In the union live broadcast room.

Chat interface.

When everyone saw Darius effortlessly crushing Future Trunks, their eyes widened in disbelief.

Only a few people could see clearly.

So, those who usually talk a lot shut their mouths and just watched the big guys make comments.

There was no way. Without sufficient ability, they couldn't even understand the battle, let alone comment. If they just said it casually, wouldn't it be embarrassing? ?

Demon Lord:"It seems that this battle is over. Lord Daries defeated Future Trunks."

Ice Queen:"I didn't expect that this battle would end so soon. Lord Daries is not just strong in combat power index, but in real combat ability."

Lurker in the Dark:"No!! This battle is not over yet!! Although the power levels are too different, this battle is more or less clear. The battle has just begun!!"

My Son is All Over the World:"Lord Madara is right. This war is just the beginning. Future Trunks should not be defeated so easily. Lord Daries said that to stimulate him and force him to use power beyond his limit and to fight with all his strength without any restraints." The

Third Ancestor:"Is that really the case? But even so, can Future Trunks defeat Lord Daries?"

Death:"Everything is still unknown. After all, the prerequisite for winning the battle is that Future Trunks can hit Lord Daries."

President Xiao:"……"

My sons are everywhere in the world:"Hum?! President, do you have something to say? Why not say it out loud? Let us appreciate it."

Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west:"I think so! Mr. Darles is letting Future Trunks, so the result should be that Future Trunks can hit Mr. Darles."

President Xiao:"I won't comment, not because I don't understand, but because the future is not fixed. What kind of future there will be depends on how people act now."

Death:"As expected of you, President. These words have given me a lot of insights."


Pokémon world.

Xiao Ranran, who had not left yet, sat in the yard drinking tea, opposite to him was Uchiha Madara's shadow clone.

After seeing Xiao Ranran say such words, Uchiha Madara's shadow clone expressed shame.

He also indirectly guessed that this President Xiao must not be an ordinary existence.

Even in this world, she has been asking him about ninjutsu and chakra, but this does not mean that he is a weak person.

In other words, President Xiao's power is even stronger than that of Lord Darles.

And this is just a guess made by Uchiha Madara's shadow clone.

No one knows that Xiao Ranran is currently only a second-rate master.

It was only because of the request of Uchiha Madara's shadow clone that he reached this strength


In the Dragon Ball World, on the battlefield,

Darius folded his arms and stared at Future Trunks in front of him, and said,"What's wrong? Is this all you can do? You can't hurt me at all!" His arrogant words sounded so unruly and arrogant.

Is this the real Darius?

Of course not.

He said this to mock and provoke Future Trunks.

"But, damn it! Why? ? I should be stronger, but you can dodge my attack so easily and inflict heavy damage on me."Future Trunks gritted his teeth and asked seriously.

Although it is not a good attitude to ask for advice humbly, it is at least learning from others' strengths and making up for one's weaknesses.

"Want to know? I can tell you. Your attack is too watery! It looks powerful, but it's actually weak inside!"Dales narrowed his eyes and gave the answer.

Such a simple truth, in fact, you can understand it after fighting Future Trunks a few more times.

Speaking of which, Future Trunks is also a martial arts genius. Otherwise, how could he catch up with Vegeta so quickly in the original work?

But it's better not to waste this time.

Instead of letting him feel it himself, it's better to tell him directly.

""I see. So, the reason why I couldn't attack you is because my attack wasn't direct enough?" Future Trunks opened his mouth.

The next second, his expression turned cold, and his fighting spirit rose again. In a short moment, he shot out.

""Not bad! This time it's quite interesting!" With a stern look in his eyes, Darles saw the difference.

Eliminating too many complicated moves, Future Trunks' attack was more calm and direct, without any delay.

With his right fist, Darles aimed at the point where Future Trunks would attack and swung it out with all his strength.

This time, it was a brutal Southern Fist.


【We can win!!】A voice sounded in Future Trunks' heart.

But it was only a moment of distraction. The moment he thought he could win,

‘Pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!' Dales's attack did not stop. His left fist directly hit his chin, sending him flying into the sky.

"Fight with me, don't be distracted. You are still too young! One problem is corrected, another one comes out."Tsk!!!" With a cold shout, Darles disappeared from the spot.

Moving at super high speed, he was already a hundred meters in the air in the blink of an eye.

With his hands clasped tightly, he struck hard.

This must-hit blow was no suspense.

But it also became the point of shock for Darles.

Future Trunks actually managed to stabilize his body in that situation and disappeared in front of him.

As a result, the attack failed.


After calming down for a few seconds, Darles smiled.

"Good! Very good! Only this kind of battle is interesting. You finally got it, and you are not as fragile as you were at the beginning. Turning around, Darles looked to the right.

Future Trunks was panting and looking at Darles, his vigilance was raised to 120 points.

He did not dare to relax at all, because he had begun to notice his own fragility.

Even in the form of a Super Saiyan, it was nothing compared to Darles.

"No matter what, I will definitely hit you!!" Gritting his teeth, golden flames rose and expanded around Future Trunks' body.

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