatred, as long as you drag the two mini-bosses. "

I'll solve the [elite] boss, and I'll help you when I solve it.

Dian Dian Xinghe looked at his teammates, he felt that this plan was feasible, if the hatred value continued to pull, then the boss would actually be harmless. But be careful, but he's not sure how long it's going to drag on,

so he still has to ask the team's opinions: "What do you guys think?" "

Starry Night:" Sounds motivated, if we skip the level and kill the boss, will we directly upgrade two levels. Your

Yueyue: "Upgrading is secondary, are we really okay?" "

From your Yueyue's inexplicable favor, Bai Lingge felt a little embarrassed.

Dotted Xinghe: "Hawkeye, what do you think." Hawkeye

: "I remember that the blacksmith had a craftsman, and it would be better if he had these words." Hawkeye's

attitude was a yes. A little bit of the galaxy is also understanding looking at the reincarnation sword venerable.

"Don't worry, I have prepared 400 low-level secret weapons in advance, although it is not much, it should be enough. I didn't tell you in advance to see if you have that faith. It seems..."

Bai Lingge didn't expect that the other party would prepare so much when he went offline, anyway, he was lying down.

Dotted Galaxy: "Okay, then how do you distribute the drops?" "

This reincarnation Sword Venerable has already thought about it, and she herself is in trouble first, so a lot of things are still given to the other party.

"The monster's drops are all divided between you and Bai Ling, and I will take the boss, if I can kill the bear king, there will be a guild order at that time. "

The guild order is something that can form a guild after leaving the novice village, and this thing is not very useful to her, at most it is to sell it for money.

Because in addition to joining guilds, you can also join the various gangs, guilds and the like formed by NPCs, and there is no need to join players at all.

Dotting Xinghe: "Okay, that's it."

"If there is such a thing in the future, you can call us." The

Reincarnation Sword Venerable snorted, and then gave them the hidden weapon.

These hidden weapons were all relied on yesterday to complete the hidden mission, where are there special offers and the right to cut the queue in the blacksmith shop, otherwise there are really not so many knives.

And the damage of these hidden weapons is not high, they are all low-damage hidden weapons, and the hidden weapons themselves look at the hidden weapons themselves. There are not many bonuses to the user.

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