The meeting with Wu Taidou was under such circumstances.

If it were anyone else, they might think that Dales was here to provoke and challenge him.

But in fact, only Dales and Wu Taidou knew.

Dales was not here to challenge him, but to ask for advice.

Wu Taidou could clearly sense Dales's aura, and he knew that such a person would not be on the same level as a small person like him.

Challenge him?

He thought he was not qualified to let such a strong person do such a thing.

There are always people who are better than you.

Half a year ago, a child verified his idea.

This time, it was an adult.

Moreover, his eyesight was not bad, and he even saw that the child was very similar to this young man.

He was also secretly thinking in his heart, could this young man be the father of the child.

The two of them had a tacit understanding and did not want to be disturbed by others.

They came to a secluded mountain peak, met alone, and communicated alone.

No one pursued each other's identity.

Dales knew it, so he didn't need to ask more.

Wu Taidou had a guess in his heart, so he didn't ask in detail.

If you have to know the cause and effect of everything, you will be too tired.

Two hours.

It was like a lifetime, like two years, for the two of them.

Dales learned from Wu Taidou the cultivation method and the form of perception of Qi, as well as the multiple and diverse changes and conjectures.

This is what Dales has always lacked.

Of course, Wu Taidou also learned some of the use and improvement of Qi from Dales, which made him take a big step forward on the road of cultivating and developing Qi.

Each gained something and made up for his own shortcomings.


"The time has come. Thank you very much for your generous teaching."Dales said goodbye and prepared to leave. He slowly stood up and flew into the sky.

"Is this also achieved by using the Qi? ?"Wu Taidou was shocked, but he still calmed down.

After spending some time together, he gradually discovered that the mysterious veil on Dales made him look like a person from this era.

Or, this is the god of this world! As the child who came half a year ago said, he was practicing with the gods, but he came to the human world to experience and found him.

"According to your understanding, this move should be considered as flying technique! Use Qi to stabilize your body, float up and fly. With your strength, you can actually do it, but you just don't know how to use it. Believe in the future, you will learn it!" Dales smiled indifferently. This was the first time he put away his coldness after coming to Earth.

Wu Taidou is indeed a martial arts master.

Although his strength is just so-so, his mentality is totally incomparable to ordinary people.

Dales is slightly inferior.

Without staying for long, Dales leaped and headed towards the coordinate position of the time hole.

Wu Taidou watched Dales's leaving figure and became silent.

He seemed to see a broad road in the future.

However, that road was far away from him.

Until, Wu Tian's voice came to his ears.

Seeing the young Wu Tian, he seemed to see his younger self and the future of martial arts.

Then, he looked at the distant sky again, revealing a faint smile.

At this moment, he seemed to understand what he should do in the future


Time is empty.

Dales arrived as promised and traveled back to the Temple of the Gods three hundred years later.

""Thank you for your hard work, Bobo." Standing firmly in the Time Room of the Celestial Temple, Darles thanked Bobo.

"It should be. As a servant, I must carry out the order of the Lord God. But it was really dangerous just now. If it was one minute later, the time hole would have been closed."Bobo said.

Dales nodded and didn't say much. But he had a new understanding of the House of Time in his heart.

It seems that the God Piccolo and Bobo did not lie to him.

This time hole may only last for two hours for some reason.

In the original book, Sun Wukong seemed to travel through time and space without restrictions. Perhaps the rules of the House of Time at that time have changed greatly from now.

Or, to maintain multiple travels in the same time and space, the time will continue to shorten.

This is also in line with the definition of the rules of the self-repair track of time and space.

Just as he was about to leave, Bobo's words came to his ears again, which made Dales stunned:"By the way. Sir Dales, before you leave the House of Time, there is something I still have to tell you. Because of the passage through the time and space hole, the passage of time outside the House of Time is faster than inside the house. The ratio is about 1:10."

"You mean, I traveled through time for two hours, but 20 hours have passed in the outside world, nearly a day and a night? ?"Dales frowned slightly.

This was something he had never thought of.

In his previous life, he knew about the Spirit Time House, but he only knew that the flow rate inside was much faster than the flow rate outside.

How could he have known that the flow rate of the 1.0 version of the Time House was actually slower than that of the outside world ?

"This is to prevent loopholes in time and space. Once the House of Time is activated, this cannot be avoided. Please understand."Bobo explained

"I understand."Without further inquiry, Darles pushed the door open and walked out.

He had already gotten what he wanted, even if 20 hours had passed outside, it didn't matter.

Arriving outside the House of Time, Darles took a deep breath of the outside air.

There was one thing Darles had always been curious about.

Since the Temple of the Gods was hanging at such a high altitude, why was there enough air for people to breathe, and why didn't people feel the air was thin?

Was there a protective layer around the temple, isolating the low-oxygen environment at high altitude?

But Darles didn't feel anything.

Otherwise, if he arrived at the Temple of the Gods by flying, he would have felt it anyway.

Or, that kind of special protection could only be felt by gods, and ordinary people without the power of gods could not feel it.

"Popo, can you take me to see the other Spirit Time Chamber? ?" Dales stopped and said to Popo again.

Although he didn't plan to enter the Spirit Time Chamber for training, Dales wanted to feel the environment inside.

The famous place in the original book is also a treasure land for training.

Although in the plot of Dragon Ball Super, Vegeta and Son Goku both became stronger again with the help of training in the Spirit Time Chamber, so it is certain that training in it not only has more time, but also has greater effects.

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