“That power is about to explode!!” With solemnity in his eyes, Dalles was wondering who could have such terrifying power.

Logically, the magnitude of this world is like this.

Such a king-level existence as Keisha Hexi has reached the top of the world.

Even if there were stronger exceptions, it would not be possible to exceed that much…

Is it the Monkey King???

This idea had just been born in Darenes’ mind.

On the side, Keisha questioned: “If it is the Flaming Sun Star, there may indeed be a stronger force than me.” After all, the power of the previous Lord God Emperor Hongkun of the Flaming Sun Star, even for the angels, was unknown. ”

Di Hongkun??!

Darens raised his eyebrows and shook his head: “The existence you said is not far from you, and it is in a closed breath. His power is not worth mentioning with you, I am talking about another power, not the power of this universe!! ”

Hexi said, “Could it be Pan Zhen??” But even if Pan Zhen has unparalleled combat power, he can’t compare with me and Kesha. ”

When it came to this, Xiao Ranran was confused.

According to her understanding of the supergod world, the only thing in this world that could surpass the power of the main universe was the ultimate fear.

And the so-called ultimate fear, in her understanding, is only a powerful creature outside the universe, and may not be really strong and incomparable.

Equivalent to, two universes.

“In the words of the Flaming Sun Star, when I returned to the City of Angels before, I encountered the fight of the Earth Star of the Chiwu Star System to defeat the Buddha Sun Wukong. I was supposed to report to the Queen in time, but there was an accident and I didn’t have time…” Angel Yan seemed to know who Dales was sensing, and spoke.

“Fight to defeat Buddha Sun Wukong?? That three-generation beast warrior on Earth? If it were him, it would be even less likely to have power beyond the king level. The king level is already the limit power that the main universe can carry. Keisha didn’t want to believe it.

“Why do you want so much? Doesn’t the City of Angels have a big worm bridge? If you go to the Flaming Sun Star, you will know everything. Xiao Ranran said.

As soon as these words came out, all the angels were stunned, and Keisha and Hexi had even more serious expressions, looking at each other and not knowing how to speak.

Angels are the largest righteous group in the known universe, and Divine Kesha is the king of the gods, standing at the top.

However, even then, angels cannot cross the line directly.

For example, directly connected to the Dachong Bridge wormhole of the Lieyang civilization. Nor can you go to other civilizations at will.

Perhaps for angels, it may just be a step into other civilizations. But for other civilizations, it’s an invasion!!

After all, angels are not the only ones, they are just a powerful civilization in the universe.

Equally powerful, there are quite a few.

“Yan, go and open the wormhole to the Flaming Sun Star.” Keisha thought left and right, and finally made a decision.

This decision made Hexi unbelievable.

Kesha, a man of such principle, and as the king of angels, would do something that violates the treaty between civilizations.

But she couldn’t refute it, because the angelic civilization was now facing a fate that it couldn’t resist.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and said, “Yan is too young, or I will come!” After all, I developed the technology of the big worm bridge. ”

Keisha looked at her deeply, and couldn’t help sighing: “Then there is Lao you, Hexi.” ”

With the arrangement in place, Darres didn’t care what was in their minds.

After a short period of tens of seconds, Dalles and Xiao Ranran followed Hexi to a certain sci-fi gate.

This is the beehive wormhole of the angelic civilization, each wormhole is connected to a specific place, and one of them can reach the blazing sun.

Xiao Ranran followed, which made Dales very unhappy.

This is equivalent to bringing a tow bottle.

Intimidation, useless.

According to Xiao Ranran’s meaning, her safety does not need him to worry about, and once she encounters something excessively dangerous, she can directly return to the main world with the help of the power of the union system.

So, crossing wormholes requires certain qualifications.

Even if Xiao Ranran is the president, he does not have the basic strength, so he can only retreat in the face of difficulties.

In fact, Dales would not know that Xiao Ranran was afraid that he would really make major changes to the world, so he wanted to follow along all the time, so that he could stop it at a critical moment.

Otherwise, the world would no longer be the world she knew.

Walk through wormholes.

The two leave the Angel Nebula.

Naturally, it was Hexi who became the escort.

Xiao Ranran was helpless, only to use the ability of the system to traverse, returned to the Dragon Ball world, and continued his cultivation of qi while watching the live broadcast.

She also didn’t expect how strong the cultivation qi could make her?!

I just think that after learning Qi, then cultivating other things will be twice as effective with half the effort. At least master some of her own power first.


Live room.

The chat interface was no longer about Keisha and the angel, but about why Dales was so attached to the power of the blazing sun.

A few people, after hearing the fight against the Buddha Sun Wukong, expressed familiarity, and shock, whether it was true or false.

After all, the existence of Sun Monkey is not just a myth circulating in two worlds.

It’s like several worlds in the modern world.

The Huaxia of Tony Stark’s world has the existence of Journey to the West, and there is also the circulation of the Qi Tian Great Saint Sun Wukong.

The world of Dagu is no exception.

There are also the world of Conan, the world of the Ninth Uncle, the world of Zhang Dafoye, and even the world before the passage of Ainz you Gong, there are mythical stories of the Huaxia Qitian Great Sage Sun Wukong.


Inside the Great Worm Bridge.

Darens flew out of thin air, and Hexi on the side flapped his angel wings, leading the way ahead.

For angels, no!! For the powerhouses of this world, as long as they are slightly proficient in wormhole shuttling, they can confirm the location of the Flaming Sun Star, so as to leave the passage of the Great Worm Bridge.

It’s just that Dales is not.

Therefore, only with the help of Hexi to lead the way.

Although Dalles could feel that the breath was still there, he was not sure of the location.

It also gave birth to a new idea.

Soon after, Earth’s Dragon Ball will inevitably be used once.

Or, after Bulma built the spaceship, he went to the planet Novonamek.

Learning to teleport or teleport to the King God of the Realm is a must.

This will also be particularly helpful for him in the future.

Just like now, if he could teleport, then from the Angel Nebula directly to the Flaming Sun Star, it would be a matter of moments.

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