In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3875: Universe 99 Legend of the Aozhu (4)

16. Bisu Aozhu: The master who conquers the mystery. The body is the Bisu ancient family in the super primitive ancient clan. The image of the human being is a beautiful man of the red race of the human race. He wears a crown of mystery and wears a robe of mystery. Holding the Profound Truth scepter, sitting on the Profound Truth Throne, the golden light in the eyes flows, and countless divine patterns are intertwined, like an immortal god, supreme and holy, aloof, looking down at the common people.

He is an abstract **** born when infinite existence creates infinite almighty universes, and he represents the concretization of the whole universe conquering the sum total of profound meanings. Can arbitrarily manipulate infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) of the Conquest Mystery Line and create new branches (create new Conquest Mystery Lines) on the Conquer Mystery Line.

The trivial point of any one of its avatars is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions. The calculation of the minimum growth rate of each low-level dimension is beyond the mathematical level that any living language can describe.

The Bisu ancient people have big heads and small eyes, which are their characteristics. They are evil in their hearts and have a strong desire to conquer. They are very jealous of which civilizations are higher than their other civilizations.

17. Anajin Aozhu: Casting the main body of the Profound Truth, the body is the ancient Anakin tribe in the ultra-primitive ancient clan, transformed into a human image as a beautiful man of the yellow race of the human race, wearing a mysterious crown on his head, wearing a mysterious king robe, Holding the Profound Truth scepter, sitting on the Profound Truth Throne, the golden light in the eyes flows, and countless divine patterns are intertwined, like an immortal god, supreme and holy, aloof, looking down at the common people.

He is an abstract **** born when infinite existence creates infinite almighty universes, and he represents the embodiment of the whole universe casting the sum of profound meanings. You can arbitrarily manipulate the casting mystery lines of infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) and create new branches on the casting mystery lines (create new casting mystery coordinates).

The trivial point of any one of its avatars is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions. The calculation of the minimum growth rate of each low-level dimension is beyond the mathematical level that any living language can describe.

The ancient Yanakin tribe, they are giant spirits, more than nine meters tall, with a human-like appearance, golden skin, high IQ, and a very developed civilization. They are a group of kind-hearted alien species, because they are giant spirits One family, so there are fewer ethnic groups, and they yearn for peace very much.

18. Hunting Auspicious Lord: The main body of the hunting mystery is the ancient hunting tribe in the super primitive ancient clan. The image of a human is transformed into a beautiful man of the human race. He wears the crown of the mystery, wears the robe of the mystery king, and holds the mystery. The scepter sits on the Profound Truth Throne, the golden light in the eyes is flowing, and countless divine patterns are intertwined, like an immortal god, supreme and holy, aloof, overlooking the world.

He is an abstract **** born when infinite existence creates infinite almighty universes, and he represents the embodiment of the sum total of hunting profound meanings in the entire universe. You can arbitrarily manipulate the infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) of the hunting mystery line and create new branches (create new hunting mystery coordinates) on the hunting mystery line.

The trivial point of any one of its avatars is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions. The calculation of the minimum growth rate of each low-level dimension is beyond the mathematical level that any living language can describe.

Hunting ancient tribes, some of them look like animals, but are extremely intelligent, some are good at flying, and some live underground. It looks very strange, very similar to a mole, flexible in response, relatively smart, and gifted with great hunting skills.

19. Arc Yuna Yusus: The Lord of Jumping Mysteries, the main body is the Arc Yuna Yus ancient clan in the ultra-primitive ancient clan, and the image of a human being is a beautiful man of the blue race of the human race. Wearing the Profound Truth crown, wearing the Profound Truth robe, holding the Profound Truth scepter, and sitting on the Profound Truth Throne, the golden light in the eyes flows, and countless divine patterns are intertwined, like an immortal god, supreme and holy, high above, overlooking the world.

He is an abstract **** born when infinite existence creates infinite almighty universes, and he represents the figuration of the sum of the jumping and profound meanings of the entire universe. You can arbitrarily manipulate the jumping mystery lines of infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) and create new branches on the jumping mystery lines (create new jumping mystery coordinates).

The trivial point of any one of its avatars is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions. The calculation of the minimum growth rate of each low-level dimension is beyond the mathematical level that any living language can describe.

The ancient Arkyonaus family has a pair of huge white wings, has a strong jumping ability, and has abnormally developed body functions. They are much taller than humans, have slender arms, and are gifted with great leaps.

20. Lord Philoyus: Follow the Lord of Profound Truth. The main body is the ancient Philoeus in the super primitive ancient tribe. The image of a human is a beautiful white man of human race. He wears the Profound Truth crown and wears The Profound Truth robe, holding the Profound Truth scepter, sits on the Profound Truth Throne, the golden brilliance in the eyes flows, and countless divine patterns are intertwined, like an immortal god, supreme and holy, aloof, looking down at the common people.

He is an abstract **** born when infinite existence creates infinite almighty universes, and he represents the embodiment of the whole universe tracking the sum of profound meanings. It can arbitrarily manipulate the tracking mystery lines of infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) and create new branches on the tracking mystery lines (creating new tracking mystery coordinates is extremely trivial for any one of its avatars) One point is equivalent to an absolutely infinite number of dimensions restarting and destroying infinite times, in which the calculation of the minimum growth rate of each low-level dimension is beyond the mathematical level that any living language can describe.

The ancient Philoyus are intelligent creatures. They are very short and have a swan-like face. They look very scary. They are covered with feathers. They like to live in a humid environment.

21. The Mother of Nephilia: The Lord of the Mysterious Truths of the Desert, the body is the Nephilim tribe of the ultra-primitive ancient clan, and the image of a human being is a beautiful woman of the yellow race of the human race, wearing a mysterious crown on her head and wearing a mysterious king. The robe, holding the scepter of Profound Truth, sits on the throne of Profound Truth, the golden light in the eyes flows, and countless divine patterns are intertwined, like an immortal god, supreme and holy, high above, overlooking the common people.

She is an abstract **** born when infinite existence creates infinite almighty universes, and she represents the figuration of the sum of the profound meanings of the entire universe and desert. You can arbitrarily manipulate the desert mystery line of infinite omnipotent universes (infinite dimensions) and create new branches on the desert mystery line (create new desert mystery coordinates).

The trivial point of any one of its avatars is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions. The calculation of the minimum growth rate of each low-level dimension is beyond the mathematical level that any living language can describe.

The Nephilim were a family of giants with golden skin, most of them were women, and they were over seven meters tall. The bones are similar to people, and the appearance is the same as that of humans, but their civilization is relatively developed.

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