Dragon Ball World.

Entering the gravity training room, Dales saw the extremely sophisticated equipment at first sight.

Although he didn't understand the details here, based on the gravity room in the Dragon Ball plot, the facilities here are more complete, and the method of use will not make too many mistakes.

"You really care about me. You didn't tell me who your mother is, but left me a note like this. Are you asking me to find her on my own initiative? You clever one."When he walked to the operating table, Darles saw a note left on the operating table. He knew without thinking that it was left by Dalifla.

No matter how knowledgeable a person is, how can he have a clear understanding of new things he sees for the first time?

Even if Darles has a general understanding of the equipment for adjusting gravity, there are still many things he doesn't know.

Who knows what those buttons are?

It would be better to call Bulma over directly, let her figure it out, and then teach him, instead of trying them one by one.

Holding the note, Darles shook his head helplessly and smiled bitterly.

Note: Hee���~~!(/(Grimace) I know that Dad must be talking about me now. Since he didn't tell me who Mom is, he left a note for you. Actually, Dad already knows who Mom is, so Dad reluctantly called Mom here. I hope that his daughter's help will not make Dad unhappy.

Note: Oh, right!

The gravity in this gravity training room is 10,000 times that of the earth.

So it is recommended that Dad not adjust it to the highest level at once, otherwise something big will happen.

There are also Senzu beans.

At the other end of the door at the end of the left hand, there is a Senzu bean cultivation cabin.

Although it is not big, Dad can let the past mom do research and expand it to other places.

There are also 1,000 spare Senzu beans, which are also in the storage cabinet of the cultivation cabin.

Note: These Senzu beans are already one-third of the future quantity. It is also recommended that Dad keep half of the seeds for cultivation. The survival of Senzu beans is extremely difficult. Only one or two out of ten plants can survive at most, and one seedling can produce at most ten to twenty Senzu beans.

Note: Okay, bye. Past dad. I am really happy to meet you. I hope your future can change.


"Little girl……"Laughing out loud, Dales put away the note, not knowing where to put it, so he simply placed it on the operating table.

Concentrating on watching this gravity room, Dales was satisfied.

10,000 times the gravity was enough for him to use for a long, long time.

In the original work, Bulma only created a training room with a maximum gravity of 300 to 500 times, right?

Maybe higher, but that's all that was shown. With

10,000 times the gravity, Dales was also estimating how strong he would be in the future, and whether he would be able to withstand 10,000 times the gravity training.

While thinking, Dales walked to the Senzu Bean Cultivation Chamber.

When he opened the hatch, a special breath came, making people feel refreshed.

Dales had seen the seedlings of Senzu Beans before. He remembered the scene when Goku was a child in the original Dragon Ball.

After watching it carefully for a while, Dales went to find the Senzu Bean storage cabinet.

Seeing the eight large cans and twenty small cans filled with Senzu Beans, Dales laughed out loud again.

A large jar contains 100 Senzu beans, while a small jar contains 10 Senzu beans for easy carrying.

"I have a heart……"Picking up a small can, Darles took out a bean and put it in his mouth.

The previous battle, plus the damage caused by Kakarot, was completely restored because of the Senzu Bean.

Not only that, after swallowing a Senzu Bean, Darles's original feeling of hunger disappeared without a trace.

This effect is really a bug.

I have never experienced it before, and I always felt that there must be something wrong. Now I have tried it myself and confirmed that this effect is not exaggerated.

"Now, it's time to find Bulma. Since you have arranged for us to meet, how can I disappoint you? My daughter."With a faint smile, Darles walked out of the incubator and closed the door. He walked outside the gravity chamber, found the button to shrink it into a universal capsule, shrunk the gravity chamber, and put it in his arms.

Darles remembered Bulma's breath, and the Z warriors had not left their original position.

It would be the best time to go and look for her now.

‘Buzz~~~~!!!’The breath burst out, and a layer of light purple flames enveloped Darles' body. With a whoosh!!! , it turned into a rainbow light and flew into the sky.


At this time.

The Z warriors were already discussing countermeasures and making the most accurate arrangements for the android incident three years later.

Vegeta didn't want to waste time, so he flew away in anger and went to the Western Capital, preparing to undergo arduous training to improve himself.

Piccolo didn't explain that Dales belonged to their camp. He did n't even say that the information given by Dalifla was that Dales solved the android crisis.

In his opinion, everything has changed now! He couldn't listen to Dalifla about what the future would be like.

No warrior would enjoy himself and let others rush to the front to resist the disaster.

Piccolo has a strong desire to win.

In this era, he has always been eager to surpass Son Goku, so he vowed that in three years, he must become extremely powerful.

To change history, Dales doesn't need to be the protagonist alone. He also wants to take a gamble and make himself a real rewriter of history.

The discussion ended, and everyone was about to leave.

Suddenly, Dales's breath appeared again, and swept over like a tidal wave, catching people off guard.

"Wu, Wukong...your big brother is back again……"Klin stood timidly behind Sun Wukong and said tremblingly,"

Dales's energy is too strong, how can he compare to him?"

"He left before and now he is back, what on earth does he want to do? ?"Tien Shinhan frowned and questioned.

Meanwhile, Yamcha said restlessly:"Goku, is your big brother good or bad? He won't come back to kill us, will he? ?" It is really ridiculous that a man is so timid as him. Even Bulma is not as brave as him.

"You're thinking too much! He didn't touch us before, and he won't touch us now. It should be something else, right?!"Picco looked serious and looked at Sun Wukong.

Because they both knew that although Darles was cold, he was not a bad person.

"Yamcha, are you too nervous? Are you still a man? I am really glad that I broke up with you after you were resurrected."Bulma rolled her eyes and said speechlessly.

Originally, it was because Yamcha was too fickle. He kept flirting with other girls for a period of time after his resurrection.

Later it was even more outrageous.

Now, Bulma has really seen through Yamcha. He is not even as good as Krillin.

Why was she so stupid to fall in love with this man in the first place...

Fortunately, she has been on guard and did not let Yamcha succeed, otherwise, she would be the one who suffered.

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