"You, are you telling the truth? ? Go to the future... help me……"

Future Trunks was dumbfounded.

He had never thought of going to the future with the help of people from the past to help him deal with Androids 17 and 18.

If this was really possible, then he would not need to continue changing the past era and could directly save the future world.

The past of this era had already seen many strange turning points because of him.

He did not want the future of this time and space to undergo unimaginable changes because of him. If it was really feasible, he was willing to try, and even willing to stay in this era forever in exchange for this one chance. No matter what the result was, even if it failed, it was at least an attempt.

"That's right! I can roughly guess how strong the enemy is that you can't even fight against with your power as a Super Saiyan! This also aroused my curiosity. And since you can reach this era so smoothly, I guess the enemies in the future will at least not be able to kill you easily, or they will play cat and mouse with you."

"Regardless of whether it is the former or the latter, since they have the leisure to play with you, I can roughly guess their strength."

"How about it? Are you ready for the battle now? If you can't satisfy me, then maybe you won't get my help, but you will stay here forever."

After saying that, Darles' eyes were filled with murderous intent.

"I understand! I will do my best! I don't know, how should I call you?!"Future Trunks took a deep breath and made a decision.

"My name is Darles!! You can also think of me as Kakarot's brother. After all, even if I don't say it, others will think so."Dalles answered.

Hearing this, Future Trunks nodded solemnly, not only did he get ready for battle, but the golden aura emanating from his body became stronger and stronger:"Well, here I come! Darles - Uncle!!"

After the words fell, Darles was slightly stunned.

Unexpectedly, Future Trunks actually called him uncle.

But in terms of seniority, he is indeed an uncle.

""Come on!" His eyes changed drastically, and Darles raised his hand to receive Future Trunks' sharp and unstoppable punch.

The golden flames expanded, and the pressure was so great that it crushed the ground under Darles' feet and caused it to collapse.

This level of attack was enough for Darles to take seriously.

However, 220 million points of combat power was only at this level?

Darles didn't believe it!!

"Why don't you show your true strength?! There is a time to test!! Let me remind you one last time. If you don't attack me with the determination to kill me, you can't even touch the corner of my clothes, let alone hit me."Exerting force with his feet, Darles said fiercely, and the flexibility of his body combined with explosive power shook Future Trunks' body away.

This is, the collapse punch!!

Feeling the extremely strong energy, Future Trunks' feet were rooted in the ground.

It was only when his body was pulled out ten meters away that he barely stopped.

The two feet drew a 20-centimeter-deep gully on the ground, which made Future Trunks gasp. He could clearly sense that the opponent's breath was not as good as his Super Saiyan power, but that terrifying move still caught him off guard.

""I see! So that's why you are so bold to say that you can defeat me even without becoming a Super Saiyan!" Gritting his teeth and clenching his fists, Future Trunks said,"But! I won't lose like this. Uncle Darius, I will really fight with the determination to win next time!!"

‘Pound!!!! '

The ground beneath his feet crumbled, and Future Trunks attacked again.

He punched Darles in the face.

This attack was so fast that it was impossible to stop him. The power and speed were both accurate.

What a pity!……

"You are still too naive. Is this the full force you are determined to win? ? ?"He dodged Future Trunks' attack by leaning to the side. In the moment of contact, Darius threw a punch and instantly hit Future Trunks' chest.

‘Uh ah~~~~!!’

A painful murmur came from Future Trunks' mouth.

Blood spurted out, and his body flew backwards again, crashing into a rocky mountain. For two consecutive rounds, Darius stopped attacking and slowly crossed his arms over his chest:"It seems that my expectations of you are a bit too high. Even though you can transform into a Super Saiyan, you not only don't have the fighting skills, but you can't even fully control your strength."

"No wonder, after you transformed into a Super Saiyan, you were still easily defeated by the enemy in the future, and had no choice but to run to this era for help."

After the cold words, Darles watched Future Trunks struggle out of the rock mountain.

Because of his escape, the entire rock mountain collapsed in an instant, raising thick dust.

The battle has just begun.

Darles has not had enough fun yet.


On the other side, the Z warriors witnessed the battle scene, and they were stunned.

What they couldn't imagine was that one side was a Super Saiyan, and the other side didn't transform, but was able to crush the boy who turned into a Super Saiyan.

Vegeta, as the prince of the Saiyans, saw the scene with his own eyes, which made him unbelievable.

For a moment, they all began to doubt the existence of Super Saiyans. What is it? ? ?

Shouldn't it be that the transformed boy crushed Darius? ? ?

Just the power without transformation is already so strong.

Vegeta clenched his fists involuntarily, gritted his teeth, but was powerless to fight them.

This is his sorrow as a prince!!!

He is also angry about his inability to fight!!!

"What is going on now? ? If this continues, will these two Super Saiyans have to fight to the death?"Krillin asked.

This question is also in everyone's mind.

After all, this battle happened suddenly, and no one knows why. It is reasonable to fight against Frieza and King Cold. After all, they are enemies.

"No! This is not a life-and-death battle. From the beginning to now, although no one knows what happened, they must have reached some kind of agreement. The current battle is that Darius is testing the Super Saiyan boy!" Piccolo began to explain.

As an experienced man, he saw the problem of this battle at a glance.

It is better to say that Darius is teaching the Super Saiyan boy how to fight than to say it is a real duel!

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