In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3847: Almighty God of Rules

Nestorius Prairie, in front of the tomb of the ancient gods with free and beautiful scenery, the most holy people of the root dust gods and the most holy people of the real gods are stopping to observe.

At this time, the all-powerful general Wang Yanquan, the head of the forty-nine generals of Tianyan, strode over.

The Forty-Nine General Kings of Tianyan: Also known as the God of the Forty-Nine Rules of Tianyan and the God of War of the Forty-Nine Tianyan, they are the forty-nine generals and kings of the infinite and all-powerful universe. They are the forty-nine quasi-almighty innate The great power of the Ming Dynasty was transformed from the forty-nine rules of Tianyan in the very beginning of the universe, and manifested as the forty-nine personified innate great powers of the ancient Ming Dynasty.

The forty-nine generals of Tianyan have the godhead of the forty-nine rules of Tianyan, and they are in charge of the forty-nine rules of Tianyan. They represent the embodiment of the forty-nine rules of Tianyan. An abstract **** born when infinite almighty universes were created, the source, creator and manipulator of all the forty-nine rules of Tianyan in infinite almighty universes.

The ups and downs of the universe are actually controlled by an invisible hand, which is called Heaven. The Dao of Heaven is the rules of the universe. It is like a net of heaven and earth, which controls the birth and death of the universe, the reincarnation of the heavens, and the cycle of cause and effect.

Heaven and earth are not benevolent, and they regard all things as cud dogs. In the face of heaven, the ability of all things and spirits is not worth mentioning at all. The blessings and misfortunes of all living beings are caused by disobeying or conforming to the way of heaven. Those creatures who are invincible are often creatures that conform to heaven and rules.

The Tao of Heaven derives forty-nine kinds of rules, which are called the forty-nine rules of Tianyan. The forty-nine rules of Tianyan are the Tao of heaven. The Tao of heaven is the transcendental absolute and supreme existence and non-existence. He is omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent. , everything is just a thought, a thought of the Tao of Heaven, and the Tao of Heaven can create everything with a single thought, and can also erase everything with a single thought. Reincarnation of the world, destined, the cycle of cause and effect, all have a certain number, all of which originate from the way of heaven, and the forty-nine rules of Tianyan that govern and contain everything are derived from the way of heaven.

The forty-nine rules of Tianyan are transformed into the king of the forty-nine generals of Tianyan (the king of the forty-nine rules of Tianyan), they have the creation-level Taoist soul of the forty-nine rules of Tianyan, and they are born with the innate Tianyan of the creation-level. Yan forty-nine great divine arts, forty-nine creation genius-level innate ancient powers.

Forty-nine Divine Techniques of Tianyan: Forty-nine kinds of supernatural powers of supernatural power, including the way of heaven to derive all things in the universe. Nineteen represents the meaning of all things in the universe, and the forty-nine changes in Tianyan are innate supernatural powers.

Those who gather together the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan can become the omniscient, omnipotent, self-existing, supreme God, and the creator and ruler of all things in the universe. The Supreme God is absolutely self-existent, has no beginning and no end, has no form and no form, is inherently self-reliant, omniscient and omnipotent, transcends all things, unique and no coincidence, neither match nor rival, neither living beings nor born of things, Nothing is similar to him, and at the same time, it is extremely majestic, good and evil will be repaid, and the reckoning will be quick.

The Supreme God has no beginning before and no end after, is extremely conspicuous, and also extremely subtle, omniscient, omniscient, omnipotent, omnipotent, and insightful. It is the sign of his existence and greatness, that all things perish, but the essence of God the Most High is immortal, and to him all the praises of goodness belong.

The Supreme God has created all things, and he is beyond all things. Whether it is the macroscopic world or the microscopic world, the material world or the spiritual world, it is in the will and control of the Supreme God. The Supreme God has created all spirits, endowed them with reason, and made them have the freedom to think, judge and act, and everything in all spirits cannot exceed the will and predestination of the Supreme God.

The innate origin of the forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan is the forty-nine great divine arts seeds, which were born in the primordial chaotic source core and have innate spirituality. Lord, refining and merging, truly control the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan.

The forty-nine great divine arts of Tianyan are all unique. They all have innate origins and seeds of great divine arts, and they all contain the truth of the Dao and innate spirituality. However, the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan that have been circulated in the heavens and the world have no innate origin and seeds of great divine arts, and do not contain the truth of the Dao and innate spirituality. . In front of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, the forty-nine false divine arts of Tianyan are just trivial illusions.

