Z Warriors

"This battle is about to come to an end."After watching the battle for a long time, Piccolo finally took the initiative to speak.

As an experienced warrior, even if his strength is indeed inferior, his vision has never been wrong.

He knows that the battle between Darles and the unknown Super Saiyan boy has reached the final stage.

Moreover, he is also certain.

This Darles is not an evil existence. At least he came to the earth not to occupy the earth or invade the earth.

Otherwise, he would not hold back everywhere, and deliberately helped the earth to resist multiple energy attacks.

"Humph!!! He transformed into a Super Saiyan, but still lost to this low-level warrior! What a loser!!!" Vegeta made a bold statement.

It sounded so domineering, but in fact, he was envious and jealous in his heart.

This was because of his overflowing jealousy that he said this.

"Come on, do you think we are all fools?! The difference in strength is too big. That Darius is much stronger than the unknown Super Saiyan boy. I think even if it is you, the result will be the same, because even if he doesn't transform into a Super Saiyan, we are not as good as him."Picco rolled his eyes and provoked in a cold tone.

Hearing this, Vegeta glared angrily, and his ferocious face looked like he wanted to eat Piccolo.

He clenched his fists, his nails dug into the flesh, and blood dripped from his hands.

【Damn it! Damn bastard! One day, I will prove myself that I, Prince Vegeta, am no weaker than anyone else! I will defeat this bastard Darius sooner or later! 】

Turbulent waves rose in his heart, but Vegeta did not say anything.

He was not stupid, and those words were just angry words

""Picnic, how do you know the battle is about to end?! It seems that the unknown Super Saiyan boy still has the strength to fight." Tien Shinhan asked puzzledly.

Years ago, because Piccolo was the Great Demon King, they didn't communicate much at all.

But in the past few years, Piccolo has changed a lot.

Especially after experiencing the Saiyan calamity together and spending some time together on the North King Kai, their relationship has improved, and they are no longer as hostile as before.

Of course, this is also because of Vegeta.

Now the warriors on Earth are united against the outside world.

It is because Vegeta attracted all the hostility that he no longer has hostility towards Piccolo and has become friends.

"Tien Shinhan, you are wrong. It seems that he has not been defeated yet, but in fact, it is the unknown Super Saiyan boy who has been suffering from the damage since the beginning. Every time Darius's attack hits the vital point, Future Trunks cannot fight back."Krillin answered on behalf of Piccolo.

As soon as he said this, Piccolo nodded slightly and looked at Krillin with admiration.

Among the earthlings, only this boy is pleasing to him. People like Yamcha are not pleasing to his eyes.

As for Tien Shinhan dumplings... I haven't had much contact with them, so I can only have a preliminary understanding of them.

Of course, no one knows that Tien Shinhan is not an earthling.

He is a three-eyed alien!


In the center of the battlefield,

Darius grabbed Future Trunks' face with a slap, as if he was lifting him up in the air, making him unable to resist.

"Boy, your strength is not weak. But you really don't know how to fight, and you don't know how to use your own strength to maximize it."

"I don't know how strong the enemies in the future will be, but I can roughly guess. If you can practice hard for a few years, defeating them will not be a problem."

"It's a pity that you thought that after you transformed into a Super Saiyan, training would become meaningless. This is your biggest weakness. A warrior who doesn't want to improve himself is a weakling! And you also chose to escape to seek help in this time and space."

"Frankly speaking, Super Saiyan is not the end of Saiyans, it is just the beginning."

After saying these words one by one, Darles mercilessly punched him again.

This punch was full of strength, and three streams of energy were released in an instant, causing Future Trunks to suffer a lot. Blood flowed from his mouth and dripped along Darles' palm.

Future Trunks' Super Saiyan form also dissipated in the blink of an eye, and his strength returned to the original point, less than one million.

After being severely injured, he was able to retain this strength, which was already good.

"Reflect on yourself. When you truly understand yourself and the transformation of a Super Saiyan! When you really figure it out, you will be a strong man. At least, I can no longer rely on normal strength to defeat you."Descending slowly, Darles threw Future Trunks to the ground.

The kid lay on the ground and struggled to get up, but had to half-kneel on the ground because of the serious injury.

Hit by Darles's words, he began to think wildly.

In the past, he only thought that the strength of each person's transformed Super Saiyan was different.

So he was not as good as his master Son Gohan.

He came to this time and space, one to find Son Goku and give him heart disease medicine. Secondly, it was also to see how strong the Son Goku of this time and space was after he transformed into a Super Saiyan.

In the original work, he achieved both goals.

What the result was is unknown.

And three years later, it is unknown whether the future Trunks who traveled through time and space again is the same Trunks.

But one thing is the same, that is, the strength has not changed at all. Inch forward, was casually thrown away by Android 18, and he lost his fighting spirit and strength and fainted.

Are Super Saiyans so fragile? ?

Definitely not!

At least, no matter how strong Androids 17 and 18 in this time and space are, they can't kill Future Trunks who has transformed into a Super Saiyan in one second.

It's because Future Trunks himself is unable to generate the will to fight and is afraid everywhere that he was defeated by one blow.

Seeing Future Trunks lost in thought, Darles crossed his chest with his hands and put away his momentum.

He slowly raised his head and looked up at the sky.

It seems like a simple action, but it contains a mystery.

For some reason, he has been feeling like he is being watched since just now.

This feeling is very strange.

It's like someone is secretly watching every move here, but it's also like it's illusory and non-existent.

【Could it be the angel Weiss? ? Was he already paying attention to the Earth at this time? ? ? Darles frowned.

Until a tingling sensation came from the surface of his body, he immediately lowered his head in anger.

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