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The most handsome and rich Tony:"Oh hoo! Big Dales is finally going to make a move!!"

The most handsome and rich Tony:"Although I am a little sad that Monkey lost, but now that Big Dales has made a move, I can already foresee the fate of the Sun Planet." The strongest man on earth:"Hehehe~~! Wait and see how the Lord God of the Sun, Emperor Hongkun, will fall? The melon seeds are ready."

Lord Demon:"At this time, if there is a bowl of popcorn and a dozen fat otaku happy water, it will be perfect. Unfortunately, my world doesn't have……"

President Xiao:"Xiu. Do you need me to send you a private message?"

My son is all over the world:"Kulala Lala Lala~~~! I haven't eaten it, I don't know if I can try it."

Please call me Dark Queen:"President sister reminded me, and suddenly found a business opportunity."

There is only one truth:"Black Cat retracted this statement, let me speak."

Ice Queen:"???"

I turned into light:"There is a movie theater near me. Let me buy some popcorn and fat otaku happy water. Everyone is welcome to buy it in the union store later."

The strongest man on earth:"???!!! Why didn't I think of it?! Mistake! Mistake!!!"

Please call me the Queen of Darkness:"Sloppy!! This is my business opportunity!! Dad and the others bullied me!!! (/grievance/crying)"

There is only one truth:"Dagu, you are a step late. I am at the movie theater now. I have already bought it and uploaded it.……"

I became the light:"……What's wrong?"

‘Ding!!! There is only one truth. Upload popcorn x 100 barrels. Price points: 10 points per barrel’

‘Ding!!! There is only one truth. Upload Fat House Happy Water X120, price points: 10 points per bottle. '

I became light:"……"

Death:"So-called popcorn and fat house happy water, they should be snacks in the human world, right?"

The Third Ancestor:"By the way, is this fat house happy water as delicious as blood?"

Trainers who aim to become masters:"(/"Frightened)"

Zombie Taoist Priest:"Although I don't know what it is, since it's so popular, it must be a good thing. I can try to collect the points I worked so hard to collect." The

Strongest Man on Earth:"Huh? ? Where did Uncle Jiu get the points?""

Thirty Years in the East, Thirty Years in the West:"Same question."

Zombie Taoist Priest:"??? Don't you know? Since entering the Dimensional Alliance Union, every time I kill a zombie, I can get corresponding points. But not much.……"

Tony, the most handsome and richest man:"Fuck!! How come I didn't know?? Why don't I have it?!"

The Ice Queen:"Is there such a routine? It seems that I really need to communicate with the system later to see how to get points."

There is only one truth:"Come to think of it, I wouldn't have known if Uncle Jiu hadn't told me. It turns out that I am also a man with points! Where do these points come from???"

The strongest man on earth:"Little Conan Qiang also has it?? Wait a minute, wait a minute, let me tell you... If this is according to the nature of the game, Uncle Jiu can get points by killing zombies. In other words, your world, Little Conan Qiang, is a crime-solving game in the game. Don't you get points for every case you solve??"

There is only one truth:"It seems to make sense."

The trainer who aims to become a master:"As for points, I also have them. Every time I defeat a Pokémon, I can get a certain amount of points. Now I have more than 300."

Death:"So, as long as I kill a hollow, I can get points?"

A wolf on the grassland:"Shocked. I'm starting to worry about the hollows in the Hueco Mundo. Is your killing game going to start early, Master Aizen?"

The lurker in the dark:"Already purchased! Researching ways to get points……"

Demon Lord:"Mr. Madara has so many points, but you still want to study how to get more points?"

Demon Lord:"By the way, according to the nature of the game, I am a weirdo. Do you want me to kill humans to get points?"

Tony, the most handsome and richest man:"How cruel!……"

The Chosen Child:"I just checked, I have over 900 points? Where did this come from? The system didn't even tell me. Does it mean that I can get points by defeating other Digimon?" I changed my light:"Uh... Excuse me for being blunt. I also have points, and every time I defeat a monster

, I can get a certain amount of points."


Thirty years in the east, thirty years in the west:"Are you telling me to kill monsters so that I can also get points?"

Zhang Dafoye:"……"

Drunken Swordsman:"???"

Holy Angel King:"Points, what exactly are they???"


Dragon Ball World.

Xiao Ranran was confused.

Because even she didn't know that the system had such an operation.

What was going on? ? ?

At this moment, Xiao Ranran contacted the system and prepared to get an accurate answer.


Super God World.

Lieyang Star.

The trick was broken, and Emperor Hongkun felt a great deal of pressure.

He knew that this person in front of him, who looked like an ordinary human, was not an ordinary human, and possessed extremely powerful power.

If it weren't for him, he wouldn't have appeared so quickly.

Now, the other party really didn't come to watch the show, but had a purpose.

"Angel, are you really going to go to war with my Lieyang Civilization?! He Xi!!"Emperor Hongkun questioned the King of Tianji He Xi, wanting a clear answer.

After all, the man in front of him was brought by an angel!

Moreover, the place where the invisible pressure came from before was the Angel City of Angels, Melo Heaven.

"No!! Angels will never initiate a war with any civilization!! I only represent the angels, but not him!!"At this time, He Xi made her stance clear and severed ties with Darles.

She knew that even if she tried to stop it, it would be useless. They were determined to deal with the Lieyang Civilization.

For that monkey???

He Xi didn't know, and couldn't guess what Darles was thinking.

Darles stared at Di Hongkun in front of him, his mouth rising and falling slightly:"If you hadn't shown up, I wouldn't have done anything to you? But since you've shown up, then fight with me."

"Seeing your self-righteous look reminds me of some existence, unfortunately, your face makes me feel disgusted."

Standing in front of Sun Wukong, Darles sneered.

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