The super-level exercises, supernatural powers and combat skills are also divided into five levels, from low to high: small all-around level, all-round power level, super all-round level, absolute super-all-round level, supreme super-all-round level, Tian Yan forty The nine great divine arts belong to the transcendent-level all-powerful supernatural powers. If the forty-nine great divine arts are combined to form the forty-nine divine light of Tianyan that is countless times stronger, the power will be comparable to the transcendent-level super-almighty great divine powers. The power of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan is comparable to the treasure of Hongmeng, and the power of the forty-nine divine lights of Tianyan is comparable to the almighty treasure that surpasses the treasure of Hongmeng.

The forty-ninth divine light of Tianyan is the super-super-almighty supernatural power formed by the integration of the forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan, and its power is comparable to the almighty treasure. Once the caster activates the forty-nine divine lights of Tianyan, the body will instantly become like a colorful sun shining with colorful light, and instantly emit forty-nine infinite colorful divine lights that illuminate countless multiverses. When the infinite power is released, the forty-nine infinite colored divine lights will instantly illuminate countless multiverses like an explosion, and the endless forty-nine mysterious colored divine lights will instantly engulf everything in countless multiverses. Things can either annihilate all things or create new things.

The forty-nine divine lights of Tianyan can absolutely create and obliterate everything, ignoring time and space, cause and effect, concept, definition, logic, law, eternity, origin, boundary, imaginary number, meaning, relative and absolute, concrete and abstract, matter and consciousness , existence and non-existence, and everything else, is the real absolute super-almighty.

The forty-ninth divine light of Tianyan is the representative of everything in the universe and the sum of everything. It is beyond the infinite multiverse, beyond the so-called transcendental realm itself, it is the concrete phenomenon of the sum total of everything in the infinite multiverse.

Everything in the infinite multiverse is just the imagination of the forty-nine divine lights of Tianyan. In other words, it can obliterate everything in infinite multiverses with one thought, modify the past, present, and future of all cosmology in infinite multiverses with one thought, and delete all history in infinite multiverses with one thought.

The forty-nine divine light of Tianyan absolutely surpasses everything, ignores everything, and kills everything in seconds:

1. Beyond everything, the forty-nine divine light of Tianyan transcends infinite multiverses, representing absolute infinity, absolute infinity and infinite infinity. The infinite multiverse is inferior to an atom before it, which can be destroyed in an instant.

2. Ignore everything, the 49th divine light of Tianyan ignores all logic, cause and effect, and laws, it represents paradox, transcendence and absolute itself. For example in "God Paradox" it says: "God is all-powerful and he makes himself infinitely powerful, but what if God made a stone that could never be lifted and lifted it?". However, the forty-ninth divine light of Tianyan ignores all of this. It is the meta-theory, what it says is what it says, it can be lifted if it can be lifted, but the stone still cannot be lifted, because it can change all logic at will , causality and law, it can turn all unthinkable illusions into reality.

3. Kill everything in seconds. The forty-nine divine light of Tianyan is the top layer of all the cosmology systems in the infinite multiverse. All powerful beings are eclipsed in front of it. No matter how powerful or terrifying the existence is, it can strike instantly All instant kills. Its forty-nine infinite divine lights can instantly illuminate infinite multiverses, instantly killing all existences in infinite multiverses.

The strength of the forty-nine Tianyan divine arts and the forty-nine divine light of Tianyan depends on the level of the owner's cultivation. The stronger the power of the Nineteen Great Divine Lights, it can be improved infinitely and is infinitely powerful.

The forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan include:

Omniscient and Almighty Magic, Creation, Creation, Immortality, Mediation, Inversion of Yin and Yang, Shifting Stars and Fighting, Returning to Heaven and Returning to the Sun, Calling Wind and Rain, Shaking Mountains and Earth , Soaring the Clouds and Driving the Fog Great Magic, Crossing the River into the Land Great Magic, Longitudinal Golden Light Great Magic, Turning the River and Stirring the Sea Great Magic, Fingering the Ground into Steel Great Magic, Five Elements Great Escape, Liujia Qimen Great Magic, Reverse Knowing the Future Great Magic, Whip Mountain The great magic of moving stones, the great magic of resurrecting the dead, the great magic of flying body and trace, the great magic of nine breaths, the great magic of exporting Yuanyang, the great magic of subduing dragons and tigers, the great magic of mending the sky and bathing the sun, the great magic of pushing mountains and filling the sea, and the great magic of turning stones into gold , The Great Magic of Standing Shadowless, The Great Magic of Embryo Transformation, The Great Magic of Big and Small Ruyi, The Great Magic of Flower Blossoming Instantly, The Great Magic of Wandering Spirits, The Great Magic of Seeing Through the Walls, The Great Magic of Returning the Wind and Returning Fire, The Great God of Five Thunders Techniques, Shrinking the Earth, Flying Sand and Moving Stones, Carrying Mountains and Overseas, Scattering Beans and Forming Soldiers, Nail Head Seven Arrows, Knowing Others' Hearts, Unobstructing Heavenly Eyes, Staying The great magic of reciting the mind, the great magic of knowing the future, the great magic of unhindered ears, the great magic of incorporeal intelligence, the great magic of voices and sounds of sentient beings, the great magic of immeasurable forms and bodies, the great magic of all dharmas and wisdom, and the great magic of entering the law and destroying it.

