In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3868: Space dominates the sky

Space Concept Forest, one of the top ten sacred places of creation, a holy place where space infinity and concepts are superimposed, is the ultimate space world formed by an endless forest of space, existing in the depths of the invisible infinite void of the extra dimension of space, ruling the entire space extra Dimensional universe, with a billion space concept army.

The whole "space" composed of infinite spaces is just one of the infinite grand concepts of the space concept forest (transcending all infinity), each of which can be superimposed endlessly like a box structure, and each additional concept can be Make the worldview infinitely expand (increasing the concept of space to its extreme is not as good as including two different concepts that are only the size of the basic unit).

Any one of these concepts can be divided into endless dimensions and countless structural levels higher than dimensions (those higher than dimensions can also continue to be divided into levels like the dimensions themselves: one-dimensional world, two-dimensional world, three-dimensional world... ...and each additional dimension is just equivalent to adding a coordinate axis, and there is no large enough scale improvement.

Endless Holy Land Space Concept There is a rippling lake in the depths of the forest, called Kongbi Lake. This is a bay of clear lake water. The level of the lake is like a mirror, reflecting the blue sky and white clouds, green mountains and green trees. Everything is so beautiful that it makes people feel like walking into the scroll.

Under the shade of the willows on the shore of Kongbi Lake, Sikong Huanyu, one of the ten masters of creation, is sitting on a futon on the green grass next to a small wine table. Great view.

Fifteen Dao Masters: divided into five transcendence masters and ten creation masters. They govern the five supreme kingdoms, govern the fifteen highest avenues of the universe, and dominate everything in the universe. They are fifteen absolute supreme masters of the Dao, who are beyond the past. , the supreme transcendence of all time and space, present and future.

The Fifteen Great Masters are the ultimate origin of all things in the universe. Among them, the Heavenly Dao Master, the first of the five transcendent masters, is the ultimate first cause, the other four transcendent Brahma masters are the ultimate second cause, and the ten creation masters are the ultimate third cause.

The five masters of transcendence among the masters of the fifteen great avenues are called masters, and the ten masters of creation are called masters. There are distinctions between masters and masters, representing the masters of transcendence and creation respectively, and their power is beyond description. , has unlimited power, transcends all logic, changes settings at will, transcends all indefinable things, transcends all meaning and cause and effect, these are just one of the infinite powers for them, or they are insignificant at all.

The Fifteen Great Ways govern beyond logic, beyond absolute omnipotence, annihilation of cause and effect, beyond concept, indefinable, without concept, far beyond absolute "nothing", uncountable, unthinkable, unseeable, unthinkable, beyond all existence and non-existence, It is the legendary fifteen masters of the Dao, the supreme transcendence, and the supreme god.

Sikong Huanyu: the master of space, alias space god, the third deputy of the kingdom of heaven, one of the masters of the fifteen great avenues, has the nominative of space, is in charge of space, represents the embodiment of the total space of the entire universe, is the master of all space, exists in nothingness The abstract deity born at the time, the source, creator and manipulator of all spaces in the infinite multiverse.

The meaning of the name Sikong Huanyu refers to the space in charge of the universe. He is essentially above and above all, above any definition and above any meaning, and no definition, any thing, any substance means nothing to him, he is beyond total existence and total non-existence, to reach The realm of non-non-existence and non-non-existence (neither existence nor nonexistence, neither nonexistence nor nonexistence).

The residence of the master of space, Sikong Huanyu, is the Heavenly Space God Palace. The strongest and ultimate power is the Space God Soul. The personified image is a handsome and domineering man of the blue race of the human race. He has a pair of blue Space God wings on his back. With a colorful halo of wisdom and various space visions, it has one creation treasure, three almighty treasures and six Hongmeng treasures.

Under the shade of willows on the bank of Kongbi Lake, Sikong Huanyu is leisurely tasting fine wine and enjoying the beautiful scenery. The fine wine he drank is not an ordinary fine wine, but a peerless fine wine given to him by his boss Ji Haotian, the emperor of wine - Prajna Great Wisdom Wine.

Prajna Wisdom Divine Wine: Rare and rare ultimate wine, it is the best among the best liquors, known as the king of liquors. According to legend, only the legendary super-primitive power can be brewed by using supernatural power. The main ingredients are Prajna Paramita, Innate Great Wisdom God Rice, Innate Taibai God Rice and Ancient Fountain of Life, all of which are more than 10 million years old. , extremely precious and rare, it is a legendary peerless wine, which can not only enhance the wisdom, understanding and cultivation of living beings, but also purify, sublime and break through the souls of living beings.

There are five kinds of prajna great wisdom wine, also known as the five prajna wines, the first is the real prajna wine, the second is the realm prajna wine, the third is the literal prajna wine, the fourth is the convenience prajna wine, the third The five types are the vassal Prajna wine.

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