The sun is shining in the town, the teahouse is still lively, the sound of people and chopsticks, and the collision of wine glasses, all kinds of fragrances waft around.

Except for Li Lianhua's table, there were five people at a table, plus a girl serving in a teahouse, all of them seemed to be pointed, motionless.

"You, what are you talking nonsense?!" Guo Yu was the first to react, and stood up excitedly: "Miss Fang, don't talk nonsense! I'm a big man, just talk about it, don't ruin Miss Lurou's reputation! Miss Lurou is innocent, and she hasn't married yet!"

"Ai Ai, you sit down and sit down~" Fang Xiaoqiao raised his eyebrows and said to Lu Rou: "So your name is Lu Rou?"

Fang Duozhi and Di Feisheng acted surprisingly in unison at this time, holding a teacup in their right hand and pretending to drink water. From the first second Fang Xiaowan spoke, the two teacups never left their mouths, as if they were sticky, the tea in the teacups had long been empty, and they were reluctant to put it down to continue.

Only Li Lianhua understood what Fang Xiaoqiao was saying, he looked up at Guo Hao and Lu Rou, and took in their reactions.

Lu Rou was overwhelmed by Fang Xiaoweak's sudden words

: "I, I..." "Miss Lu Rou, don't be stupid~" Fang Xiaowan also got up, hooked someone's arm like a good girlfriend, and said: "From the time you heard someone talking about Cailianzhuang behind your back just now, I can see that you are different from Guo Gongzi!"

She lowered her voice a little more, and asked with a smile: "You like him very much, don't you?"

Lu Rou didn't deny it, nor did she affirm, she shivered and glanced at Guo Wei, wanting to see what his reaction was.

The daughter of the dart game is dead, although the white affair period has not yet passed, but the people of Baichuan Yuan and Yamen have already come, and believe that this is an accident, Lu Rou also hopes that things can have a happy ending soon.

But Guo Yao's heart is still hanging high, especially after these people came to the village, he felt that he couldn't be careless now, so he said: "I can only be regarded as friends with Miss Lurou, I only come here occasionally to order some food, Miss Fang, don't embarrass people anymore!"

Guo Wei turned to Fang Xiaoqiao and bowed his head to her, so he was not a gentleman, but his eyes never looked at Lu Rou.

Lu Rou bowed her head and was silent, and the tray in her hand was dragged by her.

Fang Xiaoqiao knew that he was excusing Lu Rou, and now the time had not yet come, in order to be able to marry his beloved smoothly, this Guo Wo's city was deep enough.

Fang Xiaowan looked at Li Lianhua again, and with just one glance, Li Lianhua already knew it in his heart.

The hint can only go here, and the matter of serial reasoning will be left to you, Fang Xiaoqiao thought to himself.

Li Lianhua raised her hand and beckoned Guo Xuan to sit down, and the words in her mouth were for Fang Xiaoweak.

"Xiaoweak, Guo Gongzi is right, don't embarrass others, this is a big court, even if Miss Lu Rou has a heart, she can't say it directly to her face~"

Li Lianhua seemed to be half-joking, and gave everyone present a step down, Fang Xiaowan smiled and let go of Lu Rou and returned to his seat.

Guo Wei's heart finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In order to thank Li Lianhua, he said, "Today is our lotus picking village that can't take care of it!" "

Where is this, if there is such an accident, Young Master Guo is the saddest in his heart."

Li Lianhua was still playing a round for Guo Wo, and Guo Wo also pushed the boat down the river: "Now that the village is in chaos, I'll invite you to have a light meal here!" "What's

so embarrassing about this..."Li Lianhua smiled.

Fang Xiaowan knocked [Vitality Drink], where did he come from to be embarrassed to say.

"Fang Duo is sick, order food!" "Okay~!Miss Lurou, bring us a squirrel mandarin fish

!" "I want to eat coriander" "Then another coriander beef

!" "What other chicken, sheep, and pork are a little bit!" "Then there is another steamed pork ribs, crispy chicken wings, braised stewed pork trotter tendons, and a stewed lamb chop!"

At the end, Fang Xiaoqiao didn't forget to add: "Coriander! girl, is there any coriander in the store?" I especially want

to eat coriander today!" Fang Duozhi blinked his eyes: "Why didn't I know you liked to eat coriander?"

Fang Xiaoweak's arm ring around the sickly neck: "I don't know how to eat it today!"

"Okay~ Miss Lurou, then I'll have another coriander alone

!" "Oh good, okay, wait a minute, I'll go and prepare it right away

!" Fang Xiaoqiao grinned at his brother Fang Duozhi: "Good brother!" I knew you loved me the most!".

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