Where the Z warriors are.

Feeling the extremely powerful aura expanding again, everyone was stunned. Whether it was Vegeta or Piccolo, they had long lost the heart to confront head-on.

They were too far apart!

Such a big gap can no longer be closed by one or two years of training.

It can only be said that the Saiyans are a terrifying race!

If they had not been destroyed by Frieza in the early years, I am afraid that the entire universe would have been the world of Saiyans.


In the air, watching Future Trunks's anger explode, Darles' mouth curled up slightly.

""Interesting! Is this your power?!!"

After saying that, Darles burst out his own Qi without hesitation.

In the pale flame, there was a hint of light purple, which was very dazzling.

The normal power alone is still enough to deal with Future Trunks.

However, compared with before, he has to be more cautious now.

Even if Future Trunks only knows three-legged cat kung fu, it must be said that this kid was inspired by him and his current strength has improved by leaps and bounds. When a person's strength reaches a certain level, it is not necessary to rely on practice to improve.

Fighting can sometimes make people progress! And the most important thing is that when you reach the critical point, a small perception may break through your own shackles.

Future Trunks is an example.

His strength has improved, at least, it is not a little bit.

220 million points of combat power was before, and now his combat power is at least around 250 million points.

And Sun Wukong who is still on his way to the earth is on par with him.

"It's not over yet!"With a roar, Future Trunks looked up and howled. Suddenly, the situation changed.

The sudden increase in energy was not only in terms of volume, but also in purity.

This made Darles take it more seriously.

""You kid, you actually mastered the real power of Super Saiyan at this time." Looking at Future Trunks, Darius said.

Not mastering the power of Super Saiyan and mastering the power of Super Saiyan are two completely different levels.

It's like the difference between Son Goku who just transformed and fought Frieza and Son Goku who is about to return to Earth.

It's not just the level of combat power, but whether it is used properly.

"But even if you understand it, what does it matter?! You are still no match for me now."With a strong fighting spirit in his eyes, Darles took the lead in attacking.

He threw a punch, driving forward like a dragon.

Seeing this, Future Trunks held back his momentum and waved his arms.


Two fists collided in the air, emitting dense sparks.

In an instant, a fierce battle was about to break out.

The duel between fists and feet was unfolded at this moment. People with low combat power only felt dazzled and unable to distinguish.

The sound of air explosions continued.

The atmosphere shook, and the clouds were gradually defeated, allowing the earth to be bathed in sunlight again.

It seemed that it was changing for the better.

In fact, the atmosphere became more depressing, making people breathless.

It was not only the Z fighters who were affected. The people watching the battle in the live broadcast room, with the help of the immersive effect, deeply understood the high level of the Dragon Ball world.

This is only the power of this era.

In two more eras, that will be the real destruction of the world. With a wave of the hand, there will be enough power to destroy everything.


At this moment in the universe.

A small spaceship was speeding faster than the speed of light in the Milky Way.

Its destination was the Earth in the solar system.

Inside the spaceship, Sun Wukong's face was full of worry and confusion.

Although it was still very far away from the Earth, he clearly felt the huge auras that appeared one after another. He thought that it was just Frieza and the helpers Frieza brought with him who were going to cause trouble for the Earth.

He was also prepared to use his newly learned skill of teleportation to rush to the Earth.

But the sudden appearance of two Saiyan auras surprised him.

One was acceptable, but the other was really terrifyingly strong.

He made a comparison in his mind, and he was afraid that even if he transformed into a Super Saiyan, it would still be out of reach.

"Who is it?? Strange……"In doubt and amazement, he was filled with excitement and joy.

As a strong man and a warrior, he was eager to meet a stronger opponent.

Now that the opponent had taken action, his horizons had been broadened.

At least, he was not invincible!

And there were also beings in the universe who surpassed Frieza!!


On Earth.

The war slowly turned from a hand-to-hand fight to an energy war.

Future Trunks tried his best to take advantage of Darius, even if it was just a momentary flaw. As long as he hit Darius, he could get this person's recognition.

He needed his help!!

He also slowly discovered something strange during the battle.

The opponent did not really use his full strength to fight him.

Otherwise, even if he was in the form of a Super Saiyan, he would be defeated quickly.

He also felt his own fragility.

He thought that in this era, he could defeat the heroes and be stronger than these predecessors.

But he never thought that there would be a Darius, and this Darius was so strong that he could not even look up to him.

""What's wrong?! Boy, your attacks have been messed up since just now. Is this all your strength is?" A desperate voice sounded in Future Trunks' ears.

These words made Future Trunks grit his teeth.

He was unwilling to admit defeat, but the fact was true and could not be refuted.

Even in such a battle, his attacks would be taken by Darles, and he could not even touch the corner of Darles' clothes, let alone hurt him.



He did not feel this way when dealing with Androids 17 and 18.

"I won’t lose like this!!!!!!!"Future Trunks attacked vigorously, showing his edge.

With the determination to kill, he had already left no room for maneuver.

This attack was taken lightly by Darles.

He pinched Future Trunks' fist and hit Future Trunks' stomach with a flying knee. The attack with an inch of force made Future Trunks vomit acid, and it was hard to describe how uncomfortable he was.

"Damn...……"Covering his severely injured abdomen, Future Trunks murmured and slowly backed away.

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