“Falling Ying Divine Sword Palm ~~~!”

With a loud drink, Xiao Ranran waved his hand, and his internal force turned into palm power.

In just a single moment, the yellow-haired man in front of him flew out upside down, and the blood cut a bright arc in the air, which was particularly visible.

The yellow hair landed on the ground, did not even scream, his eyes were straight, blood was all over, and he could not die again.

One palm kills one person.

For Xiao Ranran, it was too simple.

Let’s just say that she can’t do martial arts, and the combat power of dozens of points is not something that ordinary people can resist.

A normal prime-aged man, the combat effectiveness is between 1 and 2.

Those who exceed 2 points are a minority. Even if there are nearly 10 combat power humans. But to put it bluntly, there is no such person.

“Death… He’s dead. Ah Le is dead!! The three people around were terrified because of Huang Mao’s death.

At this time, especially when the earth is facing the crisis of destruction, something far beyond imagination suddenly happens, even if it is not unacceptable, but people who are originally ordinary people at the bottom will unconsciously fear and fear.

They also heard Xiao Ranran’s words.

Falling Eagle Excalibur Palm??!

Everyone present had a martial arts dream, and they were even more familiar with Jin Lao’s novels.

The peerless study of the Eastern Evil Yellow Medicine Master of Peach Blossom Island actually appeared in front of him.

Martial arts master!!

This is a true martial arts master!!

I didn’t know before, because it was impossible to come into contact with this existence.

Now that the world is facing destruction, even true ancient martial arts cultivators have emerged.

Wuxia is not false, but real!

The world view was completely destroyed, and it was difficult for more than a dozen people around to choose for a while.

The situation here has also attracted the attention of many onlookers.

Originally, everyone just turned a blind eye, and no one provoked this group of people at this time.

Now that they have seen another world, they all suspect that their world is really as simple as they seem?

“Hurry up and get rid of them, don’t waste time.” Xiao Ran paused and established his prestige, but Dalles felt impatient.

In the end, a group of ants is just a bunch of ants, what more nonsense, decisively kill them all, isn’t it better ??

“Big brother, this is Ran Ran’s battle, let’s just look at it and don’t say it, she has her way.” Sun Wukong persuaded.

He thought that Xiao Ranran stopped because he didn’t want to continue to kill more.

So kill one person and let the others retreat.

How did he know that Xiao Ranran was just trying to get used to how to fight.

For Xiao Ranran, although she has mastered this power for half a month, she has never had real combat experience.

Even if she had killed people before, but that kind of unilateral second kill, she still went with anger, and she didn’t absorb anything at all.

Now, more than a dozen people came to test her how powerful her martial arts really were, and if she wasted it again, she felt a pity.

With his body technique, Xiao Ranran’s body was like a ghost, wandering between more than a dozen people.

In just a few seconds, six people were shot out.

They all fell to the ground and vomited blood, and there was no more life.

This, too, makes those who are still alive feel more frightened.

Some even knelt down directly and shouted ‘Spare your life’.

Unfortunately, it was too late to know how to beg for mercy.

Under the panic of countless people on the street, under the helpless eyes of Sun Wukong, Xiao Ranran killed these more than ten people without mercy.

After solving the problem and no one getting in the way, Dalles walked forward with his hands folded to his chest.

It’s like there were no killings at all before.

For him, what is it to die a few people?

Ordinary people are afraid because they are incapable, so they are timid.

The more capable the person, the stronger the person, will not have this kind of psychology, and will be cold-blooded to directly ignore this kind of thing.

In other words, in the martial arts world, it is normal for masters to kill people.

The three left without looking back.

As a result, everyone on this street began to think blindly.

Everyone’s thinking is different, but everyone has a common understanding: this world is not simple.


Several streets are connected one after another.

It should be said that the speed at which humans disseminate information is invincible.

In the blink of an eye, one spread ten, ten spread hundred, hundred spread thousand…

The entire southern capital began to circulate.

No one dared to take the initiative to find things anymore, which also saved the three of them a lot of trouble.

Nandu, Wanghai Street.

Berlin neighborhoods.

Dalles stopped in front of the gate of the complex.

Suddenly stopped, Sun Wukong and Xiao Ranran were puzzled.

They followed Dales’ gaze towards a thin young man, which was even more strange.

Why would Dales care about such a timid ordinary person?

They will never know.

Because Dales found himself in his previous life.

Wrong! It should be said that it is the past life of this parallel world.

Land and sea.

This is the name of Dales in a past life.

It’s just that this land and sea are still very different from his previous life.

At the very least, there should be a complete mismatch in character.

What Dales hated most in his previous life was long hair and beard.

This Lu Hai has a long sea in front of him, and the glasses are also very old-fashioned, and then the beard…

Simply put, this land and sea are very sloppy.

[It seems that it is the same as I thought.] Even if this parallel world will have me in my previous life, the two parallel worlds will definitely not be exactly the same. Darens thought secretly.

To put it bluntly, this world is more like a mirror world.

The reverse side of the mirror! Many things, many people, may be inversely proportional to the world in his past life.

“Big brother??” Seeing that Dales was stunned, Sun Wukong shouted with concern.

This shout also pulled Darens back to reality.

“Let’s go! Continue to look at the earth of this world. Turning around and saying that, Dalles continued to walk forward.

It is very funny to see himself and be honest, but the fact is that he sees himself in his previous life, even if it is a parallel world.

Sun Wukong and Xiao Ranran looked at each other, confused, and followed closely.

At first glance, it looks like two little henchmen.

Dalles was still in his own thoughts, not fully coming out.

He knew that since this parallel world had a previous life self, then his parents should also exist in this parallel world.

He wanted to meet them.

Even if it was just him glancing in the dark.

Especially, at a time when the earth is facing the end of the world.

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