Pokémon World.

Today is the start of the official competition of the Lily of the Valley Conference.

The competition for the top eight to advance to the top four! (The previous information was written incorrectly. There is no round of 16 in the Lily of the Valley Conference. It is six to six from the quarterfinals.)

Satoshi VS Shinji.

If it were the old Satoshi, it would be a tough battle against Shinji.

But the current Satoshi is no longer the old Satoshi.

Not only has the strength of his Pokémon increased greatly, but his mind has also become more mature under the guidance of Uchiha Madara and the president Xiao Ranran.

The most important point is that he is no longer as immature as in the original work, nor as naive as before.

The four duels are no longer carried out in a scattered manner.

Instead, they are carried out one by one at the main venue.

Satoshi and Shinji are also the first show of the day!

There is no doubt that Shinji sent out the six Pokémon in the original work.

And Satoshi is different from the original work.

When he participated in the conference, he went with the mentality of letting every Pokémon participate in the competition.

Now he no longer has such thoughts. He wants to win the Lily of the Valley Conference. This is a consolation for his three years of travel and an explanation to the Pokémon who followed him.

League champion!!!

Only in this way can he go further.

The competition is in full swing.

Xiaozhi's swift and decisive actions make Shinji unstoppable.

Without even using the new ninjutsu moves he learned, Xiaozhi's Charizard overwhelmed Shinji's three Pokémon. In the end, Xiaozhi took the initiative to replace Charizard with Infernape.

The strength is so strong.

Charizard has always been the most powerful Pokémon Xiaozhi has.

Especially this time, under the training of Uchiha Madara, its strength is infinitely close to the champion, and it can even defeat the champion-level Pokémon.

Shinji was hit.

This is completely different from the stupid Xiaozhi he knew.

If it was not Xiaozhi, it was Xiaozhi, he would doubt whether he was facing another opponent.

He had never been so frustrated before, and his heart was heavy.

Even after traveling, he became more and more mature and no longer as cruel and ruthless as before. But his original intention has not changed. He is unwilling to accept it! It is reflected.

Especially when the Infernape that he abandoned defeated two powerful subordinates in a row, and the last one was even more miserable, Shinji was desperate.

He... lost... and lost completely!!

When his last Dragon King Scorpion fell to the ground, he was declared to have completely lost the game. The world seemed to be isolated from him, making him unable to control himself and having difficulty breathing.

Xiaozhi won and advanced to the semi-finals.

This was within the expectations of Uchiha Madara and Xiao Ranran.

But for Xiaogang, Xiaoguang and others, it was really hard to believe that the battle between Xiaozhi and Shinji ended so quickly and easily.

Originally, Xiaogang, Xiaoguang and others were wondering whether Xiaozhi had changed. Now after this game, they really found that Xiaozhi had changed and grown!

In a corner of the venue.

No one noticed that at this time, there was also someone paying attention to Xiaozhi.

This person was none other than Dakoto, who tripped Xiaozhi's steps in the original work and made Xiaozhi stop in the semi-finals.

To him, this Lily of the Valley Tournament was nothing more than a child's play.

Even if there were powerful trainers, it was just a formality for him. He could easily defeat anyone. However, he could not figure out Xiaozhi, and he felt pressured.

The extremely powerful Charizard was as high as any of his Pokémon, and the Infernape that emitted a special flame had an extremely powerful force. He even doubted whether he was too arrogant and felt that no one in this Lily of the Valley Tournament could be his opponent.

"Will we meet in the next match, or will we go head-to-head in the final?! How many can you let me take out? ?"Dakdo said to himself. After the game was over, he walked to the shadows.

He was the last one to play. There were two more matches to come, but he didn't take them seriously.


The world of Naruto.

Uchiha Madara is waiting for news from the owner of Peach Blossom Island in the world of The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

He has been waiting for yesterday's private message.

He has to give time to consider, but he is anxious!

After all, it is a fatal temptation for him!

He is eager to get the spiritual fruit.

As long as he gets it, his fate will be completely changed.

He thought about sending a private message to ask, but he held back.

At this age, he also knows that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. Being too impatient will backfire.

By then, the owner of Peach Blossom Island will no longer have the idea of trading, then he can only go to the Dragon Ball world to find Darles. It can be imagined that he will have to lower his posture at that time, and pleading like an ant will be useful.

While waiting, his eyes glanced at the Black Zetsu who was taking care of Uchiha Obito on the other side.

【Humph!! As long as I get the spiritual fruit, I will be the chess player and you will be just my chess piece!!】Uchiha Madara screamed madly in his heart.

And Uchiha Obito.

As long as he recovers from his injuries, regains his youth, and has the power of his peak period, what else do we need him for? ?

Maybe he can be used, but there is no need to let him walk in the ninja world under his own name.

He is himself!! No one can replace him, and no one can replace him!!


Digimon world.

After yesterday's great battle, the peace of the Digimon world has slowly returned.

With the full strength of Yagami Taichi, he and War Greymon defeated Chimaeramon, the last trump card of the Greymon Transformer.

The mobile fortress was destroyed by Kari Takeru and others, and the Dark Tower was also knocked down one after another.

It's a pity that Bugmon died because of awakening Ken Ichijoji. Fortunately

, the kind-hearted Ken Ichijoji came back, and Bugmon's death was not in vain. Bugmon also turned into a digital egg, and as long as the time comes, he can be reborn again.

In the world of data, you can be resurrected after death. This is a vicious circle


Dragon Ball World.

After another night of training, Dales had a deep understanding of the physical training method.

Unfortunately, the level was still too low, and the effect was minimal.

Just as I thought, it was useful, but not very useful.

The biggest gain was the practice of Zhou Tian Run.

Standing on the edge of the spaceship, Dales looked at the galaxy.

There were only two days left to the earth.

He also knew through the spaceship's radar that the spaceship that Frieza and King Cold were riding on was also two days away from the earth.

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