From the Earth, it spreads to the solar system.

From the solar system, it expands to the entire Milky Way... and then from the Milky Way, it continues to spread outward.

Dales' power continues to surge and explode, involving a wide range of areas covering dozens or hundreds of star systems.


Destroying the God Realm.

Angel Whis was drinking tea and eating snacks as usual.

Every day, he stayed in this place boringly.

The only fun is to watch the big things happening in the lower universe with the prophecy fish.

Just like now.

Whis's staff projected the picture of the earth.

As an angel, he knew the changes in the lower world very well. And he paid special attention to the earth, and he would take a look every now and then.

Today, it was because of Darles's sudden outburst of energy that touched his heartstrings.

It must be said that the earth is really a magical place. With the arrival of a Saiyan, Sun Wukong, so many events have happened one after another.

Now, an anomaly has emerged. An anomaly that is enough to affect the order of time and space.

"Hohohoho~~~~! This Darles is really surprising. In just over three months, he has made such great progress. If he continues like this, his dimensional level will rise to the fifth level."With a smile, Whis used high-end aesthetic concepts to evaluate Darles.

How could he not understand Saiyans?

He was even more clear about the form of Super Saiyans.

Logically speaking, even if the Saiyans of this era tried harder, they could not reach a very high level.

After all, Sun Wukong had just transformed into a Super Saiyan and had just touched the fourth dimension. Prince Vegeta had not even touched it yet, let alone others.

Whis could travel through the past and future of time and space, even if there were some restrictions that he could not touch, but he knew that it would take at least three years, or even longer in the future, for Saiyans to become strong enough to surpass the fourth dimension.

"Should I go to Earth? This Darles always gives me a very strange feeling."Wes muttered to himself, leaning on the dining table with his chin supported by one hand.

Hearing his words, the prophecy fish hung on the edge of the fish tank of God and reminded him:"Hey? ?! Weissan, don't forget that you are an angel. The duty of an angel is to guard the God of Destruction. When the God of Destruction is asleep, you must not act without authorization."

"……"Whis was speechless. He took a deep look at the prophecy fish, and then heaved a sigh of relief. He said,"It seems that we should wait until Lord Beerus wakes up before we talk about it.……"

"As an angel, although it seems to be beyond the constraints of the law and above the universe, it is really boring.……"

"There is nothing we can do about it. You are still an angel after all. It is better than me, a fish, who can only live in this fish tank for the rest of my life."The prophetic fish said

"So, am I lucky? ? Prophecy fish. If I can't be free, like I can only stay in the Destruction God Realm, isn't it the same as staying in a fish tank like you? ?"Weiss joked.

"……"The prophecy fish was speechless.

A long time passed.

I don't know where the idea came from, but Weiss suddenly had a flash of inspiration:"By the way, prophecy fish, I'm not saying that you can't go out at all."

"???"The prophecy fish was confused, stroking its head with its fins, and staring at Weiss with a blank look.

"You said, should I find an apprentice God of Destruction for our Seventh Universe?"Whis smiled with a slight movement of his lips, which was very profound.

This surprised the prophecy fish:"Uh~~! Isn't this bad? ? The God of Destruction candidate must be approved by Lord Beerus. If you act on your own and anger Lord Beerus, it will be bad.……"

"Well~~~~! No. Lord Beerus seems to be very stingy, but he is still very reasonable. He did it to give Frieza a chance. Although he didn't say it explicitly, that's what he meant. If I can help Lord Beerus find a suitable successor now, maybe he will thank me."Whis smiled even brighter.

"……"The prophecy fish was embarrassed and at a loss, staring at Darles on the screen:"I still think this is not good... And is this Darles really qualified to be the backup of the God of Destruction? I don't see it.……"

"I'll have to wait until I get to Earth and meet him.……"Weiss said with a mysterious light in his eyes.



Super Saiyan 2 has reached its peak, and Darius's power has also reached the limit that it can currently reach.

【Sure enough!! Even if he forcefully exploded and detonated his own power to the extreme, he could not reach the perfect state of Super Saiyan 2. 】Muttering to himself in his heart, Dales exhaled a breath of turbid air. The golden flames receded because of the relaxation of his body and mind.

The form of Super Saiyan 2 was also lost in an instant.

From Super 2, he retreated directly to Super 1, and then from Super 1, he retreated to normal.

The live broadcast was closed, and Dales was too lazy to look at the chat interface.

In his eyes, Son Goku, Piccolo and Son Gohan were already stunned.

Even if the breath dissipated and the aura disappeared.

They still found it difficult to come back to their senses.

Until Dales took the initiative to speak:"See clearly?! This is the Super Saiyan who surpasses the Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2!!"

After that, Dales completely concealed his aura.

After waiting for a long time, Son Goku and the other two could barely speak.

"This... this is the second stage of Super Saiyan, which is beyond Super Saiyan……"

"Compared to the full power of Super Saiyan 1, it is not even close.……"

"Good, awesome!……"


The words of the three people were within Dales' expectations.

Because he knew that if he were to face it, he would do the same.

Putting Dales in their shoes, it was just that now he was the performer, and Sun Wukong and the other two were the spectators.

After all, in the original work, it was actually Sun Wukong who made the breakthrough, and the others were the audience.

Sun Wukong's psychology at this time should be very similar to Vegeta in the original work.

"I show you today so that you can be mentally prepared and open your eyes to not always be bound by your own ideas. I look forward to you becoming stronger to fight me. After all, you are the only one on earth who has the basic qualifications to fight me. And your son Son Gohan, train him well, maybe he will surpass you."There is a teasing look in his eyes and a teasing expression on his face.

Let everyone become stronger before the next era comes.

The momentum he created is enough to cause psychological pressure on all Z fighters, and most of these people, except for a very few, will work harder to become stronger.

The effects and results are completely different when the goal is determined and when there is no goal.

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