In Charge of Heaven

Chapter 3839: Ji Haotian beats Azathoth

The original **** of all things - the ancestor king of Azathoth, one of the top ten chaos ancestors, its alias is also called "the ancestor of blind ignorance", or "the source core of primordial chaos" or "the head of the devil". Called "The Lord of All".

He is a mysterious and terrifying existence that operates entirely by instinct. His image is a dark, chaotic huge amorphous mass with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind him, and he is in the palace in the center of time and space.

There are countless servants beside him frantically beating invisible giant drums, blowing flutes that only emit disgusting, monotonous sounds, accompanied by the crazy howls of countless alien creatures.

His twin talents are the Great Chaos Technique and the Great All Things Technique.

At this time, the image of the ancestor King Azathoth, who appeared in the ruins of the ancient desert temple, was a mighty, burly and domineering old man in black robes, with a purple halo of wisdom and various visions behind his head.

The ancestor King Azathoth came to Ji Haotian and the three in the ancient desert temple ruins, he ignored Yanchuang Huangyu and Lingguang Duyao Venerable, looked at Ji Haotian, and laughed loudly: "Your Majesty the Emperor of Heaven, I didn't expect that Random encounter here!"

Ji Haotian was surprised when he saw Queen Azathoth, and he suddenly exclaimed happily, "Azathoth, the multiverse in your body actually hides the origin of the emptiness of the heavens and the emptiness, that's great. , you should also know that the Heavenly Dao Kongwu Profound Righteousness Gong is one of the Thirty-six Profound Righteous Arts of the Heavenly Dao, and it belongs to me in the first place. Since we met here, you should return my Heavenly Dao Kongwu Profound Righteousness to me!"

Ancestor Azathoth raised his eyebrows and said, "What if I don't give it to you?"

Ji Haotian said fiercely: "If you don't give it to me, I will launch the Heavenly Dao Chao Wuyi Spirit to suppress you, not only to **** back the origin of the Tiandao Kongwu Wuyi Gong, but also to loot you and make you a pauper!"

After he finished speaking, he looked at the ancestor King Azathoth, and suddenly said in surprise: "Huh? Are you injured? Your soul and body are damaged. Who was beaten?"

The ancestor King Azathoth suddenly said resentfully: "I was beaten by the five ultimate emperors of the five ultimate almighty cosmic kingdoms, and my cultivation was only restored to the supreme **** realm, and the five ultimate emperors are all in their peak state. The super-primitive power at the peak of the supreme **** realm, these five despicable and shameless people joined forces to attack me and hurt me!"

Ji Haotian said: "The five ultimate emperors are really despicable and shameless! Come on, let's not talk nonsense, Azathoth, give me back the source of my emptiness and profound righteous arts?"

Ancestral King Azathoth shook his head and said, "That's what I was fortunate to get. How could I give it to you easily? You want my heavenly path without profound meanings. You can exchange it for something good!"

Ji Haotian raised his eyebrows and said, "What do you want, tell me? I warned you in advance that if you go too far, I will beat you violently!"

Ancestor King Azathoth said coldly and arrogantly: "The value of the source of the power is comparable to the Almighty Treasure. For you, its value is far more than the Almighty Treasure. Therefore, you want my Heavenly Path to be empty and without profound meaning. The source of the power, the two almighty treasures in exchange! Also, I am injured, I need your blood of the supreme heaven, and you will give me ten more altars of the supreme blood."

Ji Haotian's thoughts suddenly moved, and he instantly displayed the immortal and profound meaning of the Heavenly Dao!

The inexhaustible power of the immortal meaning of the Tao of Heaven exploded in an instant, suppressing the heavens and the world, and annihilating hundreds of millions of stars!

Heavenly Dao Immortal Profound Truth: Also known as Heavenly Dao Immortality Super Almighty Magical Technique, it has the origin of Heavenly Dao Immortal Profound Truth and Innate Skills and Spirits, which contains the power of Heavenly Dao Immortal Profound Truth. Immortal Master, incomprehensible, inconceivable, indescribable, omniscient, omnipotent, and omnipresent. It is neither immortal nor non-immortal, nor is it immortal, indescribable, indescribable, beyond all existence and non-existence. Super non-being immortal is a power that is unimaginable, because super non-being immortal power is the ultimate time-space power that surpasses non-being and non-immortal. The almighty universe is him, and he is the almighty universe. All that is visible is he, and that which is invisible is also him, what is neither visible nor invisible is also him, what is present is him, what does not exist is also him, and what is neither existing nor non-existent is also he.

