After a full meal, Darles was too lazy to clean up the leftovers.

There were plenty of tools anyway, so if they were gone, they were gone.

Darles stood up, without looking at Bulma, and went to the side to stretch his muscles.

It is said that strenuous exercise after a full meal is not good for the body, but this limitation does not exist for Saiyans.

To be honest, the food in the stomach will be digested in a very short time, which only makes you not hungry.

Otherwise, relying solely on food to replenish the energy needed, this little food is not enough. When

Darles walked away, Bulma was so full that she couldn't move. It was the first time for her to eat the meat of this alien creature. The taste was so good that she couldn't control her mouth. Now she was so full that she just wanted to lie down and rest.

"Saiyans are not human beings. They eat so much but their stomachs don't get bigger. They can also do strenuous exercise without caring about their lives."Bulma rolled her eyes, saying she was speechless.

Her mind was spinning.

In a place like this, it would be no problem to live for one or two days or even several days. She had lived in the wild before. But she didn't want to live like this for a long time. She was thinking about how to trick Darles into going to the Western Capital. In this way, she would have someone to take care of her life, and she would have time to rest after her research. She could also speed up her progress with the help of her father.

"What should I say? ? This guy is a stubborn person, I'm afraid he won't agree easily."Bulma knew that without absolute temptation, this Darles would not listen to her advice.


One Piece World.

At this time, Whitebeard was about to eat the Spirit Fruit.

Relying on the Spirit Fruit obtained by Armament Haki, he thought for a long time and finally decided to eat it himself. If he continued to store it, he didn't know whether the fruit would rot, and he couldn't find a suitable person to eat it. If he didn't eat it himself, it would be a waste.

"Let me try and see how much strength the second spiritual fruit can improve!"Whitebeard was full of expectation and put the spiritual fruit to his mouth.

For ordinary people, this fruit is difficult to swallow in one gulp.

But Whitebeard can.

After the fruit went down his abdomen, he felt the refreshing feeling sweeping through his body again, and his face was full of smiles.

Not only did his body become younger after the fruit went down his abdomen, but his physical potential was stimulated and his strength was improved.

Moreover, this improvement was rapid, not completed all at once.

"Kulala Lala~~~! This feeling, the bottleneck that has been trapping me, was broken through so easily... The spiritual fruit is indeed a fruit that only the gods in the Dragon Ball world can eat."Whitebeard said to himself.

His momentum continued to rise.

It was dark night, and his sons had already fallen asleep.

But they were disturbed by his change.

"Dad! What's wrong with you? ?"Phoenix Marco came to Whitebeard and was suppressed by the aura of Whitebeard.

He knew that his father had become stronger again, to a level that even he could not imagine or understand.

"It's okay, I just got an idea suddenly, which helped me improve my cultivation." With a slight smile, Whitebeard turned around and gave the answer.

Seeing his face clearly, Marco was shocked, and Ace on the side was even more unbelievable:"Old, old man... your, your face... you have become younger again!!!"

After hearing his son's reminder, Whitebeard reached out and touched his face. It turned out that the wrinkles on his face had disappeared. He now looked like he was in his forties or fifties.

With a bold smile, Whitebeard clenched his fists. The inexhaustible power made him feel the passion of the past again.

He knew clearly how much stronger he was. He also knew clearly that he was no longer the same as before. If they were to fight each other, he could easily defeat his previous self.

The spiritual fruit is really terrifying!

Whitebeard also longed for it in his heart. If he got another one, his strength might really be able to increase to the point where he could resist the entire world alone!!

Become stronger and change the nature of this world!

Let him start a new era!!

Whitebeard had a lot of ideas. At this moment, he remembered how high his ambitions were.

But even though he had been working hard, he had not made much change.

Now that he has a better opportunity, if he doesn't cherish it, he is wasting his life.


Pokémon World.

Because the league tournament is over, today is the last night that Xiaozhi and his party will stay at the venue.

At the Lily of the Valley Conference in the Sinnoh region, Xiaozhi became the champion of the league. He also found a new path to follow and is no longer the same person as before.

In the dense forest outside the Pokémon Center.

Xiaozhi bid farewell to Uchiha Madara and the president with the six beasts who benefited a lot.

The mission is considered completed. Uchiha Madara's shadow clone wanted to stay for a while longer to see the scenery of this world and understand how powerful the mythical beasts and super mythical beasts in this world are.

However, the system does not allow him to stay for long.

Before the Lily of the Valley Conference is over, he can help Xiaozhi's Pokémon improve their strength without restrictions.

But the end of the conference also means that the end goal of the mission has been achieved.

As for Xiao Ranran, she came to this world out of interest.

And she is the president, and she has an ability that no one else has, that is, unlimited travel.

"Really, thank you very much, Mr. Uchiha Madara. Although I don't know if I will have the chance to meet you again in the future, but when I have enough points, I will definitely go to your world to have a look."Xiaozhi bid farewell to Uchiha Madara, and his childish words made Uchiha Madara laugh.

This feeling of being trusted and treated like a teacher.

He had forgotten it for many years, but now he felt it again.

"Then I will wait for your arrival! If you have any trouble in the future, you can send me a private message or post a task in the union. As long as I am alive and as long as I still have the ability, I will help you."Uchiha Madara replied with a smile.

The next second, the figure disappeared without a trace.

It was originally a shadow clone, even if it was in a different world, but with the Dimensional Alliance Union System as a bridge, after disappearing, it returned to the original body.

"Well, Uchiha Madara is gone, and it's time for me to go too. Xiaozhi, it's up to you to decide how to go in the future. I'll come to see you from time to time, and when I do, you have to treat me to a good time."

"Definitely! Next time you come, I'll take you to catch more Pokémon."

"Just your words are enough"


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