In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 5075: Tepeu Cosmos Academy

The tall and handsome Telamon Sage thought of this, coughed dryly, and smiled, "Your Majesty, what are you doing here to find me?"

Ji Haotian stared, "I'm not looking for you, will you come to me?"

The Holy One of Telamon smiled and said: "I have nothing to do with you? We are already neighbors, and we will deal sooner or later, and I am not in a hurry, so I haven't come to visit for the time being. Look, isn't it just meeting now? Haha, I I am willing to make good friends with Your Majesty, and His Majesty can talk about anything, after all, we are in the same big world, and we are already neighbors. I hope that we will get along well in the future."

Ji Haotian said, "I want to enter the Tepeu Cosmos Academy to train and become a student of the Tepeu Cosmos Academy, please arrange it!"

The Holy One of Telamon said cheerfully: "No problem, I'll arrange it. What cultivation realm is Your Majesty in now?"

Ji Haotian said, "One-star Origin Eternal Realm."

The Holy One of Telamon said: "I will arrange for His Majesty to enter the Zhouyuan where the students of the Academy's Origin Eternal Realm are located!"...

The Supreme Almighty Dimensional Void Sea, located in the center of the universe of the original ancestor universe, is the largest and ultimate omnipotent dimension void sea in the original ancestor universe.

The Holy Almighty Universe, the largest ultimate almighty universe in the Void Sea of ​​the Supreme Almighty Dimension.

The supreme super universe, a super universe in the most holy and almighty universe.

The Immortal Multiverse, the largest multiverse in the Supreme Megaverse, consists of more than 30,000 single universes, all of which have rankings.

The first immortal universe, the first single universe in the immortal multiverse.

Eternal Star Field, the largest ultimate star field in the first eternal universe.

The central galaxy, the largest galaxy in the Eternal Star Region, is located in the very center of the Eternal Star Region.

The Supreme Star, commonly known as the Supreme World, is located in the center of the central galaxy. It is the only planet with the ultimate life of all races in the universe.

The Supreme World (Supreme Star) is the largest universe in the entire ancestral universe. It is called the center of the ancestral universe and the first world of the ancestral universe. It is a universe dominated by human race. The ultimate life planet of the clan, inhabited by 500 billion human races and 100 billion other cosmos races, the fourteen color races of the human race can be seen here. land.

There are five vast and endless extreme continents in the supreme world. Among them, four continents are free and open, and all races in the universe can enter and leave at will. Only the heavenly continent is closed and extremely mysterious. It is the legendary innate treasure. There is an incomparably huge continental barrier isolated, and it is difficult for outsiders to enter and exit at will, while the people from the kingdom of heaven inside the continent are not restricted and can enter and exit at will.

The five ultimate continents of the Supreme World are:

Heaven Continent, Holy Continent, Eternal Continent, Almighty Continent, and Creation Continent.

In the supreme world, there are five vast and endless oceans that separate the five extreme continents, namely:

Create the ocean, bless the ocean, forgive the sin, enlighten the ocean, and save the ocean.

The most powerful forces in the supreme world are one country, one courtyard, four clans and five halls. One country is the absolute supreme kingdom—the kingdom of heaven; The clan is the four ultimate ancient human races of the yellow race—the four ultimate gods (Getian gods, Huangtan gods, Qitong gods, Jiyi gods), and the five halls are the five ultimate powers of human whites— The five ultimate temples (the temple of creation, the temple of blessing, the temple of forgiveness, the temple of revelation, the temple of salvation).

The kingdom of heaven (one of the five supreme kingdoms in the original universe), dominates the continent of the kingdom of heaven.

Tepeu Cosmos College (one of the three cosmology colleges in the original universe) is located in the Tepeu Cosmos Mountain in the Holy Land.

The Getian Divine Clan is located in the Getian Divine City, a large domain in the Holy Continent.

The Huangtan God Clan is located in the Huangtan Divine City of the Great Domain in the Eternal Continent.

The Qitong Protoss is located in the Qitong Divine City, a large domain in the Almighty Continent.

The Jiyi Protoss is located in the Jiyi God City in the Great Domain of the Creation Continent.

The Temple of Creation is located on the island of Creation God in the Ocean of Creation.

The Temple of Blessing is located on the Blessing God Island in the Blessing Ocean.

The Temple of Forgiveness is located on the island of Forgiveness Ocean.

The Temple of Apocalypse, located on the island of Apocalypse God in the Ocean of Apocalypse.

The Temple of Salvation, located in the island of Salvation Ocean Salvation God.

The twenty-six supreme forces in the universe are the twenty-six supreme forces in the ancestral universe. They are called the Three Courts, Five Clans, Eight Kingdoms and Ten Courts. The five supreme gods, the eight kingdoms are the eight all-powerful cosmic empires, and the ten courts are the top ten cosmic gods.

The twenty-sixth ultimate giant in the universe is the head of the twenty-sixth ultimate power in the universe, known as the three saints, five kings, eight emperors and ten emperors. The five supreme gods are the supreme leaders, the five supreme **** kings, the eight emperors are the eight omnipotent cosmic emperors, the eight omnipotent cosmic emperors, and the ten emperors are the ten cosmic gods, the ten cosmic gods, and the ten cosmic gods.

The three cosmos colleges, the three largest and oldest cosmos ancestral colleges, the three ultimate cosmos colleges, are the three supreme and transcendent cosmic forces, and the deans are the three super-primitive powers who transcend all things— The three sages, the three cosmology colleges are:

Tepeu Cosmos Academy, also known as King's Academy, Conqueror's Academy, and Victor's Academy, exists in Tepeu's omnipotent universe, the ultimate life planet of all races in the universe - the supreme Tepeu Cosmos Academy The name Tepeu means king, conqueror, and victor. The president of Tepeu Cosmos Academy is the omniscient, omnipotent, self-existing super-primitive almighty Telamon the Holy One.

The Dios Cosmos Academy, also known as the Sky Academy, exists in the universe, the ultimate life planet of all races in the Dios Almighty Universe - the Almighty Great World. The name of the Dios Cosmos Academy means the sky, and the Dios Cosmos Academy The abbot is the all-knowing, omnipotent, self-existing super-primitive almighty Aiakos the Holy One.

The Hehaite Cosmos Academy, also known as the Eternal Academy, exists in the universe and the ultimate life planet of the Hehaite Almighty Universe - the great world of eternal life. The dean is the omniscient, omnipotent, self-existing super-primitive almighty Polycarp the Holy One.

Tepeu Cosmos Academy is located in the largest ultimate life planet in the ancestral universe, the supreme world. It is located in the Tepeu Cosmos Mountain in the middle and large areas of the supreme and holy continent of the supreme world. It is the largest transcendental object in the ancestral universe. The Cosmos Ten Thousand Clan Ultimate Cosmos Academy, known as the First Origin of the Origin of the Cosmos Academy, has many mysterious and ancient super-primitive elders and countless powerful cosmos elders. In front of Tepeu Cosmos Academy , those ultimate forces of the universe in the infinite omnipotent universe are just trivial illusions.

The name of Tepeu Cosmos College Tepeu means king, conqueror, victor, the super-primitive power in the college is the elder king, the ancient power, the ancient power and the ancient power are the elders, the ancient power Neng and the ancient power are elders. Tepeu Cosmos Academy is a transcendental and supernatural academy of all races in the universe.

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