Is this still Dragon Ball?

Xiao Ran was stunned.

She didn’t say anything to Dales again, and kept immersed in her imagination.

According to her original estimate, even the existence of Dales was a special case. But the general idea of Dragon Ball will not change.

However, now the plot has completely changed.

One more Dales broke into the group of Z warriors. It felt like squeezing out Vegeta’s scene.

That’s right!!

At first, Xiao Ranran sensed the murderous aura from Bulma’s body, and now she clearly confirmed that the future of this world has changed.

Bulma is certainly not with Vegeta as in the original, but with Dales.

Otherwise, how could there be a future daughter of Darens who crossed time and space to find it, and also brought the gravity cultivation room of the later life? ?

The time machine and the gravity training room, these are all things that Bulma has researched.

Based on this, a result can be concluded.

For the average person, it may not be possible to understand in a short time, like the Monkey King, it takes a day to buffer.

But Xiao Ranran is a smart person.

It occurred to her at once, if Bulma and Darens were not together. Then why did Dales’ daughter travel through time and space with the gravity cultivation room to find it.

Although Bulma is very selfless in the original, she will help as long as it is a companion’s favor.

But it’s about the future, and if she is with Vegeta as in the original, why not bring it to Vegeta, but to Dales?

Moreover, if the plot does not change, then why is it not another future Tenanks crossing, but a daughter?

Even if the original book is future, Bulma and Vegeta have a daughter, but that is after the year of the monkey.


It’s half an hour.

After transferring the two spaceships, Daren, Sun Wukong, and Xiao Ranran sat in the living room of Bulma’s house drinking tea.

As for Bulma, he was understanding Xiao Ranran in disguise in order to learn more about the information he needed.

The key is to figure out the relationship between Xiao Ranran and Darens.

After the exchange, she also began to accept Xiao Ranran’s sudden appearance, which disrupted the original rhythm.

The reason why he accepted it so quickly was because under Sun Wukong’s careless leakage, he learned that Xiao Ranran was not an earthling of this world.

Sodares immediately gave an explanation, saying that Xiao Ranran was an earthling in a parallel world of this world, and he and she met by chance.

This time she came for help, and Dales had to tell Bulma about the crisis of the meteorite.

Suspicion and hostility turned into concern and comfort, and Bulma’s transformation, discovered by both Darles and Xiao Ranran.

Xiao Ranran gave Dales a thumbs up behind his back, indicating that Dales was awesome.

It solved the problem in a few words, and there was no need to explain.

Sun Wukong and Darens, the original book is originally two extreme characters, a stupid good guy, and a smart bad guy.

At this time, Xiao Ranran got to know Darens even more deeply.

She won’t know that Darens is not the original Darens, he is a traverser, and he still has such a little IQ.

While there was still time and there was no hurry to travel to the Overworld, Dales asked Bulma to take him to the gravity cultivation room first.

Sun Wukong was also interested.

After all, he was the first to practice gravity.

When I first went to the planet Namek, I overcame a hundred times the gravity.

Now, three hundred times the gravity makes him yearn for it.

After all, the result of a hundredfold gravity cultivation is quite significant.

“You two don’t have the capacity to withstand too much gravity, get out.” Knowing how to activate the gravity chamber, Darles drove Bulma and Xiao Ranran out.

He and Sun Wukong stayed in the gravity room and turned on gravity.

10 times the gravity added to the body, and a sense of oppression swept through the upper body, making Dales treat it carefully.

On the side, Sun Wukong has already rubbed his fists and feet, and can’t wait to raise the gravity.

“Big brother, why don’t you start directly from a hundred times more? Ten times the gravity is equal to nothing for you. Monkey King suggested.

“It seems that you can already move freely under a hundred times the gravity. Yes!! Then start directly with a hundredfold!! Nodding, Darles chose the button for 100 times gravity.

As soon as the button was pressed, suddenly, the internal space of the entire training room was suppressed, and the color changed from light red, as terrifying as blood.

Clenching his fists, Dalles could clearly notice that breathing became difficult and heavy.

His body seemed to have pressed down a mountain, forcing him to move.

“I haven’t experienced the pressure of gravity a hundred times for more than a year. I almost didn’t take it. Sun Wukong exhaled and said to himself.

Looking at his appearance, he can move easily.

This also made Dalles affirm that Sun Wukong had long adapted to this hundredfold gravity, and now his strength has become stronger, if he can’t withstand it, it’s not very realistic.

“A hundred times is just that, then under two hundred times gravity, can you still be the same as now?” Kakarot. Darens said with a light smile, stretched out his hand and pressed, directly increasing a hundred times.

This operation scared Sun Wukong.

Before, he dared to add ten times and ten times at most, which directly increased a hundred times, making his whole person serious.

Two hundred times the gravity is not a hundred times more comparable.

The huge pressure made the internal space turn dark red, and Sun Wukong gritted his teeth and clenched his fists.

The body was exposed to the green tendons due to the huge pressure, and the internal organs and blood in the body were suppressed by gravity, causing cold sweat to break out on his forehead.

“It seems that it is also very simple to withstand two hundred times the gravity with your strength. Then…”

Press the button again.

Three hundred times the gravity is fully open.

For a time, Sun Wukong’s body was pressed down, and he clenched his teeth to stand firm.

A year without gravity training, and three hundred times the gravity at once, how can he not be affected.

Even his normal combat power has already exceeded 5 million points.

Even Darens was suppressed by three hundred times the gravity, and his breathing was once again a lot heavier.

The norm in Dales is now 220 million points.

Even if he had never done gravity training, he was deeply shocked by the effect.

So, there was nothing wrong with his decision.

Even three hundred times the gravity is enough for him to hone himself and become stronger.

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