The Heavenly Dao Immortal Mysterious Art is a transcendent innate super-almighty divine art (a divine art is a combination of supernatural powers and exercises). The ultimate combination of innate supernatural powers can only be successfully cultivated by possessing the heavenly body and comprehending the existence of heaven. , The almighty treasure of its own forever.

The Immortal Mysterious Art of Heavenly Dao is the ultimate super-all-powerful energy without any physical properties. It completely jumps out of the time line and transcends everything. The existence of matter and even the entire infinite multiverse nature itself comes from it and will eventually return to its transcendent non-being and immortality.

The power of the Heavenly Dao Immortal Profound Righteousness is very special. As long as it exists in the infinite multiverse nature, how big is the power of all existence, as the immortal control power of all the spaces and existences of the entire infinite multiverse nature - the power of the immortal and profound meaning of the heavenly way is so great, so the immortal and profound meaning of the heavenly way dominates The entire infinite multiverse of nature and all immortal matter also possesses supreme and omnipotent power and power.

The Immortal Profound Truth of Heaven's Way can use any powerful cosmic immortality within the entire infinite multiverse. It can destroy everything in the infinite multiverse, and even the multiverse itself, so that not even a single quark is left, and it completely disappears. It can control all, any non-existence. Therefore, it can also manipulate all the matter of incorporeal existence and even create, control and manipulate all the existences that have been erased and eliminated. All matter in the multiverse that has no concrete form of existence (imaginary space) can be created and manipulated. The soul that can completely destroy and erase all life makes them disappear completely, any immortal life form, energy and consciousness are meaningless and ineffective for him.

The Immortal Profound Truth of Heaven's Way can arbitrarily create, destroy, manipulate and change all time and space axes in the entire multiverse (that is, all time axes and space For example, the three-dimensional universe becomes ten-dimensional, and then Ten-dimensional space becomes three-dimensional). It can create, manipulate and change the cause and effect of infinite multiverses. At the same time, it is also one of the very few existences whose causal laws are invalid to itself. In addition, it will not be dominated and affected by the attribute of ability. It is truly omniscient and omnipotent, immortal and immortal .

The Immortal Profound Truth of the Dao of Heaven represents the concretization of the sum of the Immortal Profound Truth of the Dao of Heaven in the entire universe. It is the master of all Immortal Profound Truths of the Dao of Heaven. It exists in the abstract innate super-almighty divine arts that were born when infinite almighty universes were created. Source, creator and manipulator.

You can arbitrarily manipulate the immortal mystic line of the immortal Dao of the infinite almighty universe (infinite dimensions) and create new branches on the immortal mystic line of the immortal Dao of heaven. Any trivial point in its infinite immortal and profound avatars of the Heavenly Dao is equivalent to restarting and destroying an infinite number of absolutely infinite dimensions.

The Immortal Profound Truth of the Heavenly Dao is a power that transcends the almighty universe. It is of super-universal universe level. It possesses an extremely huge, indescribable and immeasurable power of the Immortal Profound Truth of the Heavenly Dao. It produces and destroys countless omnipotent universes with a single thought, and absolutely restarts countless omnipotent universes (Restart the universe > Creation). Universe > Destroy the Universe), is the ultimate truth of the immortal mysteries of the Tao of Heaven, and the transcendent super-almighty power behind all things in the universe.

"Boom!" A loud bang that annihilated the universe starry sky!

Under the shocked and fearful gazes of countless beings, Ji Haotian suddenly performed the infinitely powerful Heavenly Dao Immortal Profound Righteous Art, instantly suppressing the Thunder of the Ancestral King Azathoth!

Afterwards, Ji Haotian gave Azathoth's ancestor a crazy and inhuman beating!

Ji Haotian beat the ancestor King Azathoth violently, shocking and frightening the countless existences in the ruins!

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