"Hum!! It came really fast……"Frieza crossed his arms and said with disdain.

King Cold on the side said nothing.

It was not that he did not want to say anything, but he knew that no matter what he said now, it would arouse Frieza's anger.

As a father, King Cold actually has no status and dignity now.

It is conceivable that he was surpassed by his two sons. Although he can be the king behind the scenes, to put it bluntly, he has no real power.

The spaceship landed, and Future Trunks, who was confronting Frieza and King Cold, took a deep breath and made a decision in a short time.

He also sensed from the breath that this existence that came was definitely not comparable to Frieza and King Cold.

Take advantage of now to kill Frieza and King Cold!! He gritted his teeth and pulled out the sword of the brave behind him.

In an instant, he made a move.

In just two or three seconds, he killed all of Frieza's men by surprise.

"Damn boy!!! You made me mad!!!" All his men were killed one by one, and veins popped out on Frieza's forehead.

He would not have been so angry before.

But now Cooler was right in front of him, and even though he hadn't appeared yet, he knew that his ugly behavior had been discovered by the other party.

His anger grew, and an energy cannon flew out of his hand in an instant, heading straight for Future Trunks.

This scene scared King Cold beside him:"Frieza, you will destroy this planet like this!!"

"It doesn't matter!! This kid pissed me off. If I don't kill him, I can't get rid of the hatred in my heart!!!"Frieza doesn't care about anything else now.

Originally, being defeated by the Saiyan Son Goku from Earth was already embarrassing enough.

He could imagine the face of Cooler.

But he didn't know that the one who came this time was not his brother Cooler, but Darius!

The violent explosion engulfed Future Trunks. Frieza also withdrew his momentum and looked to his side expressionlessly.

The hatch of the spaceship gradually opened.

No one was seen.

After more than ten seconds, a figure slowly walked out, and a shadow could be vaguely seen.

It was not Cooler!!!

Frieza and King Cold knew it.

Because the figure was completely inconsistent.

Something went wrong?!

"Who is it?! Could it be the new recruit of Gula? ?"King Kurd asked in confusion.

Frieza said nothing and stared at it carefully.

Until the shadow became more and more obvious, he seemed to have seen the most impossible thing.

He will never forget that figure in his life!!

A look of fear appeared on his face, and his body began to tremble slightly.

"Yes... yes... it's him...! No, it's impossible!! How could he be on Gula's spaceship!!"The memory reminded him of the horrible thing, and he was not sure until the shadow was completely revealed. The

Kurdish king at the side also let go of his arms after seeing the man's appearance, his expression was surprised and puzzled, and he became more solemn.

"Is it that Super Saiyan?! How is this possible? How could he take away Gula's spaceship!!"King Kurd said angrily.

The evil spirit burst out, and he thought of the worst possibility.

Gula was killed, and this Saiyan took Gula's spaceship and arrived on Earth.

But, if that's the case, how to explain the other spaceship?

Now, there is another small spaceship approaching the earth.

That spaceship should be the one that the Saiyan was on.

"No, it's impossible!!! Damn wild monkey, why?! Why did you take this spaceship back to Earth?!!"Frieza roared fiercely.

He didn't even look at the other side. Future Trunks was not injured by his attack at all.

At this time, Future Trunks was staring at the familiar figure with a dull look in his eyes.

【How could this happen?! Why? It should take another three hours to reach Earth.……】Future Trunks was puzzled and confused.

He was in a heavy mood and full of questions.

Was it because of his time travel that changed history? ?

But it couldn't be so outrageous...

He remembered that his mother told him that Sun Wukong did arrive three hours later.


In the distance, on the rocky mountain, the strange change happened, and everyone's eyes were focused on that person.

"How could it be... Kakarot? ?" Vegeta was the first to be puzzled and extremely surprised.

He believed that Kakarot had defeated Frieza, but Cooler's strength had always been unknown. He had even heard that Cooler's strength far surpassed Frieza.

Killing Cooler without any information about him, and taking Cooler's spaceship to Earth, he dared not even think about it.

"It's Daddy! It's really Daddy who's back!!"Son Gohan was so surprised that his eyes were wet and he was about to shed tears of excitement.

Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien Shinhan beside him all showed their joy.

Fortunately, Piccolo was there to check, he grabbed Gohan's hand and stopped him from moving.

""What's wrong, Uncle Piccolo? It's Dad, Dad is really back." Son Gohan said in surprise, not knowing why Uncle Piccolo wanted to hold him and prevent him from moving.

"No! This person's aura... is not Goku's! You will know if you sense it carefully." Piccolo frowned and sensed it carefully. As soon as these words came out, Tien Shinhan, Krillin and Yamcha each used their aura to explore.

Tien Shinhan:"Indeed, although they are very similar, there are essential differences."

Yamcha:"Goku's aura should not be so overbearing. His aura used to be very gentle and peaceful."

Krillin:"Wait... Do you think, could it be that Goku's aura is different because he transformed into a Super Saiyan?" Vegeta:

"Why think so much? I would know that guy even if he turned into ashes! Wouldn't it be better to ask him in person?!"

After that, Vegeta exploded and rushed out directly.

"This idiot!!"Picco had no time to stop him, so he gritted his teeth and followed him out.

Vegeta was their only fighting force, and if he was killed outside, they would be killed sooner or later.

It would be better for them to go out together and work together to fight against the enemy's invasion.


In front of the spaceship,

Darius took a deep breath, felt the fresh air of the earth, and looked forward.


King Cold.

Future Trunks.

And Vegeta, Piccolo, etc. who were flying over...

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