In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3850: 5 Ultimate Rare Leaders Are Coming

Yanquan Xiaozhan said indifferently: "We are both here to join forces, and we are in trouble."

Ji Haotian: ...

Magical use of the Supreme God of the Hengsha Protoss raised his eyebrows and said, "The two of you are conspiring here? Are you embarrassed? Are you trying to do bad things?

Yan Quanxiao said, "We look so good-looking, do you think we look like bad people?"

Magical use of the supreme **** of the Hengsha Protoss: "The two of you may be evil people with beautiful appearances! I am the righteous way, and I will destroy you on behalf of justice! If you two do not want to be destroyed, immediately give all your wealth and resources to you. I, I can..."

"Bang!" A loud bang and a scream!

Ji Haotian suddenly kicked the supreme **** of the Hengsha Protoss out of the star of Hercules with a kick of heaven.

At this time, the five ultimate rare leaders of the five ultimate omnipotent cosmic kingdoms suddenly descended. They descended from the sky with mighty might like gods descending to the world, and fell to the tomb of the ancient gods with free and beautiful scenery.

The five ultimate almighty universes: the five most powerful ultimate kingdoms in the supreme total universe, the top five among the three thousand almighty universes, ruling the five ultimate almighty universes, and the national governance centers are located on the five ultimate life planets , Each ultimate power has many mysterious ancient and powerful super-primitive powers and countless ancient cosmic powers. In front of the five ultimate almighty cosmic kingdoms, those cosmic ultimate powers in infinite almighty universes It's all just trivial fantasy.

The most powerful forces in the supreme total universe are the three thousand almighty cosmic kingdoms, and the three thousand almighty cosmic kingdoms are all ranked.

The five ultimate omnipotent cosmic kingdoms are the only five ultimate powers in the supreme total universe, so they are also known as the supreme five kingdoms and the five great powers in the universe.

The five ultimate almighty cosmic kingdoms are:

The origin of the almighty cosmic country, the first power in the universe, the ultimate kingdom of all races in the universe dominated by the human race, ruling the origin of the almighty universe, the country's ruling center is located in the origin of the human race's ultimate life planet, the ancestral star, the origin of the universe mountain, and the three thousand almighty cosmic country ranks No. one.

The almighty universe of truth, the ultimate kingdom of all races in the universe dominated by demons, rules the universe of truth and omnipotence. The center of national governance is located in the universe of truth, the ultimate life planet of the devil, and the three thousand almighty universe. The country ranks second.

The Almighty Universe Country of Creation, the ultimate kingdom of all races in the universe dominated by the Star Clan, rules the Almighty Universe of Creation. The center of national governance is located in the Star Clan's ultimate life planet, Xingzuxing, the Universe Mountain of Creation, and the Three Thousand Almighty Universe Country ranks third.

The Eternal Almighty Cosmic Country, the ultimate kingdom of all races in the universe dominated by the Matter Race, rules the Eternal Almighty Universe. The center of national governance is located in the Ultimate Life Planet of the Matter Race, Wuzuxing Eternal Universe Mountain, and the Three Thousand Almighty Universe Country ranks fourth.

The Infinite Almighty Cosmic Country, the ultimate kingdom of all races in the universe dominated by the energy race, rules the infinite and omnipotent universe. The center of national governance is located in the Neng Zuxing Infinite Universe Mountain, the ultimate life planet of the energy race, and the 3000 Almighty Universe Country ranks fifth.

The five ultimate almighty people: the five supreme leaders of the five ultimate almighty cosmic kingdoms. They are all super-primitive almighty with more than 70 chaotic ages. They are mysterious and ancient, omniscient and omnipotent. They are:

The Almighty Prajna Guanhui, the supreme leader of the origin of the almighty universe, the image is an old man of the yellow race of the human race wearing a yellow robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

The omnipotent and almighty, the supreme leader of the almighty universe of truth, the image is an old man of the demon race wearing a purple robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

The Almighty Athopos, the supreme leader of the Almighty Universe Kingdom, is in the form of an old man from StarClan wearing a blue robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head.

