In the afternoon, the breeze blows, the trees are shady, and a man and a woman are frozen under the trees.

If you replace that tree with a wall, it's a proper wall.

When Fang Xiaoqiao watched the TV series, she fantasized countless times about being slammed by the male protagonist, but now this situation makes her not happy at all, her heart is pounding, and her palms are sweating.

"Say it. "

Say what?"

"Tell me who you are."

"Who am I? I'm Fang Xiaoweak... The eldest lady of Tianji Villa, Fang Duo's sick sister. "

Then why can you call my name at a glance from

behind me?" Fang Xiaoqiao was suddenly asked, and repeated the sentence just now in a weak tone: "What can

call your name from behind you at a glance..." "Are you still pretending to be stupid? I and your brother are only new acquaintances, Fang Shaoxia doesn't know me, and I haven't heard of Doctor Li who is circulating on the rivers and lakes, how did you recognize who I am from behind me last night?" Li Lianhua asked tightly, holding Fang Xiaoweak's wrists with one hand and the towering tree behind her with the other, not leaving her a chance to escape.

Fang Xiaowan was speechless by his question for a while, and the poison bag on his face began to attack at the same time, itching and painful, unable to move, he could only squeeze his eyebrows and start grimacing, psychologically and physically, to relieve himself of the embarrassment of this double torture.

Li Lianhua looked at her like this, and for a while she couldn't understand what tricks she was playing.

Since she can't hide, she can't escape, "Oh oh~ You said that night..."

Fang Xiaoqiao knew that it would definitely not work to be honest, firstly, she might be regarded as a fool or a madman, and secondly, she had watched the TV series, and it could be said that she knew Li Lianhua very well, and her purpose was to save Li Lianhua and let him live well. But if you want to save someone who has already died once, you can't just rely on detoxifying him, you can only slowly influence him. As long as his heart can come back to life, then everything will be easy to say.

"Actually, about a year or two ago, you saved my life, you shouldn't remember it anymore", Fang Xiaowan closed his eyes and began to blow, "My brother has always liked to explore the rivers and lakes so much, and when he comes back, he will tell me all kinds of interesting stories, and deliberately come to show me, I will naturally want to come out to see what this rivers and lakes look like~"

She paused, and the poison bag on her face was really uncomfortable.

"Once I made a mistake and was confined, I simply ran out of Tianji Villa in a fit of anger, got drenched in the rain and suffered from the cold, and was sick and bedridden. Qing'er, even the maid who was brought out by me at that time, didn't dare to take me back rashly to be punished. When she was embarrassed, she happened to hear someone discussing the deeds of Divine Doctor Li, so she took me to find you, but I didn't expect that after only drinking one piece of medicine, I immediately got rid of the disease! I was resurrected on the spot! Divine Doctor Li really lived up to his reputation!"

Fang Xiaoqiao wanted to arch his hand to show his admiration, but he was held down.

"It's a pity that I didn't have time to thank you at that time, you were already gone, and I only received five cents, so I kept thinking about it, I must find you one day and thank you well!Alas~ I said you, was it intentional to only charge me five cents at that time?

"Whoever did it on purpose, who wanted to get away with it! What are you talking nonsense!" Li Lianhua didn't expect her to say this, and suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and it was his turn to look away.

"My consultation fee is only five taels, no more, no less, always. Alas~ I said, why don't I have any impression of what you just said?When did I see you sick?" Li Lianhua said in disbelief.

"I said that I ran out secretly, so naturally I was dressed as a man! Of course you don't remember!" Fang Xiaoqiao defended again.

"Okay, then you can go ahead and tell me, what did you sing all the way over just now?

If Li Lianhua was willing to let go now, Fang Xiaowan really wanted to scratch his face immediately and slap himself twice. Traveling back to ancient times, for the first time walking in a place with vast scenery and so good air, I couldn't help but sing loudly

, and I forgot for a moment that I was in ancient times, and sang modern songs! And it was also an English song! She had a habit since she was a child, riding a bicycle to sing, sitting in the car to listen to songs, taking a bath and singing, and having to plug in headphones for homework! I didn't expect this habit to hurt herself.

"Actually, I've loved music since I was a child, and I would occasionally hum it when I dreamed... Whether it's from the melody or to the lyrics, it's all improvised, casual, and nonsense" She deliberately dragged out the three words of improvised nonsense, "You asked me to sing the same thing again now, I can't do it, and I don't know what I just sang, cough cough." "Flicker, dealing with Li Lianhua, isn't it more than anyone's heart...

Li Lianhua raised her eyebrows and cleared her throat, and she didn't know whether to believe the little clever person in front of her for a while.

Thinking about her angry appearance when she rescued the pair of brothers and sisters just now, her intuition told him that Fang Xiaoqiao was a kind and simple girl, not like a harmful heart.

"Ahem, and... How do you explain

the vixen?" "What's wrong with the vixen? It's the first time I've met him!" As

soon as she said this, she regretted it, and quickly shook her head and changed her words: "Oh no, no, I saw you in the town after I escaped from Tianji Mountain Villa a few days ago, and the vixen was at your feet at that time, and I heard you call it by its name! It was so cute, I had the urge to go up and hug it and kiss it, but I was afraid of scaring you! Who knows if you remember saving me..."

Li Lianhua's hand loosened, and she didn't plan to let go of her yet. This girl has a nose and eyes when she talks about things, why is she so like the way she looks when she fools people, which makes people itch, and she can't refute it, and she can't find fault with it at all.

Just as Li Lianhua wanted to continue to ask her how she knew that she was going to Jiazhou, an angry roar came from afar: "

Li Lianhua! you let go of my sister!" followed by a 'whoosh'! A silver sword flew over, bringing a breeze to blow the veil, just as the veil thorn was carried over, Li Lianhua turned his head slightly and dodged in a dashing manner, and a sword flew between the two of them with Fang Xiao's weak fig leaf.


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