On Xiao Ranran’s strength.

Compared to ordinary people, it is indeed more than one or two points stronger.

But it’s a pity, even if it is stronger than ordinary people, in the eyes of Sun Wukong and Darens, it is still just that.

In terms of combat effectiveness, at most, it hovers between twenty or thirty o’clock and forty or fifty o’clock.

Darens knew that Xiao Ranran had become stronger because of the relationship between cultivating martial arts. Some of them are the battle path inside the Hokage, straightforward, inviting death, leaving no room for death.

I think I was guided by Uchiha, so I found a different way.

‘Snap~, pop~, pop~! ’

With the sound of clapping, Dales and Sun Wukong clearly knew that the four people outside had been killed by Xiao Ranran.

Because the disappearance of qi means that people are dead.

Xiao Ranran clapped her hands and went back to the house, removing the dust and blood stains on her hands.

Close the security door, and the evil aura of the body makes people dare not look directly.

Of course, that’s just for ordinary people.

She was the first decisive killing.

Although I didn’t feel sick and wanted to vomit because of the killing, I was born with fear. But she was disturbed by the magic path and was a little crazy.

Murderous spirit cannot be restrained.

If she walks out like this and is seen by others, she can see it at a glance, there must be a problem.

“Wake up! It’s just a few wastes, and if you kill it, you will kill it. Killing a few people can make you crazy, then you are too vulnerable. Dales said casually, turned around, and stopped looking at her.

When Xiao Ranran heard this, he paused, and his eyes were clear and no longer empty.

The murderous aura gradually receded, and only then did she react and kill someone herself.

“Okay, okay. The eldest brother is right, some people should be killed, and you should kill the people who should be killed, so there is no need to be afraid and worry. Sun Wukong soothed beside him.

Two people look exactly the same, but their hearts are completely different.

One indifferent, one enthusiastic.

There can be no more stark contrast.

Xiao Ranran stared at the back of Darens, and didn’t know what was wrong, so he was out of his mind.

Darens reacted, glanced at Sun Wukong, the corners of his mouth were cold, and said with an evil smile: “Kakarot, you have impressed me.” I thought you were a soft-hearted lord, she wanted to kill, and you would stop it. Unexpectedly, you were also so decisive. ”

“Where. Big brother, you said and laughed. I still distinguish between good people and bad people. Although I don’t want to kill people, it is true that some people have to kill… For example, those four people are no longer human. Coming to smash the door in broad daylight to do bad things is still premeditated, even if Ran Ran does not do it, I will do it. Sun Wukong smiled awkwardly and replied.

“Okay! You’re hiding a little too much, and you’re afraid that if you stop it, I’ll be upset. Dales continued to look at the meteorites in the sky as he said.

These words scratched the back of Sun Wukong’s head: “I really can’t hide anything from you…”

“Your little flower intestines, if I can’t see through it, then I really don’t deserve your title of big brother.” But don’t think that you can get closer to me just like this, we are still just opponents, even if you call me big brother, but the relationship between you and me, I haven’t fully agreed. Dales said.

“So what? Can the eldest brother identify with me? Sun Wukong was curious and asked.

He shouldn’t have asked, but if he asked, he asked.

“When you can really force me to start fighting you, it will be considered as an agreement.” Dalles replied.

As soon as the words came out, it gave Sun Wukong a momentum.

Let him want to become stronger, want to really fight Dales!!

Thus, let this big brother, identify with him!!

Sun Wukong has regarded Dales as one of the closest people in the world.

Although they had only met for two days, he was sure that this eldest brother was a good man and played a vital role in his progress.

Although this eldest brother is indifferent, but in his heart, it is not really so.

Perhaps, this is also a close relationship in blood, making Sun Wukong feel that even if it is only two days, it seems that he has realized the present since he was a child.

He knew Darens, and Darens understood him abnormally.


His eyes have been drifting out the window, and Darens has been watching the streets of this world regardless of Sun Wukong and Xiao Ranran.

The place where Xiao Ranran lived was exactly the same as in his previous life.

It’s just that he doesn’t live here, but in another civilian community.

[Sure enough, exactly as I thought.] This world is not the world of my previous life, it can only be regarded as a parallel world that is similar…,” Darens thought secretly in his heart.

Earth, this earth.

Huaxia, it’s this Huaxia.

Nandu, also this Nandu!

However, the information of this world is not the same as his previous life world, it can only be said to be the same.

It’s like the female star in the advertisement, who looks exactly the same, but the name is not the same word.

Familiar, unfamiliar.

I just don’t know if this world also has a past life him… Or whether his parents also exist in this parallel world.

After thinking about it, Dales took a deep breath.

Since you are here, let’s look for it.

If so, then meet each other and give a little benefit.

If not, that’s it.

“Let’s go, go out for a walk. It’s rare to come to this earth, can’t you wait here for more than ten hours, right? Dare said to Sun Wukong and Xiao Ranran.

This kind of proposal, Sun Wukong is very much in favor.

Only Xiao Ranran hesitated.

“It’s okay to go out like this, bring you two hats.” Otherwise, it will be recognized at a glance. ”

Xiao Ranran said, and took out two black caps from the wardrobe on the side.

She is worried that the identities of Monkey King and Dales will be discovered.

Even if you can use cosplay to perfunctory, but it’s all this time, if you can have less trouble, you can have less trouble.


Put on your caps and go out of the house for three.

The four corpses were so conspicuous that Darens couldn’t look past them, and wiped them out with a wave of his hand, and they were gone.

This operation made Sun Wukong like he had discovered a new continent, but he did not expect that his eldest brother’s control of qi had reached this level.

He thought that his cultivation of Qi had reached a certain level, but he could not control it so precisely.

Going down to the first floor, the three walked out of the building, out of the community, and onto the street.

The scene that catches your eyes is really indescribable.

This world is already difficult to recover.

Even if the crisis of the meteorite is lifted, it is impossible to return to the past era in the future.

This is the beginning of a metamorphosis, and perhaps, the world will also develop in a different way.

This is Darles’ perception.

Let’s just say that the emergence of meteorites with life may be the beginning of a new era.

There will definitely be a second and third crisis in the future…

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