The Almighty Niros, the supreme leader of the eternal and almighty universe, is in the form of an old man in a yellow robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

The Almighty Nessos, the supreme leader of the Infinite Almighty Universe, is an old man of the power race in blue robes, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

The Five Great Young Leaders: The Five Great Young Leaders of the Five Ultimate Almighty Cosmic Nations, the same as the Five Great Kings of the Five Ultimate Almighty Cosmic Nations, and the No. 3 figures of the Five Ultimate Almighty Cosmic Nations, they are all super-primitive power reincarnations. Five young transcendental geniuses with transcendent Taoist souls and transcendent supernatural powers, possessing five chaotic treasures, are known as the five absolute supreme geniuses and the five ultimate all-around geniuses in the supreme total universe.

Willful and carefree: the **** of darkness, the origin of the all-powerful cosmic young leader, the super-primitive power reincarnation, with a dark Tao body, is a transcendental genius with transcendent Dao soul and transcendent supernatural powers, the image is a young human race handsome man, wearing a head A black and gold crown, wearing a black royal robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions on the back of his head, holding the treasure of chaos - the ball of darkness.

After discovering the existence of the absolute dark space, Wayward Xiaoyao entered it and became the master of the absolute dark space. He abandoned his original demon body and became a human race with a dark body. He gained an extremely powerful and absolute dark power, and then began to conquer other dimensions. The power of absolute darkness of willfulness is almost limitless, and he can easily draw darkness itself out of energy and matter and degrade man to non-existence. He possesses almighty cosmic power and regards infinite multiverses as glass balls. All time and space, cause and effect, strength, weakness, high and low, life and death have no concept in front of him.

One thought is eternal: the **** of hell, the leader of the all-powerful universe country, the super-primitive power reincarnation, possessing a **** Tao body, a transcendental genius with transcendent Dao soul and transcendent supernatural powers, the image of a young demon beautiful man, Wearing a black and gold crown, wearing a black royal robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, he holds the treasure of chaos - the gate of hell.

Eternal Breath is a terrifying and powerful young demon who rules over a mysterious extra dimension called hell. He collects powerful souls from all over the infinite almighty universe, stores them in the extra dimension of hell, and takes pleasure in torturing or studying them. Yi Nian has the terrifying **** magic power, he can tamper with the history and time of the universe at will, and forcibly trap the living beings in his domain of rule - the extra dimension of hell. He is also known as the Lord of Lies because Yi Nian Eternal Breath often uses lies to lure all races in the universe to sign a soul contract with him.

Anatolius: the **** of spirit, the leader of the all-powerful universe, the super-primitive power reincarnation, possessing a spiritual body, a transcendent genius with transcendent Dao soul and transcendent supernatural powers, the image is a young star clan A beautiful man, wearing a purple-gold crown, wearing a purple royal robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, palming the blade of the Chaos Treasure Spirit.

Anatolius' abilities include spiritual control, cosmic fire, infinite mind power, rebirth from ashes, immortality, time manipulation, He can manipulate the law of causality and erase the entire single universe. In history or in the future, it is possible to hold the multiverse and control all the atoms - thereby manipulating everything and its constituent structures. He can also manipulate the timeline.

Theophilactas: God of order, the leader of the eternal and omnipotent universe, the super-primitive power reincarnation, possessing the orderly body, is a transcendental genius with transcendental Dao soul and transcendental supernatural powers, and the image is a young race of things A beautiful man, wearing a golden crown, wearing a yellow royal robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, palming the treasure of chaos - the spear of order.

Theophilactus is capable of manipulating the order of all things, ignoring time and space, and all the laws and laws of the infinite multiverse. He can also destroy all goals in the multiverse and twist entire timelines and causality. Not only that, but he can even destroy any one of the infinite dimensions and restart the entire multiverse, and the power of Theophilactus can even throw the almighty universe into chaos. In the end, he was too bored and had to choose death, and then reborn into the present **** of order Theophilactus.

Porokobius: The **** of energy, the leader of the infinite and omnipotent cosmic country, the super-primitive power reincarnation, possessing an energy Tao body, a transcendental genius with a transcendent Dao soul and transcendent supernatural powers, and the image of a young Neng family beauty A man, wearing a purple-gold crown, wearing a purple royal robe, with a silver halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head, palming the treasure of chaos - the brain of energy.

Porokobius can manipulate any form of energy to create light, heat, force fields, electromagnetism, elements, all things and everything, and through energy, his teleportation speed can reach absolute superluminal speed. He can also use or inhibit the superpowers of the universe by manipulating the energy in the brains of the universe.

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