The setting sun dyed the blue sky half orange and half pink, but Fang Xiaoqiao's mood at this time was not a taste.

She walked for an unknown amount of time in the woods, found an empty hill, sat on a large rock, froze for a while, and turned on the system.


Congratulations to the host for completing the task!''Congratulations to the host for getting the task reward

!''Congratulations to the host for getting 500 attribute rewards!''Congratulations to the host for getting 500

system gold!''

Congratulations to the host for obtaining level 4 of the healing skill, prompting the need for 2 blue bottles, and the healing effect is double that of the third level of healing.

''Congratulations to the host for obtaining level 3 of the stealth skill, prompting the need for 1 blue bottle and maintaining 1 and a half minutes. "

Congratulations to the host for getting a chance to reset the system attributes!" "The god skill is here again!" She cheered up a little! Now it's okay, with two chances to reset the system, she can reset it once without any scruples to see the effect

! So Fang Xiaowan couldn't wait to open the attribute panel, found the reset button, and immediately came to the system prompt: "Congratulations to the host for successfully resetting the system attributes, and the existing attribute points of 2390 points have not been set!".

I'm here for the charm!" Fang Xiaoqiao thought to himself.

She had just been stimulated, closed her eyes and pressed wildly on the charm value as if venting, until she heard the system prompt and said

, 'The charm value has reached the upper limit


knock!' Then she stopped and saw [Charm value 999]

She took a long breath, now she is worthy of the name of the first beauty in martial arts!

Intelligence 100, Senses 191, Light Power 450, Force 550, Luck 100, Charisma 999.

Although the other parts seem a little featureless, martial arts, as long as you can protect yourself and don't lose to her stupid brother Fang Duo, she will be satisfied.

With 1000 system gold coins, she browsed the system mall again, and actually found a magical thing in the consumables column - Vitality Drink, hint: This drink can increase the pleasure of the person who uses it, regain hope for the future, and be confident in doing anything.

How did she find out that she had such a good thing?! What she needed most now was to make herself happy! When she looked at the price, it was only 30 gold coins! It was cheap, and she could afford to eat a bottle every day! Fang Xiaoqiao placed an order without hesitation and immediately used the Yuan Qi drink.

Sure enough, in just a moment, Fang Xiaoqiao immediately radiated and was in a good mood. She thought, yes, she crossed over with the plot, she was the most invincible existence in the world, and changing the plot was not something that could be done overnight, so why be so frustrated. There is also the help of the system, as long as our Xiaoqiao wants to do something, it will definitely be done

! At this time, if anyone looks at it, they will be surprised that Fang Xiaoqiao's body is exuding golden light, and it is extremely charming, dazzling, just like a fairy descending to earth!

She was full of fighting spirit and sat down again to study the next task [Young Master in the Ring], and then she burst into a big smile!

She remembered that the most powerful person in the ring was Fang Duozhi, for the sake of safety, she opened Fang Duozhi's attribute panel and took another look, sure enough, his martial arts improved a little bit compared to the last time, and the force value showed 500, but unfortunately, she smiled, it was still 50 higher than you!

Once decided, she immediately set off down the hill to find the RV.

Li Lianhua was confidently cooking in the house, and from a distance, she could hear someone choking on oil smoke and coughing. Shun Tian took his sister Xiao Nan'an to play obediently in the house, while Fang Duozhi and Di Feisheng stood straight outside the house, one holding a sword and the other holding a knife, both staring straight at the opposite side, in terms of momentum, no one lost.

Fang Duozhi was the first to speak: "You, do you have a teacher? Do you use fists and feet or swords?" Or do we continue to compare?" Di

Feisheng rolled his eyes without taking Fang Duozhi seriously, and almost didn't make Fang Duozhi angry: "What kind of eyes do you have? Young Master Ben can't get used to your weird appearance of yin and yang!"

Fang Duozhi really couldn't swallow this breath, so he took a few steps forward and started to do it directly, but unfortunately Di Feisheng was poisoned by Li Lianhua, and within a few rounds, he was punched hard in the chest.

Di Feisheng couldn't bear the pain and didn't speak, just frowned and stared at Fang Duozhi. This time it was Fang Duo's turn to be sick and proud, he blew his fist, raised his head and said: "Hey, you just do this little bit of kung fu, and you pretend to be the best in the world all day long, how did you live to this age? Let me tell you, megalomaniac, I see that you have a good bone, why don't you worship me as a teacher, call me a master, so that I can teach you, and save yourself from going out and being beaten every day!"

Fang Xiaoqiao looked at it from a distance and shook his head, he is the big devil of the Golden Mandarin League, worthy of the name of the world's first, you didn't recognize it, and you provoked others with a fart, which can make you proud a little now.

"The martial arts are average, but the courage is not small. Di Fei finally spoke, and commented objectively.

Fang Duo pretended not to hear it, and continued: "My master is Li Xiangyi, the master of the Sigu Sect of the mighty martial arts!

Di Fei's voice was a little muffled, and he couldn't imagine that he was entangled with this stupid boy here, but he was taken advantage of by Li Xiangyi: "He also accepted apprentices? It seems that his brain has long been broken, accept lame goods like you

!" "Don't be hard-mouthed, win your master!" Fang Duozhi just wanted to punch, Fang Xiaoqiao appeared in a flash, she thought of the task of the young lion in the ring, and she wanted to talk to Fang Duozhi in her heart, and by the way, give him a dismissal.

"Why don't you compare with me first and see who is more powerful?" Fang Xiaowan landed steadily and stood next to Di Feisheng, who looked at her and frowned.

The feeling and temperature emanating from her body, as well as a scent, reminded him of the transparent person in Yipin's tomb just now, and looked at her face carefully, she really looked exactly like Fang Duozhi, but... More sick and good-looking than that side, perhaps, it was the best-looking person he had ever seen in his life, he remembered that his subordinate Jiao Lichen, although she was also one of the best beauties in martial arts, she was about to lose to the person in front of her, he couldn't help but want to laugh, no wonder that Li Lianhua was so desperate to rescue her just now.

Fang Duo was stunned, and it took a long time to recognize that it was his sister, and he hadn't seen him for a few days? How...... Why is it so beautiful?!He opened his mouth wide and shouted

: "Fang!Fang Xiaoweak!What are you doing here?Where have you been these days?" Fang Duozhi pulled Fang Xiaoweak to look left and right: "Ai! I said, what are you doing to yourself, how... It's changed?!" He couldn't say the word "good-looking".

Fang Xiaoweak was so disgusted that he shook off Fang Duo's sick hand and said, "You let go, don't pull my clothes, where have I changed? eyes, nose or mouth?" Fang Xiaoqiao didn't admit it, and his heart was so happy.

It's also strange to say, Fang Duozhi took a closer look, the facial features on his face seemed to be the same as before, but they looked several times better!

"Fang Duozhi, since you want to compete with others so much, let's see if you can win against me first!" Fang Xiaowan was anxious to compete with Fang Duozhi, after all, this martial arts value was there, but he had never officially fought except for light skills, and his heart was itching.

Who knew that Fang Duo was sick but shook his hand, he didn't want to compete with her at all, he thought it was a little too boring, so he said: "You are my sister, just your two or three three-legged cat kung fu, can I still not know? Go back to Tianji Villa as soon as possible

! Don't be embarrassed and conspicuous here!" "You! how do you know if you don't fight!" Fang Xiaowan was anxious, and he didn't talk nonsense with him and was about to draw his sword directly, but he didn't expect that the sword was pushed back by a pot lid before it came out of the scabbard, and at a glance, it was Li Lianhua.

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