The forty-nine generals of Tianyan are all innate spirits of the Ming Dynasty. They possess the forty-nine divine arts of the creation-level innate Tianyan, which are much stronger than the forty-nine divine arts of the post-creation level. They unite The forty-nine divine arts of Tianyan can form the forty-nine divine light of the super-almighty Tianyan, which can compete with or even kill the super-primitive power, absolutely surpassing everything, ignoring everything, and killing everything in seconds.

Forty-nine different ultimate rules of the evolution of the Tao of Heaven are called the forty-nine rules of Tianyan. The forty-nine rules of Tianyan evolved in the universe at the very beginning of the universe. Forty-nine innate spirits are forty-nine personalities. The great power of the ancient Ming Dynasty is called the King of the Forty-nine Generals of Tianyan, and is also known as the King of the Forty-Nine Rules of Tianyan and the God of War of the Forty-Nine Tianyan.

The forty-nine generals of Tianyan are all brave and adept in battle, with great powers of innate and ancient powers. The strength of the forty-nine general kings of Tianyan is second only to the omniscient and omnipotent super-primitive powers. They all have the peak mana of nearly one chaotic epoch (a chaotic epoch of six trillion years). In addition to the nineteen great magical arts, they also possessed forty-nine pieces of the supreme treasure of infinite power—the divine spear of the forty-nine rules of Tianyan, and together, forty-nine people can compete against or even kill the super-primitive power.

Among the forty-nine general kings of Tianyan, there are forty-three male general kings and six female general kings. man.

Yanquan Xiaozhan: The all-powerful general king, the **** of all-powerful rules, possessing the godhead of all-powerful rules, the innate underworld power in charge of all-powerful rules, the abstract gods born when infinite all-powerful universes were created, representing the all-powerful rules of the entire universe The visualization of the sum. All the almighty rules of infinite almighty universes (infinite dimensions) can be arbitrarily created and manipulated, and it is the source and master of all almighty rules of infinite almighty universes.

Yanquan Xiaozhan's personified image is a beautiful man of the purple race of the human race. He wears a purple-gold crown and a purple royal robe.

Omniscient and Almighty Great Magic, also known as Almighty Power It is the art of creation of all things, the art of governing the universe, the art of revelation of truth, the art of salvation of all souls, and the art of judgment of sin.

Omniscient and Almighty Magic is omniscient, omnipotent and omnipresent. It is above all spells and above all cosmic forces and abstract entities. It is a transcendent and absolutely supreme almighty technique, and everything is just a thought, an idea of ​​the omniscient and almighty magic. It can create everything with a single thought, and can also erase everything with a single thought. Omniscient Almighty Magic is essentially everything, and knows everything, transcends and transcends everything, all this also refers to everything, including all concepts, definitions, time and space, causality, logic, laws, eternity, origin, boundaries , imaginary numbers, meaning, relative and absolute, concrete and abstract, matter and consciousness, existence and non-existence, etc. Omniscient and Almighty Magic can do everything, including creating stones that cannot be lifted by themselves and lifting them, One punch is really omnipotent, etc.; all brain holes, imaginations, associations, fantasies, delusions, conjectures, idealism, materialism, mathematics, works, film and television works, works of art, scientific research, scientific theories, scientific conjectures, etc. etc. to be visualized. As long as he wants, everything can be realized, whether it is absurd or not, whether it is true or not. Regardless of whether it is a logical paradox, unreasonable, etc., the omniscience and omnipotence can do it.

Omniscient and Almighty Divine Art is an absolute omnipotent power that cannot be touched to the end by all the spirits of the universe. Absolutely everything you can imagine, absolutely everything you can't imagine, absolutely everything you think is possible, absolutely everything you think is impossible... All are contained in the omnipotent and omnipotent magic, which literally means - omniscient and omnipotent!

Omniscient and Almighty Magic is the greatest freedom that is not limited by any object or condition, and presents an absolute omnipotent power that can be devoid of subject and object. All things beyond cause and effect, logic, and definition are meaningless to it, and it is omnipotent in the true sense. , it can arbitrarily manipulate all the space-time, atoms, logic, concepts, causality, and laws of the whole dimension at will, and can turn all quarks into an endless, infinite universe at will, and in each quark there are countless final consciousnesses beyond logic ( It is called one universe per quark, or countless universes per quark).

The ultimate ability of omnipotent and omnipotent magic - do whatever you want, you can do whatever you want, you can change whatever you want, transcend and surpass everything, ignore all existence and non-existence, absolutely omniscient, omniscient can not.

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