Blasting, constantly continuing.

A full three minutes passed before the explosion could stop, and Sun Wukong also stopped releasing his qi, stabilized the power to teleport, and returned to the vicinity of Darens.

His strength was consumed a lot, and he used teleportation to move back, and he also retained his remaining strength to the greatest extent.

After all, the distance is getting farther and farther.

Even if Sun Wukong can surpass the speed of the earth and return to the outer space near the earth with his speed, then it is definitely more time-consuming and laborious than teleportation.

“Once again, I have a recognition of your power! It’s just Kakarot, you directly send out an energy wave to sweep over? Why use this way? Darens first praised Sun Wukong, and then asked about Sun Wukong’s behavior.

If it were him, he would never do it.

“Hey~~! This is not to see if there is a difference in the quality gap between the two worlds. Sun Wukong reached out and rubbed his hand under his nose and said.

“So did you find anything?” Dalles asked.

With this question, Sun Wukong became serious: “I don’t know what’s going on, at the moment of collision with the meteorite, I had a little feeling that the quality of this world seems to be different from our world…”

Sun Wukong’s words made Dalles slightly stunned.

He didn’t notice that.

Quality can indeed differ between the two worlds.

Unexpectedly, Sun Wukong could consider this aspect, which really made Dalles feel incredible.

“So it is. So, is it higher or lower? Dalles asked.

“It’s a full double taller. Because I smashed those meteorites, with double and double the force. Sun Wukong said.

Doubling, Dales looked serious and frowned.

The quality of meteorites was much higher than he expected. In this way, the mass of the planet will be higher, and the meteorite will be more solid.

Making some assumptions and guesses, Dalles reached out and patted Sun Wukong’s shoulder.

“Let’s go, go back to the surface first. For that meteorite, I have to do a new calculation. Dales said.

When the words fell, Sun Wukong nodded, and immediately cast an instantaneous movement, and the two disappeared into space.


The meteorite group crisis was easily solved in this way???

The whole earth shook, countless people were in a state of confusion, but some people reacted immediately and cheered.

Because the meteorite group disappeared without a trace.

Under the ground of countries.

Countless high-ranking personnel stared at the intelligence transmitted by Sputnik, stood up and were stunned.

Originally, human beings to collide with meteorite groups is a matter of finding a way to die, even if human beings can survive in outer space, even if human beings have superpowers, but the magnitude is completely unequal.

However, in that short period of three or four minutes, the meteorite group that was huge enough to cover the earth was solved by a monster human.

What is this??!

People who only believe in science and do not believe in theology directly define Sun Wukong as an alien!!

Before it was speculation possible, this time it was a real confirmation!

They have no way to think of other possibilities, after all, in this modern and technologically advanced earth, how can there be legendary creatures? ?

Legends, are stories!!



Underground Refuge Bastion No. 1.

A “Okay!!! “From the mouth of the Great Elder.

He couldn’t help but stand up, his eyes burning.

It’s so exciting, so excited!!

After five years of effort, the crisis of meteorite swarms, which could not be solved by human beings in the world, was thus eliminated by an unknown existence.

Even if this being is an alien, it is definitely a good alien.

Otherwise, how would you risk the planet? And to save the planet?!

“Great Elder, now, how should we people deal with ourselves??” A high-ranking official asked the Great Elder.

“Back!! Back to the ground!!! It seemed to have made up his mind, and the hope of victory prevailed over fear, the Great Elder said.

“However, even if the crisis of the meteorite group is temporarily lifted, the meteorite is still there… The real crisis is that meteorite! If we return to the ground rashly, if the last meteorite cannot be destroyed by those two unknown existences, will we not seek our own death?! This underground is the last hope of our humanity. A middle-aged senior questioned.

It’s something that everyone is worried about.

However, he didn’t know that if he didn’t go back to dominate the overall situation now, and wait for the meteorite to be destroyed and then return to the ground, he would completely lose people’s hearts, and the general trend was gone.

People will no longer obey past leaders because the leaders abandoned them first.

They may give in superficially and continue to live the old days, but the people who hold the power are not only the top of the empire, the abandoned army, the abandoned ambitious people, will do everything possible to overthrow the original rule.

This is the arrival of a new era, and everything in the past will eventually be completely shattered.

“General Liu is right. Let’s wait, Grand Elder. Once the real meteorite cannot be destroyed, then we will have no blood to pass down and will become history. A younger academician of the Academy of Sciences said.

At the end of the day, it’s still fear.

People who enter the underground fortress believe that even if a meteorite will destroy everything on the surface, the kilometer underground will not be damaged by impact.

This confidence also comes from the data calculated when the underground fortress was built.

The conference room was quiet, and suddenly, a young woman rushed in with a pile of documents: “Great Elder, the situation has changed. That meteorite didn’t know what was going on, and suddenly it sped up its speed!! ”

“What?!!?” The Great Elder was shocked.

The entire conference room was engulfed in words of disbelief.





Dalles and Sun Wukong returned to Xiao Ranran’s home.

Because the meteorite group was wiped out, Xiao Ranran had already prepared drinks and waited for Dales and Sun Wukong to return.

“After working hard, I really didn’t expect that the earth was still facing a crisis of meteorite groups. If you don’t come back early, Darens, you go to outer space to watch again, I’m afraid this time the earth is less fierce. Xiao Ranran said gratefully.

“No need to thank me. This time it was Kakarot who destroyed the meteorite group, so thank him. Darens walked away with his hands folded over his chest, his consciousness constantly in his thoughts.

Sun Wukong took the drink provided by Xiao Ranran and dried it in one sip.

“This is the drink on this earth, right? Don’t say, it’s quite delicious, but if you drink too much, you will be thirsty. Sun Wukong threw the bottle in the trash and said.

“The water dispenser has mineral water, if you are thirsty, you can pour water and drink it.” Xiao Ranran pointed to the water dispenser, said, looked at Dales in the next second, and asked with a puzzled tone: “Wukong, Dales, what’s wrong with him??” ”

With Xiao Ranran’s eyes looking, Sun Wukong replied: “Don’t care too much, the eldest brother is originally such a person.” He should be calculating the mass of meteorites, right? ”

“Quality issues??” Xiao Ranran was startled and wondered.

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