“I thought the blood of angels would be golden, or some other color. Unexpectedly, like people, it is also red. Releasing the hand that was pinching Hexi’s neck, Dales stood up and used the energy of his qi to flush the blood from his hand.

Hexi, hit hard.

At this time, she couldn’t even stand up, let alone refute it.

Of course, such an injury should not be fatal to her.

After all, if she is a fourth-generation divine body, even if she is unloaded into eight pieces, she can be reorganized, just like Morgana in the original work, after being divided into two, she can easily recover.

“You !!!” Watching Dales’ every move, Keisha became even more angry because of Dales’ words.

She never asked people to help, nor did she instruct her to sneak up on her behind.

She didn’t want to explain because it was of no use. It only makes people think that she is covering up.

“Originally, it was to see how powerful and arrogant you are in this king of angels. But this woman, swept my Yaxing!! Darens slowly levitated, and his aura gradually increased, making him look more majestic and domineering.

“Good!! I don’t plan to waste time either, I let you in this world, feel well, what is really powerful! ! With a slight narrowed look, Dales said again.

For a while, the breath skyrocketed.

The lilac light curtain turned into a deep purple flame, burning, rising, and qualitatively changing.

The million-strong stage suddenly increased to more than 100 million nodes.

The entire Angel Star Domain shook.

The Merlot Heavenly Court of the City of Angels was even more faltering because it was directly impacted by the momentum.

The multiple protections set up by Tianji Wang Hexi were all directly shaken and lost their original role.

Angels, facing the greatest catastrophe in history.

Dallez, this time he really used his real skills.

Before, it was just playing, like accompanying Kesha’s children.

Now, Dales doesn’t want to play. Because of Hexi’s sneak attack, he was completely uninterested.

“Ignorant people, ridiculous, ignorant people, are also the happiest! Kesha, as the tallest and strongest god in this world, your strength has disappointed me a little. Arrogance comes at a price, and your self-righteousness will lead your so-called angels into destruction. Without any mercy in his eyes, Darens swelled his breath to the limit in one breath, not only completely shocking all the angels in the Angel Nebula, but also making Keisha unable to move, unable to even speak.

Keisha also experienced powerlessness for the first time.

Since the beginning of the era of the Three Kings, until today, who dares to look down on the justice of angels?! Who dares to disobey the justice of the angels!!

Angelic justice pervades the entire known universe.

But today, she, by the so-called strong people of another world, suppressed in one breath, unable to resist.

This powerlessness is like the era when Hua Ye ruled the angels.

She is powerless to refute it, powerless to resist, powerless to resist … In the end, there is only compromise.

It was not until later that there was an opportunity to fight back in one fell swoop, and there was the current angelic civilization.


In the live broadcast room.

All the members were impressed by the air pressure of Dales.

Originally, Dales was the strongest fighting force, and no one in the union could match it.

This time I felt such a direct oppression, and the immersive effect brought everyone an irresistible psychology.

This force is too terrifying!!


Known universe.

Because the aura of Darens skyrocketed, it was transmitted to almost every corner.

The combat power of breaking 100 million is a very powerful force in the early days of the Dragon Ball world. Not to mention in the small universe of the supergod world.

The Styx galaxy… The Chiwu star system… The Flaming Sun Galaxy… Wait a minute……

As long as there is a galaxy of strong people, almost all of them are messed up by inexplicable coercion.



In a deep mountain and old forest, the former King of the Apocalypse Leng Bing, once one of the three kings, and now the Demon Queen Morgana, are pondering in her Demon One.

Demon One has the computing power of the entire universe.

And she herself also knows that the special sense of oppression that spreads invisibly comes from the Angel Nebula.

“That Bichi!! What kind of flowers did you come up with?! Did you know that I am on Earth, so you intend to give me a horse?! Leng Bing gritted his teeth angrily and drank.

She only had this idea, after all, that kind of breath, in her opinion, except Keisha can get it, who can do it? ?

However, she was curious about what kind of power could be transmitted from such a distant angel nebula to the remote Earth in the Chiwu star system…

“Lord Queen, the Gluttonous Legion is already close to the Earth’s atmosphere, and their attack should be carried out soon.” Sword Demon Atox came to Leng Bing’s body and reported the situation.

He didn’t know that his queen was worrying about other things at this time, and when it came to gluttony, the things she had cared about became indifferent.

“Gluttony has nothing to do with us. Just don’t get caught up in the matter of Queen Ben. Leng Bing replied casually.

These words made Atox a little confused.

Didn’t you say okay at first? Gluttony enters the earth, and these demons can help the earthlings.

Right now…… It doesn’t matter how it is…

[Women… Fickle…] these two words popped into Atoks’ head.

He didn’t think about it, his thoughts were written on his face, making Leng Bing angry when he saw it.

“Ato, didn’t I teach you? Don’t always express what you think directly on your face. What happened to women being fickle? I’m just fickle!! Leng Bing got up, opened a spatial wormhole, and disappeared without a trace.

God knows where she went.


Flaming Sun Star.

At this time, a big thing is happening.

After 1400 years, Sun Wukong, who has transformed into a fighting Buddha, has once again hit here.

Of course, it wasn’t a real fight, but Sun Wukong, in order to express his dissatisfaction, came here to question Pan Zhen, why did he send Tirena to Earth?!

As a result, he came with good intentions, but was ridiculed and suppressed.

Now he was being trampled under the feet of a small god Xuantian Ji in Pan Zhen’s mouth, and that Direna did not give him a good face.

What the Buddha cannot solve, then solve it with war!!

Powerful power erupted from the depths of Sun Wukong’s body.

He cannot be regarded as a real existence in this world. To say that he is from the Pangu civilization is just a shirk, does the Pangu civilization exist? ? To put it bluntly, where exactly he came from, no one knows.

It’s just that many people know that he contains power that is enough to destroy the world, and that power has always been sealed and has to be used.

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