There is a kind of dragon smoke in Baichuan Courtyard, sniff the first one and get addicted, and the second one can relieve the addiction, no matter what kind of steel man, he can't bear it. However, to deal with the most heinous people, the dragon smoke will be used.

As soon as Qiao Wanmian said this, everyone was stunned.

Fang Xiaoweak is a little weak-hearted, she really knows the whereabouts of the real sword, if she accidentally moves, she really can't explain it clearly, when the time comes, a "colluding" hat will be buckled, she Fang Xiaoweak is afraid that she will have to use the time and space reversal technique to reverse the situation... However, this level doesn't seem to be enough... Thinking about it, her forehead began to sweat.

Lost to his ex-girlfriend? Fang Xiaoqiao glanced at Li Lianhua's back, and the blood on his body began to boil.

Shi Shui was indignant: "Senior Qiao, I have always respected you as an old friend of the Li Sect Master, since the Li Sect Master disappeared, you have also been attentive to the Si Gu Sect, but now you want to use this torture on a person who has no evidence, Qiao Wanmian, are you a little too much?"

Xiao Zijin also reminded Qiao Wanmian on the side: "Wan Mian... This girl Fang is the eldest lady of Tianji Villa, I'm afraid it's a little

inappropriate..."The master of the Ji Courtyard also began to speak for Fang Xiaoweak: "Qiao Nuxia, I understand that you are anxious now, but because you are anxious, the other girl is afraid that it is inappropriate to use this torture."

Qiao Wanmian saw that everyone was standing on Fang Xiaoweak's side, and said unwillingly: "Each of you has exonerated her, and there is evidence to prove that it was not her who did it? If you can't find the young master's sword, how can you explain to Xiangyi?"

Several people in Baichuan Courtyard were dumbfounded by her, and looked at each other.

Qiao Wanmian saw that no one dared to move Fang Xiaoweak, so she simply drew her sword and went up to catch someone, Fang Xiaoqiao's Xuanyue sword was not on her body at the moment, Qiao Wanmian was fast, and the bright sword was about to stab Fang Xiaoweak, Li Lianhua suddenly made a clever move, and the sword deviated from the track, Qiao Wanmian stumbled and almost fell to the ground, looking a little embarrassed.

Li Lianhua spoke, Qiao Nuxia, please calm down: "If Li Xiangyi and Li Sect Master are here now, I won't like you to find a sword for him in this way." A simple single sentence pierced the softest part of Qiao Wanmian's heart, she broke the defense, Xiao Zijin immediately came over and hugged her, she leaned her head on the occasion and began to sob.

The master of the Ji courtyard also felt that Li Lianhua had an indescribable sense of familiarity, and asked: "This friend, not an old friend of Sigumen, has never seen it, dare to ask the name of the honorable surname?"

"Oh, in the next... The surname is Lee. Li Lianhua's head tilted, and as soon as the word Li came out, the air froze again.

Qiao Wanmian raised her eyes and gasped, expecting him to say the following two words, Xiao Zijin looked nervously at the person in her arms, for fear of hearing the following two words.

The four courtyard masters also looked at each other, and the courtyard master Ji continued to ask: "Li, Li what?" Li

Lianhua still had a trace of hesitation in the face of the questions of his old friend, he paused for two seconds and said, "Ah... Plum.. Lotus. By the time he finished speaking, he had returned to a state of relief.

Di Feisheng was also a little disappointed, not understanding that he had already done this to help him, and this guy was still unwilling to disclose his identity. Looking at the group of people on the stage again, except for Qiao Wanmian, they all seemed to suddenly breathe a sigh of relief, and they were a little sympathetic to Li Lianhua.

The master of the Ji Academy immediately smiled and said, "It turned out to be Doctor Li, who has been famous for a long time." "

Yes, Master Ji, Divine Doctor Li not only has a reputation for being able to heal four people, but may also be able to help us recover the real Young Master Sword!" Fang Duozhi suddenly recommended himself for Li Lianhua.

When the master of the Ji Academy heard that there was a staircase, he immediately followed the stairs and answered: "Oh, there is such a thing, can you help us recover

the young master's sword?" Li Lianhua was caught on the boat by Fang Duoai, and replied with a helpless smile: "Don't dare, but I want to ask, where is the young master's sword stored before the start of today's sword appreciation conference?"

Master Ji explained: "You see, three days ago, Qiao Nuxia and Xiao Daxia took the young master sword and stored the young master sword here. The management of the sword room is strict, no one has been in and out of this place in the past few days, before the start of today's sword appreciation conference, it was me and Shi Shui who took out the sword, and no one should have the opportunity to transfer this sword. "

Well, unless it's an invisible person..."Li Lianhua whispered softly, glancing at Fang Xiaoweak.

Xiao Weak, what are you looking at my expression, wrinkled his nose and pouted, and said unhappily with his mouth, It's not me!

Li Lianhua smiled, turned her head and continued to observe, only to see a strange gap at the bottom of the stone seat where the young master's sword was placed and the ground interface.

Shi Shui also noticed the anomaly, and took the first step to speak, "Look! there seems to be a problem here!" Everyone looked in the direction she was pointing.

Several people worked together to move the heavy stone seat aside, only to see that there was a dark quadrangular hole hidden underneath, the size of a well, just enough to pass through a person.

Dean Bai was stunned: "Good guy, how can there be a tunnel here?!Who the hell dug it?!"

"I don't know where this tunnel leads, do you want to go down and have a look?"

And Qiao Wanmian and Xiao Zijin glanced at each other, Xiao Zijin said: "Ah Mian, the air in the cave is not good, don't provoke your asthma, you can wait on it!" "

No, the young master is something I have worked so hard to find back, let me wait for me, how can I rest assured?" Qiao Wanmian was very firm, and did not forget to take a look at Fang Xiaoqiao when he was finished.

Fang Xiaowan almost rolled her eyes again, when does this woman have to be suspicious? You have to go down and slap your face, my Xiaowan can't stop it!

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